Photo of Prof Maria Rosaria Marsico

Prof Maria Rosaria Marsico

Associate Professor of Structural Dynamics


Location: Harrison 216b

Telephone: 01392 723594

Extension: (Streatham) 3594

Maria Rosaria Marsico  is presently Associate Professor of Strucural Dynamics at the College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences of the University of Exeter, UK. She was awarded a Ph.D. in Structural Engineering in 2008 at the University of Naples Federico II and she was Research Assistant at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at University of Bristol, UK  woking on the instabiliy of cables in cable-stay bridges.

She investigates the use of sustainable and innovative materials to reinforce elastomers and enhance the vibration isolation properties of elastomeric devices. In 2021 she secured two EPSRC Knowledge Exchange Funding Impact Accelerator Accounts (IAA) and a UKRI Research England Innovation Platform for Collaboration Funding to engage with industries and explore partnership schemes, which resulted in two filed patents on which this research will capitalize.

She is regularly invited to present her research, for instance at the 2024 Global Summit for Disaster Risk Reduction, 2021 International Institute of Synthetic Rubber Producers and at the 2021 IoM3 Elastomers in Infrastructure session.

She she was Visiting Researcher at the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of California Berkeley in 2008-09 and she optimised an innovative method to design buckling and roll-out displacement for multilayer elastomeric bearings used for seismic protection.

Dr Marsico has reviewed grant applications and sits on panels for UKRI and for the UK Higher Eucation Academy.



2021: Incubator Fellow 'Research-Based Community-Engaged' University of Exeter

2020: EASD Junior Research Prize in the area of Application of Structural Dynamics (European Association of Structural Dynamics) 

2020: 'Lucani insigni' Award, A distinctive person from Lucania, Italy, by Regional Basilicata Council.

2018: Princilap Fellow of the Hiegher Education Academy 


 Leaderhsip Roles

2020- Admission Lead, Engineering at the University of Exeter, UK

Past Chair of the Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Exeter Branch (2016-18)

Early Career Researcher Rep for Engineering. Fecabook ECRN. LinkedIn ECRN UoE Engineering

External Relations Champion for Engineering at CEMPS.

Equality & Diversity Co-ordinator (Engineering), University of Exeter.

Funder of Robogals Chapter at CEMPS.

Research-led learning. Watch my controbution to the Education Strategy 2015-2020.

 2014-2016  Co-ordinator of the Exeter MSc in Structural Engineering



  Professional Experience

2016: Member of the EPSC Associate Peer Review College.

2014: Member of the Italian Working Group ‘Earthquake Risk Assessment Plan’ (€444,176.02).

2010-2012: Project Engineer at SOMMA MECHANICAL ENGINEERING.

2006:  Expert witness for Italian Court, Potenza, Italy.

2005-2006: Project Engineer for GAMMA ENGINEERING.

2005-2008: Engineer Consultant for BLG ENGINEERING GROUP.

2005: Engineer Consultant for FEEVA Architecture. 


PhD Studenthsip

Ph.D self-funded studentship under my supervision in the areas of:

Advanced Materials

1.      Graphene-Based Composite Materials for Seismic Isolation of Structures (Maria Rosaria Marsico) contact email

2.      Metamaterial-based design of seismic resistant structures (Maria Rosaria Marsico) contact email


1.      Advanced composites for boosting resilience of strategic equipment operating in wobbling environments in the medical and aerospace industry (Julian Londono Monsalve) contact email or


I would he happy to supervise PhD Students in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. Please contact me!