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Dr Aishwaryaprajna . Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence (E&R)Aishwaryaprajna@...
Dr Mohamad Abdel-Aal Senior Lecturer in Water Systems EngineeringM.Abdel-Aal@...
Dr Mohammed Abdelsamea Senior Lecturer in Computer Science (E&R)M.Abdelsamea@...
Dr Adel Ali Saeed Abduh Visiting AcademicA.A.S.Abduh@...
Rakan Abdulwahed Postgraduatera388@...
Nimmy Mariam Abraham Postgraduatena484@...
Sam John Abraham M.Phil. StudentS.John-Abraham@...
Dr Jesse Abrams Postdoctoral Research FellowJ.Abrams@...
Professor Mohammad Abusara Associate Professor in Control and Power ElectronicsM.Abusara@...
Rebecca Adams Senior Impact and Partnership Development ManagerR.Adams@...
Ben Adams Postgraduateba374@...
Sophia Adams Postgraduatesa1076@...
Flossie Adu Postgraduatefa381@...
Dr Kenneth Afebu Postdoctoral Research FellowK.Afebu@...
Zarak Afzal Z.Afzal2@...
Dr Prerita Agarwal Postdoctoral Research Associate P.Agarwal2@...
Dr Konstantinos Agathos LecturerK.Agathos@...
Dr Sangaralingam Ahilan Research FellowS.Ahilan@...
Muhammad Ahmad Postgraduatema1212@...
Asad Ahmed A.Ahmed6@...
Dr Mohammad Akrami Senior Lecturer in Mechanical EngineeringM.Akrami@...
Salwa Al Garea Postgraduatesa946@...
Anmar Ibrahim Fadhil Al-Adly aa1224@...
Dr Atheer F. Al-Anbaki EMPS Visiting Scholarafhh201@...
Mustafa Majid Rashak Al-Fartoos Postgradutema994@...
Hessa Alabdan Postgradutehima201@...
Abdulaziz Alageel aa860@...
Abdullah Alahmary Postgraduteaa1220@...
Faizah Alanazi Postgraduatefa410@...
Fatimah Furayj M Alatawi Postgraduatefa435@...
Marwah Alatawi Postgraduatema1140@...
Asim Alawfi aa1045@...
Mustafa Albalushi Postgraduatema889@...
Mashael Habab Albuqami ma1067@...
Fahad Aldosari PhD studentfa301@...
Dr Hamid Alemi Ardakani Senior Lecturer in MathematicsH.Alemi-Ardakani@...
Sami Alenezi Postgraduatesa596@...
Mashael Saeed S Alghamdi Postgraduatema926@...
Manal Safar G Alghamdi mmma201@...
Samiyah Alghamdi sa1111@...
Mansour Alhabradi ma943@...
Ahlam Alhadbani Postgraduateaa1366@...
Mohammed Alhammad ma932@...
Samaher Khalaf M Alharbi Postgraduatesa1032@...
Mohammed Alharthi Postgraduatema784@...
Saleh Alharthi Postgraduatesa798@...
Mofareh Alhazmi Postgraduatema865@...
Essa Mohammed J Alhelali ea546@...
Maram Ali Postgraduatema935@...
Aseel Ali aa1225@...
Iman Alibeigi Visiting Postgraduate ResearcherI.Alibeigi@...
Ali Alibrahim Postgraduateaha215@...
Mona Aljuaid Postgraduatemfma201@...
Hasan Alkhateeb hna203@...
Rabiah Alkorbi Postgraduaterha206@...
Dr Oliver Allanson Honorary Senior Lecturer (University of Exeter) & Assistant Professor (University of Birmingham)O.Allanson@...
Dr Demi Allen Lecturer in Pure MathematicsD.D.Allen@...
Jessica Allsop Programme AdministratorJ.L.Allsop2@...
Mesfer Almalki Postgraduatema706@...
Mohammed Almansour ma1003@...
Adnan Sulaiman Almasoudi aa1051@...
Ibrahim Almoraya ia337@...
Saud Almuhaysini Postgraduatesa821@...
Abdulaziz Almutairi Postgraduateaa685@...
Mohammad Alneari Postgraduatema829@...
Eman Alnuwaysir Postgraduateea544@...
Hessah Alotaibi ha543@...
Ali Alqahtani Postgraduateaa1143@...
Theyab Alrashdi Postgraduateta404@...
Manal Alruwaili Postgraduatema942@...
Fahad Alsahli fa419@...
Nawal Alshahrani Postgraduatena609@...
Danaa Alshammari da448@...
Adel Alshammari aa1543@...
Mohammed Ali S Alshehri ma912@...
Rami Alshembari Postdoctoral Research FellowR.Alshembari@...
Dahmah Alssayyary Postgraduateda482@...
Dr Halim Alwi Senior LecturerH.Alwi@...
Lamia Alyami Postgraduatela424@...
Ahmed Alzimami Postgraduateaa1106@...
Dr Saif Alzubi Lecturer in Computer ScienceS.M.Y.Alzubi@...
Professor Yun-Kyu An Y.An@...
Vasileios Anagnostidis Research Assistant, Gielen Lab V.Anagnostidis@...
Vasilis Anagnostidis va291@...
Professor Janet Anders Associate Professor in Quantum TheoryJ.Anders@...
Professor Jens C. Andersen Assoc. Prof. of Economic GeologyJ.C.Andersen@...
Dr Julio Andrade Associate Professorj.c.andrade@...
Tim Andrews Postgraduateta440@...
Hojune Ann ha485@...
Dr Wai Kei (Vincent) Ao Research Fellowwka203@...
Victor Applebaum va288@...
Natalia Lopes De Araujo N.Lopes-De-Araujo@...
Abid Arham Postgraduateaa1550@...
Kyle Arnold Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2020)koa201@...
Dr Rudy Arthur Senior Lecturer in Data Sciencera414@...
James Arthur Postgraduateja784@...
Aneeth Kakkanattu Arunkumar ak713@...
Peter Ashby Quality Support Administrator (QST)P.B.Ashby@...
Josie Ashe Postgraduate Researcher (WISE CDT)ja401@...
Martin Ashley M.Ashley2@...
Dr Ian Ashton Senior Lecturer in Offshore TechnologyI.G.C.Ashton@...
Professor Peter Ashwin ProfessorP.Ashwin@...
Amer Asiri aa1158@...
William Addison- Atkinson Postgraduate Researcher (WISE CDT)wa259@...
Ahmad Attar aa1387@...
Alice Attenborough ala213@...
Viv Atureta Postgraduateva276@...
Dr Yat-Yin Au Research FellowY.Au@...
Dr Thomas Aubry Lecturer in GeophysicsT.Aubry@...
Faten Ayyash Postgraduate Researcherfa378@...
Professor Mustafa Aziz Associate Professor in Applied ElectromagnetismM.M.Aziz@...
Professor Mukand Singh Babel Honorary ProfessorM.S.Babel2@...
Robert Backhurst MSc By Research in Geologyrb735@...
Timothée Bacri T.R.F.Bacri@...
Dr Bahram Bahrambeygi Lecturer in Mining & Exploration Geology B.Bahrambeygi@...
Dr Hasan Baig Research FellowH.Baig@...
Professor Trevor Bailey Emeritus Professor of Applied StatisticsT.C.Bailey@...
Michelle Bailey PhD studentmlb216@...
Emma Bailey Postgraduateeb824@...
Dr Michelle Bailey Postdoctoral Research FellowM.Bailey2@...
Dr Kate Baker Senior Research FellowK.Baker2@...
Dr Evan Baker Associate Visitore.baker@...
Deborah Custance Baker D.Custance-Baker3@...
Edward Baker Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2019)eb531@...
Fern Baker Pastoral Mentor - EngineeringF.Baker@...
Professor Mark P. Baldwin Professor of Climate ScienceM.Baldwin@...
Dr Anna Baldycheva Assistant Professor (Senior Lecturer) in Electronic Engineering A.Baldycheva@...
Raghavarshith Bandreddi Postgraduate Researcherrb893@...
Professor Isabelle Baraffe Professor of AstrophysicsI.Baraffe@...
Dr Hugo Barbosa Lecturer in Human Dynamics and Urban SystemsH.Barbosa@...
Sharon Tracey Barker S.T.Barker@...
Professor Ian Barker Honorary ProfessorI.Barker2@...
Hannah Barnard Postgraduate Researcher in Physicshb409@...
Becca Barnard Pastoral MentorR.Barnard@...
Professor Bill Barnes Professor of PhotonicsW.L.Barnes@...
Scott Barningham sb781@...
Professor Hugh Barr Honorary Visiting Professor 
Lynda Barrell Student Services Acting Team LeaderL.A.Barrell@...
James Bassitt Senior Experimental Officer, VSimulatorsJ.Bassitt@...
Professor Matthew Bate Head of Astrophysics & Professor of Theoretical AstrophysicsM.R.Bate@...
Raja Sekhar Battu Postgraduate (PhD)rb756@...
Laura Baxter Infrastructure and Projects OfficerL.Baxter@...
Professor Bob Beare Associate Professor MathematicsR.J.Beare@...
Ruth Beckley University MentorR.Beckley@...
William Beckwith-Chandler wdb205@...
Calum Beeson Senior Geology TechnicianC.Beeson@...
Dr James Bell Visiting ScientistJ.S.Bell@...
Liz Bell Senior Finance OfficerE.L.Bell@...
Paul Bell Postgraduatepb600@...
Professor Mike Belmont Professor in Marine DynamicsM.R.Belmont@...
Raphaël Bendahan-West Postgraduaterb941@...
Dr Thomas Bending Postdoctoral Research FellowT.J.R.Bending@...
Rachel Bennett Senior Administrator - CEMPSR.Bennett@...
Professor Mitchell Berger ProfessorM.Berger@...
Marco Berritta Postdoctoral Research Fellow M.Berritta@...
Dr Simon Berry Honorary Senior LecturerS.Berry@...
Professor Jacopo Bertolotti Associated Professor in PhysicsJ.Bertolotti@...
Chris Best Postgraduatecgb212@...
Shubhranshu Bhandari S.Bhandari@...
Dr Khurram Bhatti Associate ProfessorM.Bhatti3@...
Dr Christian Bick Senior Lecturer in MathematicsC.Bick@...
Andrew Bickerdike ab1494@...
Professor Vadim N Biktashev ProfessorV.N.Biktashev@...
Dr Irina V. Biktasheva Honorary Senior LecturerI.Biktasheva2@...
Professor Chris Binnie Honorary ProfessorC.Binnie3@...
Jacob Binsley Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2018)jb778@...
Paul Bird P.Bird@...
Cassandra Bird Postgraduatecrb226@...
Professor Trevor Bishop Honorary ProfessorT.Bishop2@...
Catherine Bissett Senior Faculty Administrator (Penryn)C.Bissett@...
Rachel Black Postgraduaterb894@...
Sam Blackburn Project Coordinator: MAGICS.E.Blackburn@...
Ignacio Del Amo Blanco I.B.Del-Amo@...
Ioana Blein Postgraduateib404@...
Robin Blundy Computing Development OfficerR.Blundy@...
Kevin Bolton Postgraduatekpb204@...
Amy Booth ab1201@...
Professor Gregor Borg Honorary ProfessorG.Borg@...
Professor Roman Borisyuk Emeritus Professor of MathematicsR.M.Borisyuk@...
Janet Bostick Finance ManagerJ.E.Bostick@...
Emma Boswood E.Boswood@...
Dr Federico Botta Senior Lecturer in Data ScienceF.Botta@...
Harry Bourne H.Bourne@...
Dr Ian Boutle Honorary University FellowI.Boutle@...
Dr Pascaline Bouzy Research FellowP.Bouzy@...
Dr Paul Bowen Postdoctoral Research FellowP.Bowen@...
George Braid Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2020)gb512@...
Martyn Brake Research IT ManagerM.Brake@...
Edward Branford Postgraduateeb681@...
Edward Branford Associate Lecturer in MathsE.H.Branford@...
Mandhara Brasika Postgraduateib439@...
Dr Alex Breen Postdoctoral Research AssociateA.B.Breen@...
Dominic Brendell D.Brendell@...
Totty Brobyn Executive OfficerR.Brobyn@...
Kiara Brooksby Postgraduatekb616@...
Jordanna Broom Workshop TechnicianJ.Broom@...
Dr Sam Broom-Fendley Proleptic LecturerS.L.Broom-Fendley@...
Alex Brown Postgraduateab1679@...
Dr Vicki Brown Lecturer in Engineering MathematicsV.Brown4@...
Isabel Brown Graduate Research Assistant I.Brown7@...
Professor Matthew Browning Associate ProfessorM.K.M.Browning@...
Professor James Brownjohn Professor of Structural DynamicsJ.Brownjohn@...
Adam Brownjohn VisitorA.Brownjohn@...
Professor Achim D. Brucker Chair in Cybersecurity and Trustworthy SystemsA.Brucker@...
Dr Chris Brunt Senior Lecturer in AstrophysicsC.M.Brunt@...
Dr John Bruun Lecturer in Mathematicsj.bruun@...
Dr Christopher Bryan Senior LecturerC.G.Bryan@...
Alan Buchanan Postgraduateab1706@...
Tom Buckle Postgraduatet.buckle@...
Prince Bunjerdtaweeporn kb801@...
Manju Bura PhD Researcher in Environmental Intelligencemb1110@...
Tracy Burns Education Support ManagerT.M.Burns@...
Ian Burton ib400@...
Dr Une Butaite Postdoctoral Research FellowU.Butaite@...
Professor David Butler FREng Professor of Water EngineeringD.Butler@...
Professor Nigel Byott Professor of Pure MathematicsN.P.Byott@...
Alessia Caccamo Postgraduateac1376@...
Fermin Orozco Cagigas fo260@...
Doriana Calabrese dc547@...
Dr Mark Callaway Senior Lecturer in MathematicsM.Callaway@...
Hollie Calley Postgraduatehc629@...
Dr Jehangir Cama Industry Research Fellow J.Cama@...
Dr Chico Camargo Lecturer in Computer Science (E&R)F.Camargo@...
William Cameron Postgraduatewc303@...
Teddy Cameron-Burke tc599@...
Dr Pauline Campos Postdoctoral Research Fellow P.Campos@...
Dr Tristan Cann Postdoctoral Research FellowT.J.B.Cann@...
Dr James Capers Postdoctoral Research FellowJ.Capers@...
Marcus Carpenter mc844@...
Aaron Carruthers ac1221@...
Dr Lawrence Carter Honorary Research Fellowlcc223@...
Ross Castle Postgraduaterc475@...
Dr Jennifer Catto Associate ProfessorJ.Catto@...
Morgan Centini M.L.Centini@...
Federico Cerisola F.Cerisola@...
Professor Gilles Chabrier Professor of Astronomy G.Chabrier@...
Dr Sarah Chadburn Research FellowS.E.Chadburn@...
Dr Robin Chadwick Senior Lecturer (E&R) (GSI)R.S.Chadwick@...
Yueyue Chai Postgraduateyc548@...
Richard Chalkley Graduate Research AssistantR.Chalkley2@...
Professor Peter Challenor ProfessorP.G.Challenor@...
Sam Chalmers Bio/Nat Sci Subject LeadS.Chalmers@...
Graeme Chamberlain G.Chamberlain@...
Anthony Chan Postgraduatecc1256@...
Dr Yusuf Chanchangi Research FellowY.N.Chanchangi@...
Dr Hong Chang Imaging Suite Manager / Experimental Officer H.Chang@...
Dr Gregory James Chaplain Postdoctoral Research FellowG.J.Chaplain@...
Ruth Chapman Postgraduaterc686@...
Helen Chapman H.L.Chapman2@...
Dr Abhijit Chatterjee Lecturer (E&S)A.Chatterjee5@...
Konstantinos Chatzimpaloglou Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2018)kc480@...
Georgios Alexandros Chatzistefanou Postgraduate Researchergc567@...
Abhra Chaudhuri PhD Student in Computer Scienceac1151@...
Professor Albert S. Chen Personal Chair in Water and the Human EnvironmentA.S.Chen@...
Dr Junning Chen Senior Lecturer - Bioengineering (E&R)J.Chen3@...
Jiaxin Chen Postgraduatejc1083@...
Xiaoqing Chen Postgraduatexc308@...
Dr Otto (Chien-Nien) Chen Research FellowC.Chen2@...
Guohao Chen gc463@...
Yu Chen Postdoctoral Research FellowY.Chen8@...
Zihao Chen PhD StudentZihao.Chen@...
Guoning Chen gc577@...
Shuaiyu Chen sc1321@...
Dr Han Chen Visiting ResearcherH.Chen5@...
Hao Cheng hc780@...
Dr Zheng Jun Chew Senior Lecturer in Energy Harvesting Power ManagementZ.J.Chew@...
Dr Sorabh Chhabra Postdoctoral FellowS.Chhabra@...
Dr Cheng Chi C.Chi@...
Soterx Chiavazzo Postgraduatesc1026@...
Daniel Chiswell Research Development Manager (Physics)dc405@...
Dr Hsi-Kai Chou Postdoctoral Research AssociateH.Chou@...
Farhan Tanvir Chowdhury Postgraduate Researcher (Theoretical Physics)fc430@...
Professor Jacqueline Christmas Associate Professor of Machine Learning (E&R)J.T.Christmas@...
Dr Xu Chu Senior Lecturer in Data Centric EngineeringX.Chu@...
Dr Tinkle Chugh Lecturer (E&R)T.Chugh@...
Diego Ciriminna Visiting Postgraduate Researcherdc723@...
Louise Clarbull L.Clarbull@...
Dr Emma Clarke Project ManagerE.V.F.Clarke@...
Dr Joe Clarke Postdoctoral Research AssociateJ.Clarke3@...
Sofia Clarkson Department Administrator/Executive AssistantS.F.Clarkson@...
Rory Clements Postgraduate Researcherrc593@...
Isabel Cliffe ic313@...
Jack Coathup jac263@...
Dr Rosie Cobley Honorary University FellowR.A.Cobley@...
Alaina Cockerell ac1177@...
Noah Cockram Postgraduatenc377@...
Isabelle Codron Postgraduateic302@...
Professor John Coggan Professor of Rock EngineeringJ.Coggan@...
Cristina Coker Postgraduate Researcher (WISE CDT)cc876@...
Dr Ilaria Colazzo Postdoctoral Research FellowI.Colazzo@...
Nick Cole Research EngineerN.Cole@...
Justine Cole Senior Administrator (Engineering, Physics and Geography)J.Cole3@...
Laura Coles L.Coles2@...
Professor Mat Collins Professor of Climate ChangeM.Collins@...
Matt Collins M.Collins2@...
Thomas Collins Doctoral Researcher in Computer Sciencestrc207@...
Dave Colridge Physics - Teaching Laboratories (Technical) and Buildings Facilities LeadD.B.Colridge@...
Cleiton Comelli cc867@...
Charlie Compton-Jones Postgraduatecc715@...
Professor Peter Connor Associate Professor in Sustainable Energy PolicyP.M.Connor@...
Andrew Cook A.Cook2@...
Dr Peter Cook P.A.Cook@...
Jayne Cooksley J.E.Cooksley@...
Professor Barrie Cooper Director of Postgraduate Taught Programmes (Mathematics & Statistics)B.Cooper@...
Ari Cooper-Davis Postgraduate Researcher (WISE CDT)asc223@...
Bob Cope B.Cope@...
Laura Cope L.Cope@...
Alberto Corato PostgraduateA.Corato@...
Dr Alex Corbett Senior Lecturer in Fluorescence Microscopy (E&A.Corbett@...
Dr Andrew Corbett Research FellowA.J.Corbett@...
Jack Corbin Postgraduatejc1032@...
Dr Jenna Corcoran Research FellowJ.F.Corcoran@...
Brendan Corkery Technical Services Manager (Mechanical EngineeringB.Corkery@...
Lucy Corley Web OfficerL.Corley@...
James-Nicholas Grima Delia Spiteri Cornish jg942@...
Dr Maria Eugenia Correa Cano Postdoctoral Research AssociateM.E.Correa-Cano2@...
Dr Corrina Cory Assoc.Professor Engineering & EntrepreneurshipC.Cory@...
Dr Fabrizio Costa Senior Lecturer in Data AnalyticsF.Costa@...
Kieran Cowan Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2022)kc485@...
Dr Sophie Cowie Academic Mentor/Lecturer (E&S)S.M.Cowie@...
Dr Andrew Cowley Research Computing Development OfficerA.Cowley@...
Daneen Cowling Postgraduatedc456@...
Professor Peter Cox Professor, Director of Global Systems InstituteP.M.Cox@...
Professor Monica Craciun Professor in Nanoscience and NanotechnologyM.F.Craciun@...
Dr Rich Crane Senior Lecturer in Sustainable MiningR.Crane@...
Richard Creek KTP Associate (Mechanical/Electrical Engineer)R.Creek@...
James Cresser DrJ.D.Cresser@...
Rebecca Crews Widening Participation Coordinator (Penryn)R.H.Crews@...
Amber Crook A.L.Crook@...
Professor Peter Crossley Professor of Power Systems Protection and Control P.Crossley@...
Alan Crowle Masters by Researchac1080@...
Samuel Crowther spc223@...
Dr Laura Currie Research FellowL.K.Currie@...
Jake Curry jc1288@...
Dr Maciej Dabrowski Senior LecturerM.K.Dabrowski@...
Dr Shuang Dai Postdoctoral research associateS.Dai@...
Hannah Dainty hg424@...
Dr Shweta Dalal Postdoctoral Research FellowS.Dalal@...
Rucha Dalwadi R.Dalwadi@...
Gregory Daly PhD Researcher (SMM CDT)gd351@...
Steven Daniels Research FellowS.Daniels@...
Dr Carly Daniels Post Doctoral Research FellowC.Daniels2@...
Dave Dann Associate LecturerD.Dann@...
Joshua Dare-Cullen Postgraduatejd983@...
Dr Farzaneh Darki Postdoctoral Research FellowF.Darki2@...
Andrew Darlington Postgraduatead788@...
Dr Saptarshi Das Senior Lecturer in Mathematics (E&R)S.Das3@...
Madhuparna Das Postgraduatemd679@...
Dr Rupam Das Lecturer in Electronic EngineeringR.K.Das@...
Dr George Datseris Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral FellowG.Datseris@...
Julia Dautova Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2015)yd251@...
Amirali Davary Postgraduate Researcherad1047@...
Professor Tom Davies Emeritus ProfessorT.W.Davies@...
Richard Davies Senior Research Fellow - AM Programme LeadRichard.Davies@...
Dr Claire Davies Lecturer (E&S) in Physics & AstronomyC.Davies3@...
Catherine Davies Executive OfficerC.Davies6@...
Shane Davies Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2017)sd396@...
Richard Davies rd536@...
Jess Davies J.Davies@...
Nick Davies Department Manager - Computer ScienceN.K.Davies2@...
Francis Davies F.H.Davies2@...
Adele Dawson A.J.Dawson@...
Rosemary Day Faculty AdministratorR.G.L.Day3@...
Dr George De Ath Research
Eimear Deady Postgraduateed349@...
Ryan Deeley R.Deeley@...
Luca Dellantonio DrL.Dellantonio@...
Matt Denton mcjd201@...
Dr Thomas Derrien Post-doctoral Research FellowT.L.F.Derrien@...
Lorna Devenish Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Partnerships ManagerL.Devenish@...
Dr Mahdieh Dibaj Senior Lecturer in Engineering ManagementM.Dibaj3@...
Jasmine Dibben Postgraduatejd741@...
Tamsyn Diffey Senior Executive AssistantT.T.Diffey@...
Professor Slobodan Djordjevic Deputy Head of EngineeringS.Djordjevic@...
Professor Clare Dobbs Professor in AstrophysicsC.L.Dobbs@...
Professor Tim Dodwell Professor in Machine LearningT.Dodwell@...
Dr Simon Dominy Honorary Associate ProfessorS.Dominy@...
Shuyan Dong Postgraduatesd746@...
Dr Hang Dong Lecturer in Computer Science (E&R)H.Dong2@...
Kevin Donkers PhD Studentk.donkers@...
Niall Donnelly nd394@...
Duncan Mc Dougall dm669@...
Dr Charles Andrew Downing Royal Society University Research Fellow & Proleptic LecturerC.A.Downing@...
Ronan Doyle SHIFFT Project Manager (Sustainable Heating: Implementing Fossil Free Technologies)R.Doyle2@...
Zhenpeng Du zd273@...
Dr Alex Dudgeon Research Fellowa.dudgeon@...
Dr Eliza Duncan Postdoctoral Research Associateekd204@...
Luke Dunham L.Dunham@...
Dr Kate Dunne Lecturer (E&S)K.Dunne@...
Dr Michael Dunne Graduate Research Fellowmd624@...
Calum Dunnett Postgraduatecd700@...
Dominic Dunstan Postgraduatedmd206@...
Dr Carolina Duran Rojas Software EngineerM.C.Duran-Rojas@...
Cathy Durston Director of College Operations (CEMPS)C.Durston@...
Dibyendu Dutta D.Dutta@...
Dr Suparna DuttaSinha Marie Curie FellowS.DuttaSinha@...
Dr Ankur Dwivedi Postdoctoral Research AssociateA.Dwivedi@...
Dr Matt Eames Senior LecturerM.E.Eames@...
Dr Claire Eatock Impact and Partnership Development ManagerC.E.Eatock@...
Dr Paul Ebersbach P.Ebersbach@...
Isabelle Ebisch ie254@...
Pezhman Ebrahimzadeh P.Ebrahimzadeh@...
Dr Theo Economou Senior Lecturer in Statistical Science (E&R)T.Economou@...
Russell Edge Research TechnicianR.Edge@...
Robyn Edge Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2023)re332@...
Dr Ryan Edginton Communities Engagement Manager: RaNT ProgrammeR.Edginton@...
Professor Christopher Edwards Professor in Control EngineeringC.Edwards@...
Dr Georgios Efstathiou Senior Research Fellow/Proleptic LecturerG.Efstathiou@...
Said Amhemed Elahjel Postgraduatese445@...
Dr Ahmed Karam Eldaly Lecturer in Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence (E&R)A.Karam-Eldaly@...
Dr Suzy Eldershaw Programme Manager (RANT) S.A.Eldershaw@...
Dan Elsender Postgraduatede296@...
Dr Mark England Senior Research Fellow, Royal Commission for Exhibition of 1851M.England2@...
David England de326@...
Dr Samuel Erland Research FellowS.Erland@...
Professor Ken Evans Professor of Materials Engineering K.E.Evans@...
Huw Evans Senior Lecturer in Computer ScienceH.M.Evans2@...
Dr Barry Evans Senior Research FellowB.Evans@...
Joshua Everett IT TechnicianJ.S.Everett@...
Professor Richard Everson Professor of Machine LearningR.M.Everson@...
Edmond Gabriel Ewah Postgraduate Researcheree343@...
Dr Matthew Eyre Senior Lecturer in Mining Eng/Intelligent MiningM.Eyre@...
Dr Veronika Eyring Honorary Visiting Professorveronika.eyring@...
Muhammed Fadera mf572@...
Tee Familusi Job TitleT.Familusi@...
Professor Zhong Fan Professor of Net Zero Energy SystemsZ.Fan@...
Zheng Fang zf248@...
Yingfei Fang Postgraduateyf347@...
Xizheng Fang xf263@...
Dr Saeed Farjami Postdoctoral Research FellowS.Farjami@...
Professor Raziyeh Farmani Professor of Water EngineeringR.Farmani@...
Sima Farokhnejad Postgraduatesf503@...
Andrew Farquhar Planning OfficerA.Farquhar@...
Hammam Al Farsi Technical Servicesha472@...
Jessica Fawell Degree Apprenticeship Administratorjf283@...
Dr Jawad Fayaz Lecturer in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (E&R)J.Fayaz@...
Ethan Feaver Graduate Research Assistant E.Feaver@...
Dr Dorottya Fekete Lecturer in Data Science and StatisticsD.Fekete@...
Professor Adam Feldman Associate Professor in Renewable EnergyA.Feldman@...
Imogen Fermor Postgraduate Research StudentI.M.Fermor@...
Dr Samantha Ferrett Postdoctoral Research FellowS.J.Ferrett@...
Dr Christopher Ferro Senior Lecturer in Statisticsc.a.t.ferro@...
Professor Jonathan Fieldsend Professor in Computational IntelligenceJ.E.Fieldsend@...
Benjamin Fitkov-Norris Postgraduate Researcher in Environmental Intelligencebf327@...
Dr Robert Fitzpatrick Senior Lecturer in Minerals Processing R.S.Fitzpatrick@...
Debbie Ford Administrator (PGR Support Officer CDTs)D.A.Ford@...
David Fortune Postgraduate Researcherdf368@...
Professor Patrick Foster Assoc. Professor in Mine Safety, Director of CSMP.J.Foster@...
Tegan Foster Postgraduatetf381@...
Dr Claire Foullon Senior LecturerC.Foullon@...
Ben Fourcin Graduate Research Assistantbjjf201@...
Ben Fourcin B.Fourcin3@...
Oliver Fox of280@...
Ellie Fox ef425@...
Dr Mirko Francioni Honorary Lecturer in Mining EngineeringM.Francioni@...
Dr Diane Fraser Scientific ProgrammerD.P.Fraser@...
Professor Pierre Friedlingstein FRS Chair, Mathematical Modelling of Climate SystemsP.Friedlingstein@...
Diana Frimpong df381@...
Simona Frustaci sf355@...
Professor Guangtao Fu Professor of Water IntelligenceG.Fu@...
Dr Mingtao Fu mf468@...
Dr Zeyu Fu Lecturer in Computer Vision and Machine LearningZ.Fu@...
Tianxing Fu tf407@...
Dr Ahmad Galadanci Lecturer in Civil & Structural Engineering (E&A.S.G.Galadanci@...
Suran Galappaththige S.K.Galappaththige@...
Dr Cameron Patrick Gallagher Postdoctoral Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer Fellow of The Centre for Metamaterial Research and Innovation(CMRI)C.Gallagher2@...
Elizabeth Galloway Postgraduateegg203@...
Jinrong Gan Postgraduatejg713@...
Edward Gandar eg648@...
Danyang Gao Postgraduate Researcherdg442@...
Jie Gao jg911@...
Yu Gao Postgraduateyg384@...
Tatiana Cantillo Garcia Postgraduatetc735@...
Ross Gardiner Postgraduaterg654@...
Dr Benjamin Gardner Lecturer Translational Biophotonics (E&R)B.Gardner@...
Dr Tyler Gardner Postdoctoral Research FellowT.B.Gardner@...
Diksha Garg D.Garg@...
Chris Geen Info Point StaffC.L.Geen@...
Shahin Ghamari sg704@...
Professor Oana Ghita Professor in Materials and Manufacturing, Deputy Head of Engineering (Materials and Mechanical Engineering) and Co-Director of Exeter Technologies Groupo.ghita@...
Misagh Ghobadi Postgraduatem.ghobadi@...
Dr Aritra Ghosh Lecturer in Renewable EngineeringA.Ghosh@...
Sarmishtha Ghosh S.Ghosh@...
Dr Michael Gibson Research FellowM.J.Gibson@...
Dr David Gibson Honorary Senior Research FellowA.D.W.Gibson@...
Thomas Gibson Postgraduatetag212@...
Dr Fabrice Gielen Senior LecturerF.Gielen@...
Professor Andrew Gilbert ProfessorA.D.Gilbert@...
Emily Gilford Postgraduate Researchererg220@...
Michael Gillan Postgraduatemg874@...
Harriet Gilmour Postgraduatehlg218@...
Professor Orazio Giustolisi Honorary University Fellowo.giustolisi@...
Josh Glasbey Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2019)jg515@...
Professor Hylke J Glass Rio Tinto Professor of Mining and Minerals EngineeringH.J.Glass@...
Jonas Glatthard jg771@...
Georgina Glover gg270@...
Tamuno-Omie Samuel Gogo Postgraduatetg385@...
Dr Zoltan J Gombos Postdoctoral Research FellowZ.J.Gombos@...
Professor Marc Goodfellow Associate ProfessorM.Goodfellow@...
Dr Tessa Gordelier Honorary Senior Research FellowT.J.Gordelier@...
Dhruba Jyoti Goswami Postgraduatedg512@...
Ian Gray Graduate Research AssistantI.T.Gray@...
Dr Ellen Green Unit of Activity Manager BiophysicsE.M.Green@...
Dr Stephen Green Senior Lecturer (Education and Scholarship)S.J.Green@...
Charlotte Greenall Postgraduatecg665@...
Jess Greenaway Alumni Engagement OfficerJ.A.Greenaway@...
Purnoor Grewal P.Grewal@...
Professor Oliver Grievson Royal Academy of Engineering Visiting ProfessorO.Grievson@...
Ineta Grikalaite Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2018)ig292@...
Dr Joseph Grima Honorary ProfessorJ.N.Grima@...
Dr Shenan Grossberg Postdoctoral Research FellowS.Grossberg@...
Jonathan Growcott PhD student within the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Environmental Intelligencejlg230@...
Professor Jamie Grunlan Honorary Visiting Professor 
Xiaoyuan Gu xg286@...
Jenner Gudge-Brooke Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2020)jeg219@...
Martin Guille Mechanical Workshop TechnicianM.Guille@...
Dr Thomas Guillet Senior Research Fellow T.A.Guillet@...
Esperanza Torres Gutierrez Postgraduateet516@...
Valentin Haemmerli Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2018)vh285@...
Sina M.H. Hajkarim Postgraduatemh1004@...
Mohammad Hossein Hajkarim M.Hajkarim@...
Dr Mohammad Hajsadeghi Postdoctoral Research FellowM.Hajsadeghi@...
Professor Layal Hakim Director of Education and Student Experience, Associate Professor (E&S)L.Hakim@...
Nicholas Hall N.S.Hall@...
Aimée Hall Data Scientist (KTP Associate)A.E.Hall@...
Rebecca Hall Postgraduate Researcher (QUEX Institute)rh780@...
Aveen Hameed Senior Lecturer in Mining and Geological EducationA.Hameed@...
Dr Joshua Hamilton Postdoctoral Research FellowJ.Hamilton2@...
Oisin Gerald Hamilton O.G.Hamilton@...
Dr Robin Hancocks R.D.R.Hancocks@...
Nick Hardie Academic Mentor for the Mining Engineering DAN.Hardie@...
Jon Hardwick Associate Research Fellow - Postgraduatej.p.hardwick@...
James Harley jnh207@...
Daisy Harley-Nyang Postgraduate Researcher (WISE CDT)da383@...
Professor Tim Harries Head of Physics and AstronomyT.J.Harries@...
Meg Harris Team LeadM.A.Harris@...
Owain Harris olh202@...
Dr Allen Hart A.H.Hart@...
Isobel Hartley I.Hartley3@...
Nell Hartney Postgraduatenh491@...
Dr Muhammad Hasan Hasan M.Hasan@...
Dr Jennifer Haskell Research Associatejmh251@...
Dr Jennifer Hatchell Senior Lecturer in AstrophysicsJ.Hatchell@...
Caroline Haughian C.Haughian2@...
Dr Stephanie Hay Postdoctoral Research AssociateS.E.Hay@...
Abrar Hayat Postgraduateah1244@...
Reece Hayden R.G.Hayden@...
Jade Hayes J.Hayes2@...
April Hayes ah895@...
Matthew Hayslep Postgraduate Researchermh989@...
Professor Jim Haywood Professor of Atmospheric ScienceJ.M.Haywood@...
Dr Raphaëlle D. Haywood Senior Lecturer in Physics & Astronomy R.D.Haywood@...
Aisha Mousa A Al Hayzea Postgraduateaa953@...
Dr Naihui He Lecturer in Engineering ManagementN.He@...
Mark Heath Experimental OfficerM.Heath@...
Rupert Heathcote Postgraduaterrjh201@...
Mark Heavey mh1106@...
Ed Heeley E.C.Heeley@...
Patrick Hegarty Postgraduateph363@...
Dr Ayah Helal A.H.Helal@...
Jordan Hembrow jmh253@...
Professor Euan Hendry ProfessorE.Hendry@...
Philip Henes Postgraduateph432@...
Dr Matthew Henry Postdoctoral Research FellowM.Henry@...
Sarah Henson Education Support AdvisorS.Henson@...
Dr Steven Hepplestone Senior Lecturer (E&R)S.P.Hepplestone@...
Shane Herath S.Herath@...
Dr Jacqueline Herbert Teaching AssistantJ.C.Herbert@...
Professor Richard Herrington Honorary Visiting Professor 
Nicholas Herrington Postgraduatenh478@...
Professor Stephen Hesselbo Professor of GeologyS.P.Hesselbo@...
Dr Paul Hewson P.Hewson2@...
Professor Alastair P Hibbins Professor in Metamaterial PhysicsA.P.Hibbins@...
Professor Robert J Hicken Professor of Condensed Matter PhysicsR.J.Hicken@...
Dr James Hickey Senior Lecturer in Geophysics and VolcanologyJ.Hickey@...
Stephen Hill smh250@...
Edward Hill Postgraduateeh797@...
Professor Andrew Hillier Associate ProfessorA.S.Hillier@...
Professor Sasha Hinkley Associate ProfessorS.Hinkley@...
Professor Justin Hinshelwood Associate Professor in Renewable EnergyJ.Hinshelwood@...
Bryony Hobden Postgraduatebh512@...
Dr Robert Hodgson Honorary University FellowR.L.P.Hodgson@...
Charlie Hogg Postgraduate Researchercrh222@...
Tom Hogger Gadsby Postgraduatetdh209@...
Alice Holden Info Point StaffA.Holden@...
Professor Mark Holland Associate ProfessorM.P.Holland@...
Jess Holland Postgraduate Researcher (QUEX Institute)jkh212@...
Jake Hollins jh1530@...
Zoe Holman Strategic Partnerships Assistant (TSB)Z.Holman@...
Professor Tim Holsgrove Associate Professor of Biomedical EngineeringT.Holsgrove@...
Amani Homoud Postgraduateamh249@...
Dr Ian Hooper Senior Research FellowI.R.Hooper@...
Calvin Hooper Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2023)ch1122@...
Stefan Horn Postgraduatesh868@...
Abbigail Horrocks A.Horrocks@...
Dr David Horsell Senior LecturerD.W.Horsell@...
Dr Simon Horsley Associate ProfessorS.Horsley@...
Ridi Hossain Postgraduate Researcherrnh202@...
Emily Hough E.Hough@...
Matthew Houghton PhD Physics Studentmh933@...
Andrew Houldcroft Postgraduateah1101@...
Amy Housden A.Housden@...
Ceri Howells Lecturer in Engineering & EntrepreneurshipC.Howells@...
Professor Andrew Howes Professor of Human-Centred Computingandrew.howes@...
Professor Birgir Hrafnkelsson Honorary Visiting Professorbirgirhr@...
Professor Gino Hrkac Personal Chair in Applied theoretical and computational Solid-State PhysicsG.Hrkac@...
Professor Jia Hu Associate Professor in Computer ScienceJ.Hu@...
Jingrui Hu jh1065@...
Kaijie Hu kh605@...
Sam Hu X.Hu@...
Dr Xijin Hua Lecturer in Biomedical Engineering (Biomechanics) (E&R)X.Hua@...
Zijie Huang Postgraduatezh314@...
Liming Huang lh830@...
Haojun Huang H.Huang2@...
Tianjin Huang T.Huang2@...
David Hudson Honorary Associate Research FellowD.Hudson3@...
Professor Karen Hudson-Edwards Professor in Sustainable MiningK.Hudson-Edwards@...
Dr Hannah Hughes Senior Lecturer in Exploration and Mining GeologyH.Hughes@...
Dr Tim Hughes Senior Lecturer in MathematicsT.H.Hughes@...
Nathan Hughes Postgraduatenh477@...
Stephen Hughes Postgraduatesh1293@...
George Humby Associate Lecturer in Engineering MathematicsG.Humby2@...
Alison Hume Department ManagerA.Hume@...
Dr Essam Hussain Post Doctoral Research FellowE.K.A.Hussain@...
Dr Ayesha Hussain Postdoctoral Research Fellow A.S.Hussain@...
Thomas Hutton Postgraduateth556@...
Dr Avon Huxor Associate LecturerA.Huxor@...
Joanne Hyson J.Hyson@...
Dr Eric Hébrard Senior Lecturer in AstrophysicsE.Hebrard@...
Fiona Incoll PGR Admin AssistantF.Incoll@...
Professor John Inkson Emeritus Professor of Theoretical PhysicsJ.C.Inkson@...
Peter Inzani Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2017)pi225@...
Tommy Irons Postgraduateti236@...
Debbie Ironside-Smith Senior Administrator (CFCM)D.Ironside-Smith@...
Carina Ivascu Postgraduateci233@...
Nandini Iyer Postgraduateni244@...
Kimia Jafari K.Jafari@...
Sacha James sj581@...
Andrew James Postgraduateadj207@...
Philip James-Pemberton pj291@...
Ana Jaramillo aj499@...
David Jarrett D.Jarrett@...
Professor Akbar Javadi FICE CEng Professor of Geotechnical Engineering and DirectorA.A.Javadi@...
Professor Kip Jeffrey Professor of Mining EducationC.Jeffrey@...
Hannah Jenkins Senior Geology TechnicianH.R.Jenkins@...
Elin Jennings Postgraduateej359@...
Elin Jennings Graduate Research AssistantE.Jennings2@...
Yuhong Jiang yj340@...
Yin Jiang Visiting Postgraduate Researcheryj360@...
Dr Jingchao Jiang Lecturer in Production and Manufacturing SystemsJ.Jiang2@...
Jose Alfonso Jimenez Capilla Postgraduatejj379@...
Yiwen Jin Postgraduate Researcheryj303@...
Rui Jin rj390@...
Akshita Jindal aj609@...
Professor Lars Johanning Honorary ProfessorL.Johanning@...
Dr Parul Johar Postdoctoral Research AssociateP.Johar@...
Dr Matt Johns Research FellowM.B.Johns@...
Cassia Johnson Postgraduatecj422@...
Dr Henri Johnston Associate Professor H.Johnston@...
Catie Johnston Postgraduatecj505@...
Callum Jones PhD Studentcj403@...
Nicholas Jones nctj202@...
Dean Jones Widening Participation Coordinator D.Jones6@...
Dr Simon Jones Research FellowS.R.G.Jones@...
Toby Jones Postgraduatetpj201@...
Mikey Jones Postgraduatemj490@...
Dr Matt Jones Research FellowM.L.Jones@...
Dr Anthony Jones A.Jones11@...
Bhavya Joshi Postgraduate Researcherbj300@...
Tom Joshi-Cale Postgraduatetj294@...
Joshua Joyce Postgraduate Researcher (QUEX Institute)jj479@...
Clodomir Joaquim De Santana Junior PhD Studentcj413@...
Dr Tim Jupp Senior LecturerT.E.Jupp@...
Manohar Teja Kalluri Doctoral studentmk737@...
Professor Zoran Kapelan Honorary ProfessorZ.Kapelan@...
Michael Kapembwa Postgraduatemk699@...
Melike Dila Karatas Postgraduatemk633@...
Soroush Karimi sk931@...
Samir Vartabi Kashanian s.vartabi@...
Dr Nicko Kassotakis KTP AssociateN.Kassotakis@...
Dr Daniel Kattnig Senior Lecturer (E&R)D.R.Kattnig@...
Dr Boryana Mladenova Kattnig Postdoctoral Research FellowB.Y.Mladenova-Kattnig2@...
Professor Anne Kayem Associate Professor in Cyber-Security (E&R)A.V.Kayem@...
Piyu Ke Postgraduatepk430@...
Dr Paul Keatley Senior Experimental Officer - EXTREMAGP.S.Keatley@...
Professor Edward Keedwell Professor of Artificial IntelligenceE.C.Keedwell@...
Nicholas Kell Postgraduatenk403@...
Emily Kelly Postdoctoral Research AssociateE.Kelly2@...
Professor Mark Kelson Professor of Statistics for HealthM.J.Kelson@...
Professor Zoe Kelson Associate ProfessorZ.Kelson@...
Jan Kemme lk477@...
Jack Kendall J.Kendall2@...
Stuart Kendall Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2021)sk823@...
Dr Sev Kender Senior Lecturer in Earth SciencesS.Kender@...
Chris Kent Postgraduateck514@...
Paul Kent P.U.Kent@...
Ivis Kerama I.Kerama@...
Henry Kerr hdjk201@...
Chris Kerry Postgraduatecrk205@...
Dr Faryal Khalid Postdoctoral Research FellowF.Khalid2@...
Maria Khalid Postgraduatemk636@...
Dr Ahmed Khalil Postdoctoral Research FellowA.A.Khalil@...
Mohammad Khalid Khan mk803@...
Aiman Khan A.Khan3@...
Behnaz Khosravifardshirazi bk341@...
Dr Mehdi Khoury Senior Research FellowM.Khoury@...
Soroosh Kianmehr sk692@...
Hannah Kilford hk467@...
John Kilpatrick PhD Studentrjk217@...
Dr Paul Kim Postdoctoral Research
Dr Louise Kimpton Postdoctoral Research Fellowlmk212@...
Professor Nicola King Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor for EducationN.C.King@...
Professor Judith Kinnaird Honorary ProfessorJ.Kinnaird@...
Ece Kirat MSc by Research in Geologyek453@...
Simon Kirby sk830@...
Becca Kirk Postgraduaterk519@...
Orla Kirkland Outreach OfficerO.O.Kirkland@...
Velizar Kirkow PhD Studentvk271@...
Dr Charlie Kirkwood Postdoctoral Research Fellowc.kirkwood@...
Dr Stephen Kitson Visiting Professor 
Roz Knight Fieldwork Technician and PhD student R.M.Knight@...
Lawrence Knight lk456@...
Dr Jamie Knight Postdoctoral Research AssociateJ.Knight4@...
Tom Knowles tk383@...
Taegon Ko Postgraduate Researchertk447@...
Dr Krisztian Kohary Research IT Officer (Astrophysics)K.Kohary@...
Dr Jean Paul Kone Lecturer in Renewable Energy EngineeringJ.Kone@...
Dr Ki Young Koo Senior LecturerK.Y.Koo@...
Dr Devika Koonthalakadu Baby Lecturer in Mechanical EngineeringD.Koonthalakadu-Baby@...
Inga Kottlarz I.Kottlarz@...
Vasilis Koukoravas Postgraduate Researcher (WISE CDT)vk265@...
Dr Stephane Kovacs Postdoctoral Research FellowS.Kovacs@...
Dr Ievgeniia Kovalska Lecturer in Advanced 2D Energy MaterialsI.E.Kovalska@...
Eugene Kozlovski Programme Director - MSc Data Science (Professional) Degree ApprenticeshipE.Kozlovski@...
Professor Stefan Kraus Professor of AstrophysicsS.Kraus@...
Dr Sebastiaan Krijt Senior Lecturer in AstrophysicsS.Krijt@...
Dr Prakash Kripakaran Senior LecturerP.Kripakaran@...
Nadia Krivodubskaya nk283@...
Professor Volodymyr Kruglyak Associate Professor of PhysicsV.V.Kruglyak@...
Professor Wojtek Krzanowski Emeritus ProfessorW.J.Krzanowski@...
Bram Kuijper Research FellowA.L.W.Kuijper@...
Dr Asela K. Kulatunga Lecturer in Industrial Systems (E&R)A.K.K.Kulatunga@...
Pranav Vijaya Kumar P.Vijaya-Kumar@...
Siddharth Kumar S.Unnithan-Kumar@...
Hlib Kupianskyi PGR studenthk422@...
Dr Frank Kwasniok Senior LecturerF.Kwasniok@...
Dr Oleksandr Kyriienko LecturerO.Kyriienko@...
Joanna L'Heureux Postgraduatejl507@...
Emma Lacey Education Support Administrator E.Lacey@...
Hoi Tung Lam H.Lam@...
Derek Lambert Electronics Laboratory TechnicianD.Lambert@...
Professor F Hugo Lambert Associate ProfessorF.H.Lambert@...
Chloe Lambert Student Recruitment and Admissions ManagerChloe.Lambert@...
Pol Vidal Lamolla Visiting Postgraduate Researcherpv284@...
Daniel Lancaster Postgraduatedl577@...
Professor Andreas Langer ProfessorA.Langer@...
Dr Daniel Lash Senior Research FellowD.Lash@...
Dr Milad Latifi KTP AssociateM.Latifi-Alavije@...
Edward Laughton Postgraduate Researcherel326@...
Sara-Kate Lavers Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2018)sl520@...
Anna Laws Postgraduateal630@...
Holly Lawson Student Services AdministratorH.Lawson5@...
Sarah Lawson S.Lawson@...
Martin Layton M.Layton@...
Dr Christopher Lazda Lecturer in MathematicsC.D.Lazda@...
Dr Cecilia Lazzoni Postdoctoral Research FellowC.Lazzoni@...
Jamie Le Signe Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2018)jml228@...
Deb Lee Centre AdministratorD.Lee2@...
Eloise Lee Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2022)eal212@...
Jim Lees J.D.Lees@...
Goncalo Leiria G.N.Leiria@...
Rachel Lennon Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2018)ral220@...
Ioannis Leontis Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2016)il271@...
Gareth Lewis Research FellowG.Lewis2@...
Ollie Lewis Postgraduateosl202@...
Dr Neil Lewis Postdoctoral Research FellowN.T.Lewis@...
Julie Lewis-Thompson Temporary StaffJ.A.B.Lewis-Thompson@...
Qiang Li Postgraduateql252@...
Xiang Li Postgraduatexl438@...
Zhencheng Li Z.Li6@...
Fan Li F.Li@...
Mingjie Li ml813@...
Peirou Li Postgraduatepl476@...
Songyuan Li S.Y.Li@...
Zhuhui Li PhD Studentzl462@...
Haobing Li hl582@...
Zhufeng Li Postgraduate Researcherzl435@...
Dr Qian Li Postdoctoral Research FellowQ.Li6@...
Yuanhao Li yl1118@...
Tianshi Li Postgraduatetl649@...
Professor Jensen Tsan Hang Li Computational Engineering & MetamaterialsJ.Li13@...
Professor Xiaohong Li Professor and Chair of Energy Storage, Director of Global DevelopmentX.Li@...
Angela Lingham Executive AssistantA.Lingham@...
Tom Lintern Industrial Impact FellowT.O.Lintern@...
Kong You Liow Postgraduatekl457@...
Dr Kate Littler Senior Lecturer in GeologyK.Littler@...
Dr Emma Littleton Postdoctoral Research FellowE.W.Littleton@...
Professor Yang Liu Associate Professor in Dynamics and ControlY.Liu2@...
Dr Yaan Liu Postdoctoral Research FellowY.A.LIU@...
Qinglan Liu Associate Lecturerql287@...
Yinchen Liu Postgraduateyl788@...
Rongxu Liu PhD studentrl584@...
Siyuan Liu sl876@...
Luna Liu Education Support AssistantT.Liu3@...
Jiajie Liu jl1152@...
Zhipeng Liu zl481@...
Dr Changxu Liu Lecturer in Electronic EngineeringC.C.Liu@...
Zishu Liu zl538@...
Professor Lu Liu L.Liu3@...
Alex Loader Postgraduateal759@...
Adam Lockyer al657@...
Guy Lomax Postgraduate Researchergl378@...
Dr Julian Mauricio Londono Monsalve Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering (E&R)J.Londono-Monsalve@...
Dr Pablo Loren-Aguilar Lecturer in AstrophysicsP.Loren-Aguilar@...
Naser Musa Al Lozi PhD Studentna559@...
Yi Lu Postgraduateyl983@...
Jiawei Lu jl1356@...
Evelina Lucinskaite Postgraduate Researcherel436@...
Dr Martino Luis Lecturer (E&R)M.Luis@...
Professor Chunbo Luo Associate Professor in Computer ScienceC.Luo@...
Dr Man Luo Lecturer in Computer Science (E&R)M.Luo@...
Dr Isaac Luxmoore Senior Lectureri.j.luxmoore@...
Cheng Lyu Postgraduatecl893@...
Yangjun Ma ym388@...
Tianle Ma tm625@...
Heidi Anna Mabbott H.A.Mabbott@...
Dr Ed Mackay Research FellowE.Mackay@...
Calum MacLeod C.MacLeod@...
Tinashe Madamombe tm661@...
Dr Jacob Maddison Postdoctoral Research FellowJ.Maddison2@...
Dr Nivea Magalhaes Research FellowN.Magalhaes@...
Huda Mahdi hm672@...
Dr Penelope Maher Research FellowP.Maher@...
Mei Ting Mak Postgraduatemtm206@...
Dr Florent Malavelle Research FellowF.Malavelle@...
Professor Tapas Mallick Professor & Chair in Clean TechnologiesT.K.Mallick@...
Dr Pikakshi Manchanda Lecturer (E&S)P.Manchanda@...
Katy Manning Administrator (Vibration Engineering Section)K.L.Manning@...
Dan Manns Postgraduatedm796@...
Dr Jessica Mansfield Senior Experimental OfficerJ.C.Mansfield@...
Dr Lorenzo Mantiloni Postdoctoral Research FellowL.Mantiloni@...
Yu Mao ym382@...
Dr Gihan Marasingha Senior Lecturer (E&S)G.Marasingha@...
Dr Eros Mariani Senior LecturerE.Mariani@...
Dr Sebastian Marino Senior Research FellowS.Marino-Estay@...
Diego Marmsoler Lecturer in Computer Science (E&R)D.Marmsoler@...
Dr Eva Marquis Research FellowE.Marquis@...
Dr Henry Marsh Network Operations Manager UK Metamaterials NetworkH.Marsh2@...
Julie Marsh Pastoral MentorJ.Marsh2@...
Jenni Marshall Senior Executive AssistantJenni.Marshall@...
Skye Marshall Postgraduatesm781@...
Professor Maria Rosaria Marsico Associate Professor of Structural DynamicsM.R.Marsico@...
Phoebe Martin P.Martin2@...
Dr Joanne Mason Senior LecturerJ.Mason@...
Alex Mason Postgraduateam1764@...
Rosanna Mastria R.Mastria@...
Dr Shanika Matharage Visiting AssociateB.Matharage@...
Alexander 'Bruce' Matheson Postgraduateablm202@...
Susumu Matsumoto Postgraduatesm1488@...
Dr Ed Maunder Honorary FellowE.A.W.Maunder@...
Fintan May Student Engagement and Event Support OfficerF.May@...
Professor Nathan Mayne Professor in Astrophysics and Planetary ClimatesN.J.Mayne@...
Melany McBean msm221@...
Danny McCulloch Postgraduatedm575@...
Paul McCutchion Manager - Exeter Technologies GroupP.McCutchion@...
Alina McGregor PhD Studentafm211@...
Dr Matthew McGuigan Research Fellowmm757@...
Dr Stephen McGuire LecturerS.McGuire2@...
Linda McIlwraith Climate Systems Research Administrator Mon-Wed AML.McIlwraith@...
Harry McLean Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2023)hm556@...
Dr Doug McNeall Lecturer in Global SystemsD.McNeall2@...
Professor Jude Meakin Associate Professor in Spine BiomechanicsJ.R.Meakin@...
Dr Lavanya Meherishi Lecturer in Operations & Supply Chain Optimisation (E & R)L.Meherishi@...
Dr Megha Mehta M.Mehta@...
Dr Houry Melkonian Senior Lecturer in Mathematics H.Melkonian@...
Dr Peter Melville-Shreeve Senior Lecturer in Technology and InnovationP.Melville-Shreeve2@...
Professor Fayyaz Ali Memon (FICE, FCIWEM, FHEA, CEng, CEnv) Emeritus ProfessorF.A.Memon@...
Professor Ronaldo Menezes Professor of Data and Network ScienceR.Menezes@...
Hao Meng hm633@...
Dr Yanda Meng Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision (Medical Image Analysis)Y.M.Meng@...
Dr Kishan Menghrajani Postdoctoral Research FellowK.S.Menghrajani@...
Philip Mercer Postgraduateprhm201@...
Dr Lewis Meyer Senior Lecturer in Mining EngineeringL.H.I.Meyer@...
Dr Wang Miao Lecturer in Computer Science (E&R)W.Miao3@...
Dr Chai Mididoddi Postdoctoral Research FellowC.Mididoddi@...
Professor Dean Millar Honorary ProfessorD.Millar@...
Jo Millar J.F.M.Millar@...
Dr Wayne Miller Honorary University Fellow 
Rebecca Millington Postgraduaterm648@...
Jed Mills jm729@...
Kathryn Milsom Postgraduateklm238@...
Professor Geyong Min Chair in High Performance Computing and NetworkingG.Min@...
(Thomas) Andrew Mitchell Research FellowT.A.Mitchell@...
Ibrahim Mizrak im349@...
Professor Julian Moger Chair in BiophotonicsJ.Moger@...
Dr Hossein Mohammadi Lecturer in Statistics and Data ScienceH.Mohammadi@...
Dr Mohammad Hadi Mohammadi Visiting AcademicM.H.Mohammadi@...
Monis Luqman Mohammed mm1286@...
Dr Soumyajit Mojumder S.Mojumder@...
Dr Emmanuel Momoh Postdoctoral Research FellowE.O.Momoh@...
Dr Charlie Moon Honorary Senior research FellowC.J.Moon@...
Dr Kathryn Moore Senior Lecturer in Critical and Green Technology MetalsK.Moore@...
Robyn Moore Senior Education Support AdministratorR.E.Moore@...
Dan Moore Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2020)dm680@...
Ben Moore Postgraduate Researcherbm424@...
Dr Saeid Moradi Honorary Research FellowS.Moradi@...
Dr Alberto Moraglio Senior Lecturer in Computer ScienceA.Moraglio@...
Laura Moran Postgraduatelm579@...
Dr Cyril Morcrette Senior LecturerC.Morcrette@...
Dr Adrien Morison Research FellowA.Morison@...
Andreas Morr A.Morr@...
Dr Sam Morrell Postdoctoral Research FellowS.A.F.Morrell2@...
Jack Morton Postgraduatejjm229@...
Victoria Morton-Thurtle Postgraduatevm379@...
Dr Abdelkhalik Mosa Senior Lecturer in Computer ScienceA.Mosa@...
Dr Sébastien Mouchet Honorary Research FellowS.Mouchet@...
Dr Alireza Mousavi Postdoctoral Research FellowA.Mousavi@...
Iraklis Moutidis Postgraduateim319@...
Michal Mrnka Postdoctoral Research Fellow M.Mrnka@...
Regan Mudhar Postgraduaterm811@...
Professor Markus Mueller Associate Professor in Applied MathematicsM.Mueller@...
Rory Murphy rm798@...
Laura Murray lm716@...
Katie Murray Postgraduatekm649@...
Michael Musialike Postgraduatemmm233@...
Dr Joshua Myrans Honorary Research FellowJ.Myrans@...
Dr Wolfram Möbius Research Fellow W.Moebius@...
Dr Chaitra H. Nagaraja Senior LecturerC.Nagaraja@...
Srilatha Mysore Nagendra S.Mysore-Nagendra@...
Dr Jayakrupakar Nallala Research FellowJ.Nallala@...
Professor Farhad Namdari Associate Professor in Electrical Energy SystemsF.Namdari@...
Muhammad Naqi Research FellowM.Naqi@...
Professor Geoffrey Nash Director of Natural SciencesG.R.Nash@...
Amir Nasiri an493@...
Karen Grace Bondoc Naumovitz K.Bondoc-Naumovitz@...
Abhiraami Navaneethanathan Postgraduatean498@...
Professor Tim Naylor Norman Lockyer Professor of AstrophysicsT.Naylor@...
Bassey Ndiyo Postgraduatebn235@...
Eve Nebbiolo en250@...
Kate Nechyporenko Postgraduatekn356@...
Phil Nesbitt Engineering TechnicianP.J.Nesbitt@...
Dr Ana Neves Senior Lecturer in Materials EngineeringA.Neves@...
Dr Julian Newman Lecturer Mathematics and Statistics (E&S)J.M.I.Newman@...
Paul Newman Postgraduatepn301@...
Dr Arwen Nicholson Research FellowA.E.Nicholson@...
Dr Nela Nikolic Postdoctoral ResearcherN.Nikolic@...
Sarah Niles S.Niles2@...
Professor Tarje Nissen-Meyer Professor in Environmental IntelligenceT.Nissen-Meyer@...
Harris Sop Nkuiate Postgraduatehn322@...
Anthony Norton Director, Centre for Energy and the EnvironmentA.D.S.Norton@...
Trish Nowak PhD Studentpn284@...
Sophie Nye sn363@...
Susannah O'Connell Administrative Assistant (Student Services)S.M.O'Connell@...
Dr Fiona O'Connor Senior Lecturer in Atmospheric CompositionF.M.OConnor@...
Robert O'Neale Research Computing Support OfficerR.ONeale@...
Dr Mike O'Sullivan LecturerM.OSullivan@...
Juliet Oerton J.M.Oerton@...
Professor Feodor Ogrin Associate ProfessorF.Y.Ogrin@...
Natalie Ohlson N.K.Ohlson@...
John Kennedy Okewling Postgraduatejo469@...
Dr Okechukwu Okorie RAEng Research Fellow & Senior Lecturer in Sustainable Manufacturing (E&R)O.S.Okorie@...
Azubuike Agbai Okoroafor Postgraduateao359@...
Joshua Oldridge Faculty AdministratorJ.J.A.Oldridge@...
Dr Marcos Oliveira Lecturer in City Science & Analytics M.A.Oliveira@...
Mayra Diaz Del Olmo Oliveira MSc by Research in Mining and Mineralsmd686@...
Chanon Olley Postgraduateco429@...
Anthony Onwodi ao458@...
Ben Orriss Postgraduate Researcherblo201@...
Professor Julian Ortiz Professor, Mark Cutifani / Anglo American Chair in Mining InnovationJ.Ortiz-Cabrera@...
Nia Owen PGR AdministratorN.A.Owen@...
Professor Solomon Oyelere Associate Professor in Computer ScienceS.Oyelere@...
Dr Fatma Ozkose Visiting AcademicF.Ozkose@...
Professor Prathyush P Menon Associate ProfessorP.M.Prathyush@...
Daniela Lazaro Pacheco D.Lazaro-Pacheco@...
Dr Diogo Pacheco Lecturer in Computer Science (E&R)D.Pacheco@...
Julia Paci J.C.Paci@...
Joe Pady Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2019)jp551@...
Yoshi Pakalkaite Associate Lecturer (Academic Mentor)J.Pakalkaite@...
Dr Jolly Xavier Palackappillil J.Xavier@...
Professor Francesca Palombo Professor of Biomedical SpectroscopyF.Palombo@...
Xingzuo Pan Postgraduatexp212@...
Yi Pan Visiting Postgraduate Researcheryp306@...
Dr Ravi Pandit Research FellowR.Pandit@...
Dr Evangelos Papatheou Senior Lecturer E.Papatheou@...
William Parker Graduate Research AssistantW.Parker@...
Katie Parr K.M.Parr@...
Isobel Parry Postgraduateip294@...
Emma Partington E.Partington@...
Professor Derek Partridge Professor EmeritusD.Partridge@...
Michael Partridge Postgraduatemp572@...
Dr Daniel Partridge Senior Lecturer in Atmospheric Science (E&R)D.G.Partridge@...
Mubarak Patel Postgraduatemp387@...
Charlie Patrickson Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2021)cp728@...
Dr Jyotirmay Paul Postdoctoral Research FellowJ.Paul@...
Lydia Pavey lp544@...
Professor Aleksandar Pavic Professor of Vibration EngineeringA.Pavic@...
Maria Pearce M.Pearce4@...
Karen Pearson CMRI Centre ManagerK.Pearson7@...
Dr Srikanth Pedireddy Postdoctoral Research Fellow S.Pedireddy@...
Shengwei Pei Postgraduate Researchersp825@...
Maya Peirce M.Peirce@...
Louis Penfound-Marks Postgraduatelrgp201@...
Dr Harry Penketh Postdoctoral Research Fellow H.Penketh2@...
Dr James Penman Lecturer (Education and Scholarship)J.Penman@...
Dr Jess Penny Postdoctoral Research FellowJ.S.Penny@...
Roger Perrett R&T Unit of Activity ManagerR.I.Perrett@...
Dr Alexis Perry Associate Research FellowA.Perry@...
Dr Peter Petrov Senior LecturerP.G.Petrov@...
Professor Dave Phillips Associate ProfessorD.Phillips@...
Chris Phippen Associate Lecturer - Academic MentorC.Phippen2@...
Tikondane Phiri Postgraduatetp501@...
Pimonpan Phurappa P.Phurappa@...
Bri Pickstone Postgraduatebp424@...
Dr Monika Pietrzyk Postdoctoral Research FellowM.Pietrzyk@...
Dr Ajit C Pillai Senior Lecturer in Autonomous Systems and RoboticsA.Pillai@...
Professor Robert Pine Emeritus Professor of Geotechnical Engineering R.J.Pine@...
Zoe Plain Postgraduatezp230@...
Xuxin Pooley Postgraduatexp227@...
Johnny Pope Industrial Impact FellowG.B.V.Pope@...
Professor Mikhail (Misha) Portnoi Associate ProfessorM.E.Portnoi@...
Dee Pothinual wp314@...
Sunil Poudel sp727@...
Dr Caroline Pouya Postdoctoral Research FellowC.Pouya2@...
Stephanie Powell Stephanie.Powell@...
Dr Alexander Powell RAEng Research FellowA.Powell2@...
Dr Tom Powell Research Impact Fellow, Global Systems InstituteT.Powell@...
Frederica Poznansky fp314@...
Simon Preston Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2023)sp985@...
Dr Matthew Priestley Postdoctoral Research FellowM.Priestley@...
Sarah Purcell Centre ManagerSarah.Warren@...
Simon Puttock Postgraduatesp782@...
Christian Pössniker Postgraduate Researchercp665@...
Luyu Qi lq249@...
Jiancheng Qian Postgraduatejq236@...
Yu Qiao Visiting ResearcherY.Qiao2@...
Weiteng Qiu Postgraduatewq213@...
Lizzy Quaye E.Quaye2@...
Neil Radford N.Radford@...
Amin Rahmani ar949@...
Praveen Kannan Rajamani P.Rajamani2@...
Dr Violeta Ramos Research FellowV.I.Monteiro-Ramos@...
Jess Ramsay jr754@...
Dr Helen Rance Impact & Partnership Development Manager(CMRI)H.J.Rance2@...
Dr Ananth Ranjithkumar Postdoctoral Research FellowA.R.Ranjithkumar@...
Dr James Rankin Senior LecturerJ.A.Rankin@...
Dr Hussein Rappel Lecturer in Computation EngineeringH.Rappel@...
Seno Rawikara sr789@...
Professor Kalvala Srinivas Reddy Honorary ProfessorK.S.Reddy@...
Jessica Redman J.Redman@...
Joshua Alexander Redmond jr725@...
Nicolas Verschueren Van Rees Postdoctoral Research FellowN.Verschueren-Van-Rees2@...
William Rees Postgraduatewr291@...
Tracy Reeves Bio/ Nat Sci Subject LeadT.M.Reeves@...
Dr Mohammed Ismail Rehmanji Research FellowM.Rehmanji@...
Karen Reid Senior Administrator K.T.Lenton@...
Vikki Reid vsr202@...
Tianyi Ren tr478@...
Federica Rescigno Postgraduatefr307@...
Ellie Reynolds er571@...
Mohsen Rezaee Postgraduate Researchermr861@...
Taha Rezaei tr445@...
Dr David Richards Senior LecturerDavid.Richards@...
Alexander Richardson-Hall Lecturer, CS Director of AdmissionsA.D.Richardson-Hall@...
Ella Rickard Senior AdminE.Rickard2@...
George Ricketts Research Technician (CDT 1)G.S.Ricketts@...
Dr Marie Rider Postdoctoral Research FellowM.S.Rider@...
Dr Gianmario Rinaldi Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering (E&R)G.Rinaldi3@...
Dr Paul Ritchie Postdoctoral Research FellowPaul.Ritchie@...
Asmi Rizvi Postgraduate 
Emma Roberts Research Development Manager, Discipline Lead for Maths & Computer ScienceE.E.Roberts@...
Carlo Robiati PostgraduateC.Robiati@...
Emily Robinson er536@...
Jimmy Robinson J.E.Robinson2@...
José Carlos Do Amaral Rocha jd964@...
Professor Ana Rodrigues Associate Professor (Education and Research)A.Rodrigues@...
Dr Oscar Rodriguez De Rivera Ortega Lecturer in Statistics (Data Science & Environmental Intelligence) O.M.Rodriguez-De-Rivera-Ortega@...
Raphael Roemer PostgraduateR.K.Roemer@...
Dr Gavyn Rollinson Experimental Officer (Facility Manager of CIMF)G.K.Rollinson@...
Juliane Rosemeier J.Rosemeier@...
Dr Kyle Roskilly Postdoctoral Research Fellow/Project ManagerK.Roskilly@...
Nick Ross Postgraduate Researchernr339@...
Dr David Rosseinsky Emeritus ProfessorD.R.Rosseinsky@...
Dr Rohollah Rostami R.Rostami@...
Vikram Rout Graduate Research Assistant CONFLEX (Marie Curie)V.Rout@...
Jane Rowe Research Development Manager (Cornwall)J.Rowe6@...
Dr Sareh Rowlands Lecturer in Data Science (E&R)S.Rowlands@...
Andrew Rowson Research FellowA.T.Rowson@...
Dr Anurag Roy Postdoctoral Research FellowA.Roy30@...
Emma Royle Student Recruitment ManagerE.Royle@...
Tingwen Ruan Postdoctoral Research AssociateT.Ruan@...
Samuel Rudd sr702@...
Cesar Arturo Angeles Ruiz ca515@...
Professor Saverio Russo Professor of PhysicsS.Russo@...
Dr Vladimir Ryabov Senior LecturerV.Ryabov@...
Raphael Römer rr457@...
Dr Seyed M. Sadr Honorary Research FellowS.M.K.Sadr@...
Professor Mohamed Saidi Professor of Pure MathematicsM.Saidi@...
Connor Sait Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2018)cs792@...
Lakshmi Kalavappilly Sajan Postgraduatelk410@...
James Sakal PhD Studentjs1188@...
Aigerim Saken Postgraduateas1392@...
Kevin Sales Research Development ManagerK.M.Sales@...
Dr Marzieh Salimi University of ExeterM.A.Salimi@...
Katie Salisbury College Administrative AssistantK.K.Salisbury@...
Greg Salmon G.Salmon@...
Dr James Salter LecturerJ.M.Salter@...
Pam Sambhi-Appleton Senior AdministratorP.K.Sambhi@...
Professor Sir Roy Sambles Emeritus ProfessorJ.R.Sambles@...
Dr Tony Samuel A.Samuel@...
Nick Sanders PhD Studentns354@...
Kate Sanders Quality Support Officer (PSRBs)Kate.Sanders@...
Francesca Sanders F.D.Sanders2@...
Philip Sandwell P.Sandwell@...
Monty Sant Postgraduatews372@...
Agung Hari Saputra Postgraduate Researcheras2077@...
Dondu Sarisen Postgraduate Researcherds573@...
Arpi Saruhanyan as1199@...
Owen Saunders os318@...
Dr Luke Savage Senior Research Fellowl.savage@...
Peter Savage Research Technician CDT (Metamaterials)P.P.Savage@...
Professor Dragan Savic FREng Professor of HydroinformaticsD.Savic@...
Dr Sonal Saxena Postdoctoral Research FellowS.Saxena@...
Professor Adam Scaife ProfessorA.A.Scaife@...
Dr Stefano Scali Postdoctoral Research FellowS.Scali@...
Tanja Schindler T.Schindler@...
Hannah Laeverenz Schlogelhofer H.Laeverenz-Schlogelhofer@...
Alexander Schoenfelder A.Schoenfelder@...
Karina Scholpp K.Scholpp@...
Professor Peter Scott Emeritus Professor of Industrial Geology P.W.Scott@...
Ben Scott Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2022)bs594@...
Professor James Screen Professor in Climate ScienceJ.Screen@...
Professor Michael Searle Honorary ProfessorM.Searle@...
Hannah Searle Executive Assistant to Prof. Tim Harries (Physics)H.J.Searle@...
Jonathan Segynola Postgraduate Researcherjs1627@...
Professor Steven Senior Honorary Professor & Entreprenuer in Residence for the Royal SocietyS.Senior@...
Dr Denis Sergeev Postdoctoral Research FellowD.Sergeev@...
Catherine Serjeant C.H.Serjeant@...
Gilles Seropian Postdoctoral Research FellowG.Seropian@...
Dr William Seviour Senior LecturerW.Seviour@...
Simon Sexton S.A.Sexton@...
Ayu Shabrina Postgraduateas2009@...
Debbie Shackleton Postgraduate Researcher (WISE CDT)dms228@...
Professor Robin Shail Associate Professor of Geology R.K.Shail@...
Guansong Shan Postgraduategs573@...
Jack Shanahan J.Shanahan@...
Renee Shang cs866@...
Dr Katie Shanks Research FellowK.Shanks2@...
Mohammed Sharahili ms1025@...
Amrita Sharma A.Sharma4@...
Nathanael Sheehan PhD Studentns651@...
Shaikha Al Shehhi sa805@...
Ahmed Al Shekaili PhD Engineeringaa805@...
Dr Shuhang Shen Lecturer in Smart GridS.Shen@...
Dr Jiajia Shen Proleptic Lectureship/Research FellowJ.Shen3@...
Dingyi Shen Postgraduateds751@...
Jo Shepherd PGR Support Officer - PenrynJo.Shepherd@...
Hannah Elizabeth Sheridan PhD Student hs438@...
Dr Ben Sherlock Lecturer in Translational BiophotonicsB.Sherlock@...
Shuning Shi Postgraduatess1382@...
Joe Shields Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2018)js1116@...
Dr Jemma Shipton Lecturer in Mathematics (E&R)J.Shipton@...
Manal Abubakr Ali Shlebik ms1271@...
Saugat Shrestha Postgraduate Researcher (QUEX Institute)ss1604@...
Dr Andrey V Shytov LecturerA.Shytov@...
Professor Jan Sieber Associate ProfessorJ.Sieber@...
Dr Stefan Siegert Senior Lecturer, Senior Research Fellow, Director for Business Engagement and InnovationS.Siegert@...
Pete Siegfried Postgraduateps445@...
Jen Siggs J.M.Siggs@...
Cosmina Simionescu PhD Student,Postgraduate Teaching Associatecs843@...
Rick Simon rs1105@...
Louise Simpson L.Simpson2@...
Lucie Sindall MSc By Researchls917@...
Sacha Sinet S.Sinet@...
Dr Saumya Singh S.Singh5@...
Dr Kasturi Singh Postdoctoral Research FellowK.Singh@...
Anna Sitko A.Sitko@...
Sara Sjosten Postgraduate Researcherss1198@...
Philip Skelland Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2022)ps492@...
Dr William Hamish Skinner Experimental OfficerW.Skinner@...
Dr Piotr Slowinski LecturerP.M.Slowinski@...
Professor Christopher Smith Professor of Mechanical EngineeringC.W.Smith@...
Dr Helen Smith Senior Lecturer in Renewable EnergyH.C.M.Smith@...
John Smith Honorary StaffJ.Smith4@...
Dr Kate Taylor Smith Research FellowK.Smith@...
Lesley Smith ls686@...
Noah Smith Postgraduatends211@...
James Smith J.W.Smith2@...
Dr Luke D. Smith Postdoctoral research associateL.D.Smith@...
Jonathon Smith Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2021)jgs212@...
Benjamin Moverley Smith Postgraduatebm468@...
Victoria Smyth Project Coordinate Met4Tech - IIBV.Smyth@...
Dr Owain Snaith Postdoctoral Research FellowO.N.Snaith@...
Dr Ben Snow Postdoc Researcher B.Snow@...
Lama Soliman Khaled PhD student ls770@...
Katrina Somerville Department Manager - EngineeringK.Somerville@...
Kok Wee Song K.Song2@...
Dr Junchao Song Postdoctoral Research FellowJ.Song2@...
Yang Song ys457@...
Boyun Song Postgraduatebs572@...
Dr Meghna Soni Postdoctoral Research FellowM.Soni2@...
Dr Majeed Soufian MSc DTS Programme Director and Senior Lecturer M.Soufian@...
Jefferson Goncalves De Souza J.Goncalves-De-Souza@...
Professor Andrew Soward Emeritus ProfessorA.Soward@...
Helen Spalding Research Manager, DCE GroupH.Spalding@...
Morgan Sparey Postgraduatems959@...
Steven Spaull S.R.Spaull@...
Malcolm Spence XRF & XRD TechnicianM.D.Spence@...
Dr Jack Spencer Industrial Research Fellowj.a.spencer@...
Marlene Spowart M.Spowart2@...
Jed Spree Postgraduatejs907@...
Jem Squires ReceptionistJ.Squires@...
Elaine Squires Quality Support Officer (PSRBs)E.Squires@...
Professor Gyaneshwar Srivastava Professor of Theoretical Condensed Matter PhysicsG.P.Srivastava@...
Richard Stafford Experimental OfficerR.Stafford2@...
Leanne Stanfield Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2019)lds211@...
Beth Staples Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2018)bs343@...
Dr Tim Starkey Senior Research FellowT.A.Starkey@...
Damian Staszek Postgraduate Researcher (WISE CDT)ds463@...
Charlie Statham Senior Lecturer (E&S)C.D.Statham@...
Professor Douglas Stead Honorary Visiting Professor 
Linda Steer X-AT Finance ManagerL.Urlu@...
Dr Benedikt Steiner Senior Lecturer and MSc Programme Director in Exploration and Mining GeologyB.Steiner@...
Amy Stell PhD Studentas1343@...
Adam Stephens Education Support Assistant A.Stephens4@...
Professor David B. Stephenson Chair in Statistical Climatologyd.b.stephenson@...
Kate Stockman College Coordinator (EMPS)K.Stockman@...
Professor Nick Stone Professor of Biomedical Imaging and BiosensingN.Stone@...
Natalie Stone Research Development ManagerN.Stone3@...
Professor Peter Stott ProfessorP.A.Stott@...
Magdalena Strauss M.Strauss@...
Dr Sharon Strawbridge Senior Lecturer (Education and Scholarship)S.M.Strawbridge@...
Amber Strong Boyden Programme Enhancement Manager (Eng&Ent)A.Strong@...
Dr Monisha Natchiar Subbiah Renganathan Postdoctoral Research FellowM.Subbiah-Renganathan@...
Professor Voicu Ion Sucala Head of EngineeringI.Sucala@...
Dr Charlie Suitters Postdoctoral Research AssociateC.Suitters@...
He Sun hs865@...
Chenyue Sun Postgraduate Researchercs1236@...
Ashish Sundar PhD Studentas1748@...
Lena Sundukova js995@...
Dr Chris Sweetapple Research FellowC.Sweetapple@...
Yousuf Syed Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation Engineer (KTY.Syed@...
Andrew Symonds Postgraduateas1776@...
Dominika Szucs Postgraduateds537@...
Professor Gavin Tabor Professor of Computational Fluid DynamicsG.R.Tabor@...
Professor Asif Tahir Associate Professor in Renewable EnergyA.Tahir@...
Naser Taleshi nt420@...
Hiba Talmoust ht502@...
Panpan Tang Postgraduate Researcherpt442@...
Rebecca Tanner Postgraduatert589@...
Dr Ned Thaddeus Taylor Postdoctoral Research FellowN.T.Taylor@...
Paul Taylor Education and Engineering Technician P.A.Taylor@...
Bee Taylor Education Support AssistantR.Taylor6@...
Professor Philipp Thies Professor of Renewable Energy (Personal Chair)P.R.Thies@...
Dr Iorwerth Thomas Postdoctoral Research FellowI.O.Thomas2@...
Dr Philip Thomas Postdoctoral Research FellowP.Thomas2@...
Victoria Thomas LecturerV.Thomas2@...
Dr Stephen Thomson LecturerS.I.Thomson@...
Stuart Thomson HR Advisory Support - EMPSS.Thomson2@...
Sarah Minnie Thorn S.M.Thorn@...
Billy Thornton bt319@...
Professor John Thuburn ProfessorJ.Thuburn@...
Jiyuan Tian PhD studentjt535@...
Dr Mi Tian Senior Lecturer in Low Carbon Engineering, Director of PGRs in Engineering.M.Tian@...
Bo Tian bt367@...
Jialin Tian jt816@...
Yanyan Tian yt401@...
Jack Timmins MSc By Researchjt746@...
Dr Alessandro Tombari Senior Lecturer in Digital Design in Civil Engineering (E&R)A.Tombari@...
Dr Matthew Tonkins Associate ResearcherM.Tonkins2@...
Emanuele Tovazzi Postgraduateet434@...
Professor Stuart Townley Professor in Applied MathematicsS.B.Townley@...
Dan Toy D.K.Toy@...
Kathie Treen PhD studentkt417@...
Andy Treen Professor of Practice in Knowledge TransferA.Treen2@...
Dr David Trudgeon Research Fellowdpt202@...
Professor Krasimira Tsaneva-Atanasova Professor of Mathematics for Healthcare K.Tsaneva-Atanasova@...
Dr Jimmy Tseng Senior Lecturer (E&R)J.Tseng@...
Brandon Tuck Postgraduatebt322@...
Thomas Tunstall tt386@...
Josie Turner Student Experience and Employability Manager J.Turner@...
Charlie Turrell Postgraduatect715@...
Dr Muhammad Shoufie Ukhtary M.Ukhtary@...
Dr Habib Ullah Research Fellowhu203@...
Dr Clemens Vinzenz Ullmann Proleptic LecturerC.Ullmann@...
Chiddy Umeano Postgraduatecu234@...
Sharon Uren Senior Analytical TechnicianS.Uren@...
Luciana Dalla Valle L.Dalla-Valle@...
Professor Geoffrey Vallis ProfessorG.Vallis@...
Sreeram Valsalakumar Postgraduatesv353@...
Dr Lydia Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia Senior Research FellowL.S.Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia@...
Remy Vandaele R.Vandaele@...
Arthur Vandervoort a.vandervoort@...
Dr Rebecca Varney Postdoctoral Research AssociateR.Varney@...
James Vaughan jv252@...
Sasireka Velusamy Postgraduatesv351@...
Magali Verkerk Postgraduatemv393@...
Charlotte Vickers C.Vickers2@...
Dr Raffaele Vinai Senior Lecturer in Civil EngineeringR.Vinai@...
Julian Vizor University MentorJ.J.Vizor@...
Dr Alessandra Vizzaccaro A.Vizzaccaro@...
Dr Dimitar Vlaykov Postdoctoral Research FellowD.Vlaykov@...
Dr Declan Vogt Senior Lecturer in Robotics and Automated MiningD.R.Vogt@...
Professor Zoran Vojinovic Honorary ProfessorZ.Vojinovic2@...
Margaritis Voliotis LecturerM.Voliotis@...
Professor Frank Vollmer Professor, FInstPF.Vollmer@...
Dr Victoria Volodina Lecturer in Statistics and Data ScienceV.Volodina@...
Professor Pete Vukusic Professor of BioPhotonics & Associate Dean for EducationP.Vukusic@...
Jack Wade Postgraduatejw1057@...
Dr Khurram Wadee Senior LecturerM.K.Wadee@...
Hatem Wafa hw788@...
Dr Johan Wahlström Lecturer in Data Science (E&R)J.Wahlstrom@...
Dr David Wakeling Senior Lecturer in Computer Science (E&S)D.Wakeling@...
Dr Jamie Walker Senior LecturerJamie.Walker@...
Dr David Walker Senior Lecturer in Computer Science (E&R)D.J.Walker2@...
Chloe Walker-Trivett Postgraduatecw725@...
Professor Frances Wall Professor of Applied Mineralogy F.Wall@...
Professor Godfrey Walters Professor EmeritusG.A.Walters@...
Professor Kirsty Wan Associate Professor, ERC Starting GranteeK.Y.Wan2@...
Xi Wan Postgraduate Researcherxw355@...
Dr Charlie Wand Lecturer in Natural SciencesC.Wand@...
Neil Wands nw488@...
Dr Chun-Chin Wang Research FellowC.C.Wang@...
Ning Wang Postgraduatenw354@...
Jin Wang jw855@...
Dr Haozhe Wang Lecturer in Computer Science (E&R)H.Wang3@...
Dongya Wang PhD studentdw495@...
Dr Zi Wang Postdoctoral Research Fellowzw300@...
Dr Zeliang Wang Lecturer (E&S)Z.Wang6@...
Zhe Wang zw329@...
Junhao Wang jw952@...
Gaby Wang Postgraduateaw615@...
Dr Dong Wang Lecturer in Engineering & EntrepreneurshipD.Wang2@...
Professor Zhongdong Wang Honorary ProfessorZhongdong.Wang@...
Zepeng Wang Postgraduatezw314@...
Zheng Wang Postgraduatezw360@...
Zihan Wang zw328@...
Yafei Wang Y.Wang15@...
LINLIN WANG PhD studentlw681@...
Yi Wang Postgraduateyw644@...
Fu Wang Postgraduatefw377@...
Xin Wang xw363@...
Yankun Wang yw790@...
Dr Xiaoyang Wang Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence (E&R)X.Wang7@...
Dr Miaomin Wang Postdoctoral Research FellowM.Wang9@...
Chenjue Wang cw1069@...
Jinming Wang jw1294@...
Siyuan Wang sw1066@...
Dr Hongsheng Wang Postdoctoral Research FellowH.Wang5@...
Jian Wang Wang Postgraduate Researcherjw1490@...
Dr Michael Camden Ward Postdoctoral Research AssociateM.C.C.Ward@...
William Ward Postgraduateww357@...
Dr William Peter Wardley Postdoctoral Research FellowW.Wardley@...
Dr Matthew Watkins Honorary University FellowM.R.Watkins@...
Liam Watts Postgraduatelw619@...
Emma Way Administrative Officer (Astrophysics Group)E.J.Way@...
Dr Iain Weaver Research FellowI.S.Weaver@...
Dr James Webber Lecturer in Water Systems EngineeringJ.Webber2@...
Dr Helen Webster Lecturer in Global SystemsH.Webster@...
Dr Kyle Wedgwood LecturerK.C.A.Wedgwood@...
Felix Weedon fw314@...
Ben Weeks bw535@...
Dr Chuang Wen Lecturer in Computational Engineering (E&R)C.Wen@...
Jakob Wessel Postgraduatejw1301@...
Ned Westwood Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Social Data ScienceN.Westwood@...
Dr Andrew Wetherelt Programme Director and Senior Lecturer for BEng/MEng Mining Engineering A.Wetherelt@...
Sophie Whistler Postgraduate Researchersw694@...
George Neville White Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2023)gn257@...
Professor Hendro Wicaksono Engineering Visitor (B Yuce)H.Wicaksono@...
Dr Sebastian Wieczorek Honorary University ProfessorS.M.Wieczorek@...
Clare Wildin Education Support AssistantC.Wildin@...
Steph Wilk Business Development Manager - IIBS.Wilk@...
Jack Wilkin Postgraduatejw923@...
Paul R Wilkins Group TechnicianP.R.Wilkins@...
Thomas Wilkinson Postgraduatetw636@...
Gareth Willetts Postgraduateghw205@...
Professor Hywel Williams Professor of Environmental Data ScienceH.T.P.Williams@...
Daniel Williams PhD Studentdw569@...
Phoenix Williams Postgraduatepw384@...
Dr Calum Williams LecturerC.Williams15@...
Joe Williams Postgraduatejw1436@...
Professor Ben Williamson Associate Professor in Applied MineralogyB.J.Williamson@...
Professor Daniel Williamson Associate ProfessorD.Williamson@...
Dr Mark Williamson Proleptic lecturerM.S.Williamson@...
Hugh Williamson H.Williamson@...
Andrew Wilson Postgraduateaw648@...
Nicola Wilson Postgraduatenw431@...
Dr Tom J. Wilson Postdoctoral Research FellowT.J.Wilson@...
Thomas Wilson Postgraduatetjgw201@...
Ash Wilson Postgraduateaw918@...
Charlie Wilson Postgraduatecw1066@...
Professor Beth Wingate ProfessorB.Wingate@...
Daniel Witt Postgraduatedw603@...
Anna Witter Circular Economy Student Business Partneraw746@...
Neill Wood Programme Director for MSc Surveying and Land/Environmental ManagementN.A.Wood@...
Emily Wood E.J.Wood@...
Adam Woodgate Special Services TechnicianA.R.Woodgate@...
Dr Richard Woods Postdoctoral Research FellowR.D.Woods@...
Lena Worwood S.Worwood2@...
Professor C. David Wright Professor of Electronic Engineering - Head Nano-Engineering Science and Technology Group - Co-Director EPSRC CDT in Metamaterials - Co-Director Centre for Metamaterials Research & Innovationdavid.wright@...
Craig Wright Postgraduatecw881@...
Joseph Wright Graduate Research AssistantJ.T.W.Wright@...
Dr Hsin-Yu Wu Research FellowH.Wu@...
Han Wu Postgraduatehw630@...
Jia Wu jw1241@...
Fei Wu fw407@...
Huifang Wu hw851@...
Xingyue Wu xw380@...
Dr Bert Wuyts Postdoctoral Research FellowB.Wuyts@...
Dr Yongde Xia Senior Lecturer in Functional MaterialsY.Xia@...
Dengrunyu Xie dx223@...
Dr Hailun Xie Environmental Data Scientist –Net Zero Building H.X.Xie@...
Dr Xiaoyu Xiong Postdoctoral Research FellowX.Xiong@...
Han Xu hx230@...
Wangyue Xu wx232@...
Dr Mian Xu VisitorM.Xu2@...
Hao Xu Postgradutehx254@...
Jianwei Xu jx304@...
Hang Xu H.Xu3@...
Professor Xiaoyu Yan Professor in Sustainable Energy Systems Xiaoyu.Yan@...
Dr Yujie Yan Research FellowY.Yan@...
Dr Huiyi Yang Visiting Postdoctoral Research FellowH.Yang3@...
Xiuru Yang Postgraduatexy328@...
Dr Yan Yang Research FellowY.Yang7@...
Jiaxin Yang jy476@...
Yuxuan Yao Postgraduate Researcheryy546@...
Julian Yates Laboratory TechnicianJ.C.Yates@...
Dr Mehmet Yavuz Postdoctoral Research AssociateM.Yavuz@...
Felix Yeats-Brown Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2023)fey201@...
Dr Chris Yeomans Associate ResearcherC.M.Yeomans@...
Dr Nan Yi Research FellowN.Yi@...
Annie Yin Postgraduatejy440@...
Jun Ying VisitorJ.Ying@...
Professor Philippe Young Synopsys Chair of Computational MechanicsPhilippe.G.Young@...
Madeline R Young Postgraduatemy408@...
Dr Ben Youngman Senior LecturerB.Youngman@...
Professor Ian Youngs Honorary Professorijyoungs@...
Khaled Yousef ky288@...
Abdul Mannan Yousfani Associate Lecturer/ Academic Mentor CEDAA.Yousfani@...
Rui Yu ry272@...
Hao Yu Postgraduatehy337@...
Qian Yu qy254@...
Chenhui Yu cy342@...
Feng Yu fy274@...
Dr Baris Yuce Senior Lecturer in Engineering Management (E&R)B.Yuce@...
Savas Yuce Postgraduate sy340@...
James Yule Mechanical TechnicianJ.J.L.Yule@...
Ramiz Beig Zali Postgraduate Researcherrb815@...
Dr Maria Zamyatina Postdoctoral Research FellowM.Zamyatina@...
Sepideh Zandhaghighi Postgraduate Researchersz501@...
Dr Aleksandra Zawalna-Geer Postdoctoral Research FellowA.Zawalna-Geer@...
Farzan Zeinali Postgraduate Researcherfz264@...
Dr Nejat Zeydalinejad Postdoctoral Research FellowN.Zeydalinejad@...
Professor David Zhang Professor of Manufacturing SystemsD.Z.Zhang@...
Professor Keke Zhang ProfessorK.Zhang@...
Shaowei Zhang ProfessorS.Zhang@...
He Zhang PhD student in Computer Sciencehz298@...
Jiajia Zhang Postgraduatejz431@...
Jiazhen Zhang jz454@...
Taojun Zhang tz287@...
Chi Zhang Postgraduatecz338@...
Yongchao Zhang Postgraduateyz737@...
Fiona Zhang fz270@...
Hao Zhang hz305@...
Dr Zhenyu Zhang Lecturer in renewable energyZ.Z.Zhang@...
Guoqiang Zhang Senior Lecturer AI (E&R)G.Z.Zhang@...
Desong Zhang dz288@...
Enchao Zhang ez254@...
Luyang Zhang lz418@...
Nannan Zhang nz257@...
Dr Yunxiao Zhang Lecturer in Cyber SecurityY.Zhang12@...
Dr Wei Zhang Lecturer in Production and Manufacturing SystemsW.Zhang5@...
Dr Xingchen Zhang Senior Lecturer in Computer Vision and Artificial IntelligenceX.Zhang12@...
Yixuan Zhao yz776@...
Tianchen Zhao Postgraduatetz327@...
Yuxin Zhao Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2023)yz990@...
Lin Zheng Postgraduatelz363@...
Siwei Zheng Postgraduatesz413@...
Dr Keke Zheng Postdoctoral Research FellowK.Zheng@...
Weihao Zheng wz322@...
Sihui Zhong S.Zhong3@...
Nan Zhou Postgraduate Researchernz241@...
Xiaojie Zhou Postgraduate Researcherxz433@...
Hailun Zhou hz376@...
Shasha Zhou sz484@...
Professor Yanqiu Zhu Chair of Functional MaterialsY.Zhu@...
Professor Meiling Zhu Chair in Mechanical EngineeringM.Zhu@...
Yujia Zhu Postgraduateyz539@...
Dr Zuo Zhu Z.Zhu2@...
Gabriel Ziwa Postgraduategz239@...
Babak Zolghadr-Asli Postgraduate Researcher (QUEX Institute)bz267@...
Katya Zossimova Postgraduateez216@...
Huanling Zou Postgraduatehz358@...
Peiheng Zou Postgraduatepz259@...
Xiaotian Zou xz549@...