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Dr Ajit C Pillai
Senior Lecturer in Autonomous Systems and Robotics
Location: SERSF G.07
Telephone: 01326 253783
Ajit’s research is focused on the development and deployment of optimization algorithms to aid in the design of offshore renewable energy devices and arrays.
From 2021 he is a Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellow developing new techniques to integrate numerical physics-based models with targeted, dynamic measurement campaigns using autonomous vessels to reduce offshore uncertainty and develop a new framework for spatial data.
While at the University of Exeter he has worked on several projects applying optimization and machine learning techniques including:
- EPSRC SuperGen UK Centre for Marine Energy Research (UKCMER) on the integration of multi-objective optimization approaches in the design of offshore renewable energy devices and subsystems.
- EPSRC Supergen ORE Hub Flexible Fund Project Accounting for Current in Wave Buoy Measurements where the team are developing a novel optimization-based framework for considering the impact of currents on wave buoys
- ERDF funded Marine-I working to support SMEs working in marine engineering in Cornwall
- Interreg France (Channel) England supported EUROSWAC project exploring sea water cooling systems
- EPSRC Supergen ORE Hub Flexible Fund project Machine Learning for Low-Cost Offshore Modelling (MaLCOM) exploring the use of machine learning to improve wave forecasting methods
- ERDF funded Cornwall FLOW Accelerator supporting the development of floating offshore wind in the South-West of the UK
- EPSRC funded Mooring analysis and design for offshore WEC survivability and fatigue (MoorWEC) developing new hydrodynamic approaches for modelling mooring systems
- InnovateUK KTP with Imetrum Ltd.
Prior to joining the University of Exeter, Ajit obtained an EngD in offshore renewable energy through the Industrial Doctoral Centre for Offshore Renewable Energy (IDCORE); a partnership between the Universities of Edinburgh, Exeter, and Strathclyde with the Scottish Association for Marine Science, HR-Wallingford, the ETI, and the EPSRC. His EngD research, completed in partnership with EDF Energy R&D UK Centre, led to the development of a methodology and tool for the optimization of offshore wind farm layouts considering the sites and constraints relevant for future gigawatt scale wind farms in European waters.
Ajit also holds an MSc in Sustainable Energy Systems from The University of Edinburgh and a BSc in Mechanical Engineering from Columbia University.