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Prof Nick Stone
Professor of Biomedical Imaging and Biosensing
Location: Physics 206
Telephone: 01392 726531
Extension: (Streatham) 6531
Professor Nicholas Stone (h index = 52), Professor of Biomedical Imaging and Biosensing, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Exeter is also an HCPC registered [CS3557] Consultant Clinical Scientist (Medical Physics), holding positions in two leading NHS Foundation Hospital Trusts. He recently led the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Exeter 2015-2018. Prior to that he was Director of Research.
Nick is the University Lead for Healthcare Technologies' and has a strong track record working at the interface between physics, engineering and medicine. In 2012 he was appointed to the position of Professor of Biomedical Imaging and Biosensing at the University of Exeter, leading him to relinquish the positions of Consultant Clinical Scientist and Head of the Biophotonics Research Unit at Gloucestershire Hospitals and Professor of Biophotonics at Cranfield University. There he established an internationally recognised research unit within a district general hospital pioneering novel optical techniques for diagnostics and therapeutics. He built this unit from scratch and succeeded in funding it in its entirety for 13-14 years.
He has International recognition as a leader in the field of biomedical vibrational spectroscopy for diagnostics. He was awarded Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine Acaxdemic Gold Medal (2020) and the Chief Scientific Officer’s National R&D Award for 2009, the ICORS - International Raman award in 2014 and various other national and international prizes. He have published 7 book chapters; over 200 peer reviewed papers and proceedings and 7 patents. He has been an invited speaker at over 60 national and international conferences and chaired and organised leading events in the field (SPEC 2008, 2010, 2012; FACSS Bioanalytical Section; Numerous IPEM Medical Physics Conferences; BMLA National and European Conferences; SPIE Conferences; Rank Prize).
Prof Stone has raised over £20 million grant income and led numerous projects to explore novel diagnostics and therapeutics utilising the power of light. He currently holds grants from the EPSRC, NIHR, MRC and CRUK of around £11.5M, covering fundamental science to clinical translation, with most being large scale multi-institutional and cross-disciplinary. NS’ current EPSRC grants exceed £8M as PI [EP/R020965/1 & EP/P012442/1] and Co-I [EP/S009957/1 & NS/A000063/1] and he is a holder of one of only a handful of EPSRC Health Technologies (HT) Programme and Strategic Equipment grants.
Prof Stone has worked in a national leadership role in Medical Physics (Director of Science, Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (2009-2011); Vice President and Chair of Academic Advisory Group to Council (2011-2014)) and has sat on the board of various societies: the Institute of Physics in Medicine and Biology, British Medical Laser Association, the Head and Neck Optical Diagnostics Society. Recently as a Founder Director I helped to form the International Society of Clinical Spectroscopy (CLIRSPEC). He holds fellowships (FRSC, FIPEM, FSAS) from 3 international learned societies.