Photo of Dr Aishwaryaprajna .

Dr Aishwaryaprajna .

Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence (E&R)


Dr. Aishwaryaprajna joined University of Exeter as Lecturer in Computer Science (Education & Research) at the Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy in December 2023. Her research concerns modelling of AI systems. She holds bachelor’s and master’s in Mathematics that enables her to explore the theoretical foundations and applied aspects of AI systems.

Her PhD from School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham in 2022 was on noisy combinatorial optimisation with evolutionary computation. Her PhD established superior performance of recombination-style heuristic operations in simple, constrained and multi-objective combinatorial problems in presence of noisy fitness evaluations. Her PhD thesis discusses the runtime bounds of a novel Voting algorithm for solving combinatorial benchmark in presence of several noise models prevalent in machine learning scenarios.

She received the U21 Birmingham Global Scholarship for a collaborative visit to the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McMaster University, Canada during her PhD to perform research on a multi-objective combinatorial optimisation problem that for finding the surveillance path of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with resource constraints and uncertainty arising due to weather factors. 

She was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Trustworthy AI Lab, Ontario Tech University, Canada during April 2022-November 2023, where she worked on self-aware multi-agent systems for sustainable foraging that have reflection capabilities on past behaviour and actions. She was a Sessional Lecturer at the Faculty of Business and Information Technology, Ontario Tech University and taught modules on programming in C/C++ and essential mathematics necessary for game development.

She is also interested in applications of AI systems in healthcare. She worked on clinical decision support systems for cancer susceptibility while working with interdisciplinary teams consisting of healthcare professionals and bioinformatics experts when associated with School of Medical Science and Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur.

If you are interested to work with Dr. Aishwaryaprajna, please contact.

Selected recent publications:

  • Aishwaryaprajna and Rowe, J.E., 2023. The Voting algorithm is robust to various noise models. Theoretical Computer Science, 957, p.113844.
  • Aishwaryaprajna and Rowe, J.E., 2023. Evolutionary and Estimation of Distribution Algorithms for Unconstrained, Constrained, and Multiobjective Noisy Combinatorial Optimisation Problems. Evolutionary Computation, 31(3), pp.259-285.
  • Aishwaryaprajna, Kirubarajan, T., Tharmarasa, R. and Rowe, J.E., 2023. UAV path planning in presence of occlusions as noisy combinatorial multi-objective optimisation. International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation, 21(4), pp.209-217.
  • Debnath, C., Aishwaryaprajna, Hait, S.R., Guha, D. and Chakraborty, D., 2023. Evolutionary ensembles based on prioritized aggregation operator. Soft Computing, pp.1-20.
  • Aishwaryaprajna and Lewis, P.R., 2023, September. The Sustainable Foraging Problem. In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems Companion (ACSOS-C) (pp. 98-103). IEEE.
  • Aishwaryaprajna and Lewis, P.R., 2023, July. Exploring intervention in co-evolving deliberative neuro-evolution with reflective governance for the sustainable foraging problem. In Artificial Life Conference Proceedings 35 (Vol. 2023, No. 1, p. 140). MIT Press.