Photo of Dr Chico Camargo

Dr Chico Camargo

Lecturer in Computer Science (E&R)


Location: Innovation Centre Phase 1 M1b

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Hi, I'm Chico!

I am a Senior Lecturer in Computer Science at the University of Exeter, and a couple of other things too:


I study how ideas spread and evolve, mixing data science with theories about human behaviour, culture, and society.

To be more specific: my research group develops new computational tools to study the media we produce and consume, the beliefs we hold and stories we tell, our myths and traditions, as well as the opinions, ideas, and narratives we propagate – how they develop, and how they evolve.

In doing so, I combine tools and approaches from data science, mathematical modelling, complex systems, algorithmic information theory, evolutionary biology, cultural evolution, cultural sociology, political communication, social psychology, cognitive psychology, and broadly speaking, computational social science.

For more detail and examples of ongoing projects, see the CC Lab website or my personal website.

Prospective students

I am looking for talented researchers (PhD students and postdocs) to join my lab. If this seems interesting to you, do get in touch! These links might be useful: