Photo of Prof Gilles Chabrier

Prof Gilles Chabrier

Professor of Astronomy


Location: Physics 411

Telephone: 01392 724127

Extension: (Streatham) 4127


- Dense matter physics

- Compact objects (white dwarfs, neutron stars)

- Stellar and planetary physics

- Galactic physics (mass functions; baryonic matter; microlensing)

- Star and planet formation



2024: Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society

2019: "Fred Hoyle Medal and Prize" of the Institute of Physics (IOP)

2014 : Grand Prix « Ampère » of the French Academy of Sciences

(highest scientific prize in France in EMPS (Engineering - Mathematics - Physical Sciences))

2011 : Eddington Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society

(awarded once every 2 years to one single laureate for “outstanding merit in theoretical astrophysics”)

2010 : Grand Prix “Jean Ricard” of the Société Française de Physique (SFP, French Physical Society)

(highest prize of the SFP)

2009: Salpeter lecturer (Cornell University)

2006: Silver Medal of CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research)


2004: Johann Wempe prize, Astronomikalisches Institut Potsdam (Germany)

(awarded anually to an outstanding scientist, in recognition of his/her life's work)

1999: Miller Professor Chair, Berkeley University

1996: Lalande-Benjamin-Valz Prize, Académie des Sciences

1987: Fulbright fellowship (very selective US fellowship for young researchers)