Photo of Dr Andrey V Shytov

Dr Andrey V Shytov



Location: Physics 306

Telephone: 01392 722169

Extension: (Streatham) 2169

Research interests: Condensed matter theory with the focus on nanoscale quantum phenomena, nanophysics.

Currently, my research is centered on the electronic properties of graphene, a one-atom-thick material. Electrons in graphene behave similarly to relativistic particles. Therefore, some quantum relativistic phenomena, which were believed of little relevance to real world, can now be observed in experiments involving graphene.  One example of this is the atomic collapse:
super-heavy atoms are unstable and can implode. This phenomenon has been recently observed in artificial nuclei on graphene.

Previously, I was involved in projects on the physics of quantum Hall effect, nanomechanics, and physical aspects of quantum computing.

I am currently teaching Quantum Physics II (PHYM002) and Principles of Theoretical Physics (PHY3068).