Photo of Dr Jemma Shipton

Dr Jemma Shipton

Lecturer in Mathematics (E&R)


Location: Harrison 317

Research Interests

  • atmosphere and ocean modelling
  • finite element methods
  • time-parallel algorithms

I am on the organising committee for the One World Mathematics of Climate Change project.

Current Projects

ExCALIBUR Cross-cutting themes: (

I work on two of the ExCALIBUR cross-cutting projects which aim to explore novel techniques to make efficient use of exascale supercomputers. I am the Principal Investigator of the Advanced Parallel in Time Algorithms for Partial Differential Equations project (APinTA PDEs), working with Prof. Wingate, Prof. Cotter, Dr David Moxey, Dr Chris Cantwell and Dr Omar Jamil to develop timestepping algorithms that can efficiently harness the power of future supercomputers by performing calculations in parallel. I am also Co-Investigtor on the Uncertainty Quantification at the Exascale project, led by Prof. Peter Challenor.


I am module lead and lecturer for MTHM008 Computational Modelling