Photo of Prof Ana  Rodrigues

Prof Ana Rodrigues

Associate Professor (Education and Research)


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I finished my PhD in Mathematics (Dynamical Systems) in 2007. My supervisor was Ana Dias from the University of Porto.

Before arriving at Exeter I was a postdoc at IUPUI - Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis (United States) for two years and then I was a Research Assistant at KTH - Royal Institute of Technology and Uppsala University (Sweden) financed by the Swedish Research Council.

My research interests are in Dynamical Systems (Low-dimensional dynamical systems, ergodic theory, limit cycles of differential equations, dynamical systems with symmetry).


ECMM702 - Methods for Stochastics and Finance

ECM1707 - Probability and Discrete Mathematics

Lecture notes: ELE.

Phd Students

Ummu Atiqah Mohd Roslan (with Pete Ahswin)

Davit Karagoulyan (with Michael Benedicks)

Post Doc

Stefanie Zegowitz (financed by the Swedish Research Council)

Research interests

Low-dimensional dynamical systems and ergodic theory; mechanics of particles and systems; bifurcation theory.