Photo of Prof Zhong Fan

Prof Zhong Fan

Professor of Net Zero Energy Systems


Location: Harrison 217a

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Prof. Zhong Fan has just joined Exeter University as the professor of net zero energy systems. Previously he was a Professor at Keele University and the Academic Director of SEND (Smart Energy Network Demonstrator). Before that, he was Chief Research Fellow with Toshiba Research Europe, Bristol, U.K., leading research on IoT, smart grid, data analytics, and 5G communications. Earlier in his career, he was a Research Fellow with Cambridge University, a Lecturer with Birmingham University, and a Researcher with Marconi Laboratories, Cambridge. He also received a BT Short-Term Fellowship for his work at BT Laboratories. His research interests are smart energy, IoT, and machine learning applications. 

For prospective students and visiting scholars:

I am always keen to recruit talented PhD and MSc students as well as host visiting scholars that work in related areas. I also welcome self-funded or government-funded (e.g., CSC) students. There are various funding opportunities for postdocs, e.g., EPSRC Fellowships, Newton International Fellowships, Newton Research Collaboration Programme, the Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowships, RAEng Research Fellowships, and Marie Curie Research Fellowships.