Photo of Dr Majeed Soufian

Dr Majeed Soufian

MSc DTS Programme Director and Senior Lecturer


MIEEE (Computer Society; Industrial Electronics; Systems, Man and Cybernetics; Robotics and Automation)

Dr Majeed Soufian has a history of successful funding, multidisciplinary research and collaborations with industrial, academic and government agency partners alongside a commitment to education and supervision of  Early Career Researchers (ECR) and PhD students. Dr Soufian holds +3 international data analysis patents based on AI/ML, which were exploited in the hardware/software architectural design and development of an embedded medical information system (BiocypherTM) in rapid typing and identification of pathogens by using biomarkers and their patterns. He was the founder and chief technical officer (CTO) of Claydon Bioinformatics Ltd, a R&D SME spinout company for which he secured a GBP490K DTI SMART DTI Award (Grant Ref: GONW8096TEC) as Principal Investigator (PI) and Grant Holder for the same day identification of MRSA project with an estimated total budget of over GBP 1.1M in collaboration with HPA (Health Protection Agency, now Public Health England) in Colindale London and Manchester, Manchester Royal Infirmary Clinical Lab, Manchester University Medical School, Shimadzu KK etc. He was also involved in development of Visual Habit/Systematic Search for modelling/control of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) morphologies in University of Leeds alongside CCDC Ltd from University of Cambridge and a consortium of 5 companies (Pfizer, Syngenta, Infineum, Boehringer Inglheim Pharmaceuticals, Novartis Pharma). He resolved the big data bottlenecks in MiiHome (My Intelligent Home), a healthcare autonomous monitoring project with Salix Homes Ltd and University of Salford. Further on he developed Kinecting Cognition for Mild Cognition Impairment (MCI) using machine vision and deep learning. He also worked on many autonomous systems including design and development of a mobile robotic arm, navigation and chess playing robot.
Dr Soufian has published over 80 refereed articles in international conferences and journals with an interest in AI/ML, statistics, data science, intelligent system control, e-systems, robotics, computational modelling, software with applications in autonomous system, navigation (CAV), automation and their cybersecurity, medical imaging, pharmaceutical, medical microbiology, health. He has reviewed articles for many scientific publications such as SAGE, Chapman & Hall, Elsevier, ACS and sat on the International Editorial Review Board of Artificial Intelligence Research and International Programme and Steering Committees of "Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE)". His reputation and network of international collaboration has led to being Guest editor and chairing of many tracks and special sessions in international conferences such as IEEE ISIE 2017, IEEE Sensors 2017 (Smart Living focused session), IEEE Robosoft 2019, IEEE DeSE 2019 (Smart Living) and convening IEEE DeSE 2018 on Sensors, Data Science and IoE in Cambridge. He has had and been involved in a grant portfolio of over £1.3M funded by major research councils, DTI, industrial partners and universities. His industrial experience includes founding an industrial R&D group (SIC Ltd) for autonomous systems, over four years in Numerical Algorithms Group for porting and developing numerical algorithms including .Net optimisation routines for AI, LabView integration for automation/autonomous systems. He has worked as a visiting scientist in Daresbury Laboratories, STFC (Science and Technology Facility Council) for a feasibility study in developing multiscale modelling (Femtosecond/Angstroms to second/meters) tool using SOA architecture for EPSRC Future Software grant 2015.

Before Joining Exeter, he was computer science course leader/associate prof at RUL, director of 3 MSc online/HEP programmes (Copmuter Science; AI;  Data Analytics) and lecturer in data science at the University of Keele, where he currently has a visting academic role. He obtained his qualifications from University of Manchester (UMIST), MMU and University of Oxford.

Prospective PhD Students can contact him directly here and look for possible funding here.