Photo of Dr Helen Smith

Dr Helen Smith

Senior Lecturer in Renewable Energy


Location: DuMaurier 3.029a

Telephone: 01326 254186

Dr Helen Smith is a Senior Lecturer in Renewable Energy, and Director of Education and Student Experience for the undergraduate and postgraduate Renewable Energy programmes. Her research background is in resource and impact assessment for the marine environment, and the development of numerical tools to support ‘blue growth’ in areas such as marine energy and aquaculture through enhanced understanding of the wave and tidal environment and the potential impacts on the physical environment. Her work also contributes to the other research activity in the Offshore Renewable Energy group, which includes hydrodynamics and marine operations, offshore reliability, and offshore technology.

Helen leads a range of modules inclusing ‘Applied Computing for Energy Studies’ and ‘Marine Renewable Energy’ on the BEng/MEng Renewable Energy Engineering and BSc Sustainable Energy Futures programmes. She is Co-I for the EPSRC and NERC Centre for Doctoral Training in Offshore Renewable Energy (IDCORE), where she leads the ‘Marine Renewable Resource Assessment’ module.

Helen completed her PhD at the University of Exeter’s Penryn Campus, entitled 'Modelling for resource and environmental impact assessments of wave farms'. She also holds an MSc Hydrography from the University of Plymouth and a BA Physics from the University of Oxford.


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