Research staff

Please roll over the person's name to display telephone and room information.

Camborne School of Mines | Computer Science | Engineering | Environmental Mathematics | Geology | Mathematics and Statistics | Mining and Minerals Engineering | Physics & Astronomy | Renewable Energy | ESE | Earth and Environmental Sciences | Physics and Astronomy

Camborne School of Mines
Rami Alshembari Postdoctoral Research FellowR.Alshembari@...
Dr Sam Broom-Fendley Proleptic LecturerS.L.Broom-Fendley@...
Richard Chalkley Graduate Research AssistantR.Chalkley2@...
Elin Jennings Graduate Research AssistantE.Jennings2@...
Dr Parul Johar Postdoctoral Research AssociateP.Johar@...
Tom Lintern Industrial Impact FellowT.O.Lintern@...
Dr Nivea Magalhaes Research FellowN.Magalhaes@...
Dr Lorenzo Mantiloni Postdoctoral Research FellowL.Mantiloni@...
Dr Eva Marquis Research FellowE.Marquis@...
William Parker Graduate Research AssistantW.Parker@...
Johnny Pope Industrial Impact FellowG.B.V.Pope@...
Dr Violeta Ramos Research FellowV.I.Monteiro-Ramos@...
Dr Mohammed Ismail Rehmanji Research FellowM.Rehmanji@...
Gilles Seropian Postdoctoral Research FellowG.Seropian@...
Dr Kate Taylor Smith Research FellowK.Smith@...
Victoria Smyth Project Coordinate Met4Tech - IIBV.Smyth@...
Steph Wilk Business Development Manager - IIBS.Wilk@...
Dr Yujie Yan Research FellowY.Yan@...
Computer Science
Asad Ahmed A.Ahmed6@...
Dr Tristan Cann Postdoctoral Research FellowT.J.B.Cann@...
Dr Andrew Corbett Research FellowA.J.Corbett@...
Rucha Dalwadi R.Dalwadi@...
Dr George De Ath Research
Aimée Hall Data Scientist (KTP Associate)A.E.Hall@...
Haojun Huang H.Huang2@...
Paul Kent P.U.Kent@...
Dr Charlie Kirkwood Postdoctoral Research Fellowc.kirkwood@...
Martin Layton M.Layton@...
Goncalo Leiria G.N.Leiria@...
Dr Matthew McGuigan Research Fellowmm757@...
Dr Joshua Myrans Honorary Research FellowJ.Myrans@...
Dr Ravi Pandit Research FellowR.Pandit@...
Nick Sanders PhD Studentns354@...
Alexander Schoenfelder A.Schoenfelder@...
Peyman Shadmani Postdoctoral Research Fellowps504@...
Remy Vandaele R.Vandaele@...
Dr Iain Weaver Research FellowI.S.Weaver@...
Ned Westwood Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Social Data ScienceN.Westwood@...
Sam John Abraham M.Phil. StudentS.John-Abraham@...
Dr Kenneth Afebu Postdoctoral Research FellowK.Afebu@...
Dr Sangaralingam Ahilan Research FellowS.Ahilan@...
Dr Wai Kei (Vincent) Ao Research Fellowwka203@...
Dr Hasan Baig Research FellowH.Baig@...
Dr Kate Baker Senior Research FellowK.Baker2@...
Shubhranshu Bhandari S.Bhandari@...
Isabel Brown Graduate Research Assistant I.Brown7@...
Dr Yusuf Chanchangi Research FellowY.N.Chanchangi@...
Jiaxin Chen Postgraduatejc1083@...
Dr Otto (Chien-Nien) Chen Research FellowC.Chen2@...
Yu Chen Postdoctoral Research FellowY.Chen8@...
Dr Cheng Chi C.Chi@...
Jack Coathup jac263@...
Cleiton Comelli cc867@...
Dr Andrew Corbett Research FellowA.J.Corbett@...
Dr Maria Eugenia Correa Cano Postdoctoral Research AssociateM.E.Correa-Cano2@...
Richard Creek KTP Associate (Mechanical/Electrical Engineer)R.Creek@...
Dr Shuang Dai Postdoctoral research associateS.Dai@...
Steven Daniels Research FellowS.Daniels@...
Dr Carly Daniels Post Doctoral Research FellowC.Daniels2@...
Richard Davies Senior Research Fellow - AM Programme LeadRichard.Davies@...
Lorna Devenish Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Partnerships ManagerL.Devenish@...
Ronan Doyle SHIFFT Project Manager (Sustainable Heating: Implementing Fossil Free Technologies)R.Doyle2@...
Dr Samuel Erland Research FellowS.Erland@...
Dr Barry Evans Senior Research FellowB.Evans@...
Ethan Feaver Graduate Research Assistant E.Feaver@...
Ben Fourcin Graduate Research Assistantbjjf201@...
Ben Fourcin B.Fourcin3@...
Dr Michael Gibson Research FellowM.J.Gibson@...
Dr Zoltan J Gombos Postdoctoral Research FellowZ.J.Gombos@...
Ian Gray Graduate Research AssistantI.T.Gray@...
Xiaoyuan Gu xg286@...
Dr Mohammad Hajsadeghi Postdoctoral Research FellowM.Hajsadeghi@...
Jon Hardwick Associate Research Fellow - Postgraduatej.p.hardwick@...
Dr Allen Hart A.H.Hart@...
Sam Hu X.Hu@...
Kimia Jafari K.Jafari@...
Dr Matt Johns Research FellowM.B.Johns@...
Dr Nicko Kassotakis KTP AssociateN.Kassotakis@...
Emily Kelly Postdoctoral Research AssociateE.Kelly2@...
Dr Faryal Khalid Postdoctoral Research FellowF.Khalid2@...
Dr Ahmed Khalil Postdoctoral Research FellowA.A.Khalil@...
Dr Mehdi Khoury Senior Research FellowM.Khoury@...
Soroosh Kianmehr sk692@...
Dr Stephane Kovacs Postdoctoral Research FellowS.Kovacs@...
Pranav Vijaya Kumar P.Vijaya-Kumar@...
Dr Milad Latifi KTP AssociateM.Latifi-Alavije@...
Edward Laughton Postgraduate Researcherel326@...
Gareth Lewis Research FellowG.Lewis2@...
Zhencheng Li Z.Li6@...
Fan Li F.Li@...
Dr Qian Li Postdoctoral Research FellowQ.Li6@...
Dr Yaan Liu Postdoctoral Research FellowY.A.LIU@...
Dr Ed Mackay Research FellowE.Mackay@...
Paul McCutchion Manager - Exeter Technologies GroupP.McCutchion@...
Dr Soumyajit Mojumder S.Mojumder@...
Dr Emmanuel Momoh Postdoctoral Research FellowE.O.Momoh@...
Dr Alireza Mousavi Postdoctoral Research FellowA.Mousavi@...
Dr Joshua Myrans Honorary Research FellowJ.Myrans@...
Srilatha Mysore Nagendra S.Mysore-Nagendra@...
Muhammad Naqi Research FellowM.Naqi@...
Daniela Lazaro Pacheco D.Lazaro-Pacheco@...
Dr Harry Penketh Postdoctoral Research Fellow H.Penketh2@...
Dr Jess Penny Postdoctoral Research FellowJ.S.Penny@...
Pimonpan Phurappa P.Phurappa@...
Dr Caroline Pouya Postdoctoral Research FellowC.Pouya2@...
Praveen Kannan Rajamani P.Rajamani2@...
Dr Kyle Roskilly Postdoctoral Research Fellow/Project ManagerK.Roskilly@...
Dr Rohollah Rostami R.Rostami@...
Vikram Rout Graduate Research Assistant CONFLEX (Marie Curie)V.Rout@...
Dr Anurag Roy Postdoctoral Research FellowA.Roy30@...
Tingwen Ruan Postdoctoral Research AssociateT.Ruan@...
Dr Seyed M. Sadr Honorary Research FellowS.M.K.Sadr@...
Philip Sandwell P.Sandwell@...
Dr Luke Savage Senior Research Fellowl.savage@...
Jack Shanahan J.Shanahan@...
Dr Jiajia Shen Proleptic Lectureship/Research FellowJ.Shen3@...
Joe Shields Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2018)js1116@...
Lama Soliman Khaled PhD student ls770@...
Helen Spalding Research Manager, DCE GroupH.Spalding@...
Dr Chris Sweetapple Research FellowC.Sweetapple@...
Yousuf Syed Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation Engineer (KTY.Syed@...
Dr David Trudgeon Research Fellowdpt202@...
Dr Habib Ullah Research Fellowhu203@...
Dr Lydia Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia Senior Research FellowL.S.Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia@...
Dr Alessandra Vizzaccaro A.Vizzaccaro@...
Dr Miaomin Wang Postdoctoral Research FellowM.Wang9@...
Joseph Wright Graduate Research AssistantJ.T.W.Wright@...
Dr Hailun Xie Environmental Data Scientist –Net Zero Building H.X.Xie@...
Hang Xu H.Xu3@...
Dr Yan Yang Research FellowY.Yang7@...
Dr Nan Yi Research FellowN.Yi@...
Dr Aleksandra Zawalna-Geer Postdoctoral Research FellowA.Zawalna-Geer@...
Dr Nejat Zeydalinejad Postdoctoral Research FellowN.Zeydalinejad@...
Dr Zuo Zhu Z.Zhu2@...
Environmental Mathematics
Dr Matt Jones Research FellowM.L.Jones@...
Dr Richard Woods Postdoctoral Research FellowR.D.Woods@...
Dr Sam Broom-Fendley Proleptic LecturerS.L.Broom-Fendley@...
Dr Violeta Ramos Research FellowV.I.Monteiro-Ramos@...
Dr Kate Taylor Smith Research FellowK.Smith@...
Mathematics and Statistics
Dr Jesse Abrams Postdoctoral Research FellowJ.Abrams@...
Dr Prerita Agarwal Postdoctoral Research Associate P.Agarwal2@...
Dr Shubhi Agrawal Postdoctoral Research FellowS.Agrawal2@...
Dr Matthew Anderson Industrial Research FellowM.W.Anderson@...
Timothée Bacri T.R.F.Bacri@...
Dr Evan Baker Associate Visitore.baker@...
Ignacio Del Amo Blanco I.B.Del-Amo@...
Dr Paul Bowen Postdoctoral Research FellowP.Bowen@...
Dr Jehangir Cama Industry Research Fellow J.Cama@...
Dr Pauline Campos Postdoctoral Research Fellow P.Campos@...
Dr Sarah Chadburn Research FellowS.E.Chadburn@...
Dr Hsi-Kai Chou Postdoctoral Research AssociateH.Chou@...
Dr Joe Clarke Postdoctoral Research AssociateJ.Clarke3@...
Dr Ilaria Colazzo Postdoctoral Research FellowI.Colazzo@...
Laura Cope L.Cope@...
Alberto Corato PostgraduateA.Corato@...
Dr Laura Currie Research FellowL.K.Currie@...
Dr Farzaneh Darki Postdoctoral Research FellowF.Darki2@...
Dr George Datseris Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral FellowG.Datseris@...
Dr Michael Dunne Graduate Research Fellowmd624@...
Dr Carolina Duran Rojas Software EngineerM.C.Duran-Rojas@...
Dr Suparna DuttaSinha Marie Curie FellowS.DuttaSinha@...
Dr Georgios Efstathiou Senior Research Fellow/Proleptic LecturerG.Efstathiou@...
Dr Mark England Senior Research Fellow, Royal Commission for Exhibition of 1851M.England2@...
Muhammed Fadera mf572@...
Dr Saeed Farjami Postdoctoral Research FellowS.Farjami@...
Dr Samantha Ferrett Postdoctoral Research FellowS.J.Ferrett@...
Dr Diane Fraser Scientific ProgrammerD.P.Fraser@...
Suran Galappaththige S.K.Galappaththige@...
Dr Muhammad Hasan Hasan M.Hasan@...
Dr Stephanie Hay Postdoctoral Research AssociateS.E.Hay@...
Dr Matthew Henry Postdoctoral Research FellowM.Henry@...
Dr Ayesha Hussain Postdoctoral Research Fellow A.S.Hussain@...
Thomas Hutton Postgraduateth556@...
Dr Simon Jones Research FellowS.R.G.Jones@...
Ivis Kerama I.Kerama@...
Dr Louise Kimpton Postdoctoral Research Fellowlmk212@...
Dr Jamie Knight Postdoctoral Research AssociateJ.Knight4@...
Bram Kuijper Research FellowA.L.W.Kuijper@...
Siddharth Kumar S.Unnithan-Kumar@...
Dr Neil Lewis Postdoctoral Research FellowN.T.Lewis@...
Dr Emma Littleton Postdoctoral Research FellowE.W.Littleton@...
Dr Jacob Maddison Postdoctoral Research FellowJ.Maddison2@...
Dr Penelope Maher Research FellowP.Maher@...
Dr Florent Malavelle Research FellowF.Malavelle@...
Karen Grace Bondoc Naumovitz K.Bondoc-Naumovitz@...
Dr Tom Powell Research Impact Fellow, Global Systems InstituteT.Powell@...
Dr Matthew Priestley Postdoctoral Research FellowM.Priestley@...
Dr Ananth Ranjithkumar Postdoctoral Research FellowA.R.Ranjithkumar@...
Nicolas Verschueren Van Rees Postdoctoral Research FellowN.Verschueren-Van-Rees2@...
Dr Paul Ritchie Postdoctoral Research FellowPaul.Ritchie@...
Raphael Roemer PostgraduateR.K.Roemer@...
Dr James Salter LecturerJ.M.Salter@...
Hannah Laeverenz Schlogelhofer H.Laeverenz-Schlogelhofer@...
Dr Kasturi Singh Postdoctoral Research FellowK.Singh@...
Noah Smith Postgraduatends211@...
Dr Ben Snow Postdoc Researcher B.Snow@...
Jefferson Goncalves De Souza J.Goncalves-De-Souza@...
Dr Jack Spencer Industrial Research Fellowj.a.spencer@...
Dr Monisha Natchiar Subbiah Renganathan Postdoctoral Research FellowM.Subbiah-Renganathan@...
Dr Charlie Suitters Postdoctoral Research AssociateC.Suitters@...
Thomas Tunstall tt386@...
Dr Rebecca Varney Postdoctoral Research AssociateR.Varney@...
Dr Dimitar Vlaykov Postdoctoral Research FellowD.Vlaykov@...
Dr Hongsheng Wang Postdoctoral Research FellowH.Wang5@...
Hugh Williamson H.Williamson@...
Emily Wood E.J.Wood@...
Dr Xiaoyu Xiong Postdoctoral Research FellowX.Xiong@...
Sihui Zhong S.Zhong3@...
Mining and Minerals Engineering
Dr Oliver Allanson Honorary Senior Lecturer (University of Exeter) & Assistant Professor (University of Birmingham)O.Allanson@...
Dr Eva Marquis Research FellowE.Marquis@...
Dr Yujie Yan Research FellowY.Yan@...
Physics & Astronomy
Dr Thomas Bending Postdoctoral Research FellowT.J.R.Bending@...
Dr James Capers Postdoctoral Research FellowJ.Capers@...
Federico Cerisola F.Cerisola@...
Francis Davies F.H.Davies2@...
Luca Dellantonio DrL.Dellantonio@...
Aiman Khan A.Khan3@...
Dr Neil Lewis Postdoctoral Research FellowN.T.Lewis@...
Dr Sebastian Marino Senior Research FellowS.Marino-Estay@...
Dr David Richards Senior LecturerDavid.Richards@...
Dr Stefano Scali Postdoctoral Research FellowS.Scali@...
Dr Saumya Singh S.Singh5@...
Dr Ned Thaddeus Taylor Postdoctoral Research FellowN.T.Taylor@...
Renewable Energy
Dr Hasan Baig Research FellowH.Baig@...
Shubhranshu Bhandari S.Bhandari@...
Dr Yusuf Chanchangi Research FellowY.N.Chanchangi@...
Jiaxin Chen Postgraduatejc1083@...
Dr Maria Eugenia Correa Cano Postdoctoral Research AssociateM.E.Correa-Cano2@...
Dr Carly Daniels Post Doctoral Research FellowC.Daniels2@...
Ronan Doyle SHIFFT Project Manager (Sustainable Heating: Implementing Fossil Free Technologies)R.Doyle2@...
Jon Hardwick Associate Research Fellow - Postgraduatej.p.hardwick@...
Kimia Jafari K.Jafari@...
Dr Nicko Kassotakis KTP AssociateN.Kassotakis@...
Dr Faryal Khalid Postdoctoral Research FellowF.Khalid2@...
Dr Stephane Kovacs Postdoctoral Research FellowS.Kovacs@...
Dr Ed Mackay Research FellowE.Mackay@...
Pimonpan Phurappa P.Phurappa@...
Dr Kyle Roskilly Postdoctoral Research Fellow/Project ManagerK.Roskilly@...
Dr Anurag Roy Postdoctoral Research FellowA.Roy30@...
Dr David Trudgeon Research Fellowdpt202@...
Dr Habib Ullah Research Fellowhu203@...
Dr Aleksandra Zawalna-Geer Postdoctoral Research FellowA.Zawalna-Geer@...
Sam John Abraham M.Phil. StudentS.John-Abraham@...
Dr Prerita Agarwal Postdoctoral Research Associate P.Agarwal2@...
Asad Ahmed A.Ahmed6@...
Timothée Bacri T.R.F.Bacri@...
Dr Paul Bowen Postdoctoral Research FellowP.Bowen@...
Isabel Brown Graduate Research Assistant I.Brown7@...
Dr James Capers Postdoctoral Research FellowJ.Capers@...
Federico Cerisola F.Cerisola@...
Dr Cheng Chi C.Chi@...
Dr Hsi-Kai Chou Postdoctoral Research AssociateH.Chou@...
Dr Joe Clarke Postdoctoral Research AssociateJ.Clarke3@...
Cleiton Comelli cc867@...
Laura Cope L.Cope@...
Dr Andrew Corbett Research FellowA.J.Corbett@...
Dr Shuang Dai Postdoctoral research associateS.Dai@...
Dr Farzaneh Darki Postdoctoral Research FellowF.Darki2@...
Dr George Datseris Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral FellowG.Datseris@...
Francis Davies F.H.Davies2@...
Luca Dellantonio DrL.Dellantonio@...
Lorna Devenish Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Partnerships ManagerL.Devenish@...
Dr Michael Dunne Graduate Research Fellowmd624@...
Ethan Feaver Graduate Research Assistant E.Feaver@...
Ben Fourcin B.Fourcin3@...
Suran Galappaththige S.K.Galappaththige@...
Dr Tyler Gardner Postdoctoral Research FellowT.B.Gardner@...
Diksha Garg D.Garg@...
Xiaoyuan Gu xg286@...
Dr Muhammad Hasan Hasan M.Hasan@...
Thomas Hutton Postgraduateth556@...
Kimia Jafari K.Jafari@...
Elin Jennings Graduate Research AssistantE.Jennings2@...
Dr Parul Johar Postdoctoral Research AssociateP.Johar@...
Paul Kent P.U.Kent@...
Ivis Kerama I.Kerama@...
Aiman Khan A.Khan3@...
Soroosh Kianmehr sk692@...
Dr Charlie Kirkwood Postdoctoral Research Fellowc.kirkwood@...
Dr Jamie Knight Postdoctoral Research AssociateJ.Knight4@...
Pranav Vijaya Kumar P.Vijaya-Kumar@...
Siddharth Kumar S.Unnithan-Kumar@...
Goncalo Leiria G.N.Leiria@...
Zhencheng Li Z.Li6@...
Dr Nivea Magalhaes Research FellowN.Magalhaes@...
Dr Lorenzo Mantiloni Postdoctoral Research FellowL.Mantiloni@...
Dr Sebastian Marino Senior Research FellowS.Marino-Estay@...
Paul McCutchion Manager - Exeter Technologies GroupP.McCutchion@...
Jo Millar J.F.M.Millar@...
Dr Sam Morrell Postdoctoral Research FellowS.A.F.Morrell2@...
Srilatha Mysore Nagendra S.Mysore-Nagendra@...
Muhammad Naqi Research FellowM.Naqi@...
William Parker Graduate Research AssistantW.Parker@...
Dr Jyotirmay Paul Postdoctoral Research FellowJ.Paul@...
Dr Jess Penny Postdoctoral Research FellowJ.S.Penny@...
Praveen Kannan Rajamani P.Rajamani2@...
Dr Ananth Ranjithkumar Postdoctoral Research FellowA.R.Ranjithkumar@...
Dr Mohammed Ismail Rehmanji Research FellowM.Rehmanji@...
Dr David Richards Senior LecturerDavid.Richards@...
Dr Rohollah Rostami R.Rostami@...
Dr Stefano Scali Postdoctoral Research FellowS.Scali@...
Gilles Seropian Postdoctoral Research FellowG.Seropian@...
Peyman Shadmani Postdoctoral Research Fellowps504@...
Jack Shanahan J.Shanahan@...
Dr Jiajia Shen Proleptic Lectureship/Research FellowJ.Shen3@...
Joe Shields Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2018)js1116@...
Dr Saumya Singh S.Singh5@...
Dr Kasturi Singh Postdoctoral Research FellowK.Singh@...
Noah Smith Postgraduatends211@...
Dr Owain Snaith Postdoctoral Research FellowO.N.Snaith@...
Lama Soliman Khaled PhD student ls770@...
Helen Spalding Research Manager, DCE GroupH.Spalding@...
Dr Charlie Suitters Postdoctoral Research AssociateC.Suitters@...
Dr Ned Thaddeus Taylor Postdoctoral Research FellowN.T.Taylor@...
Dr David Trudgeon Research Fellowdpt202@...
Thomas Tunstall tt386@...
Remy Vandaele R.Vandaele@...
Dr Dimitar Vlaykov Postdoctoral Research FellowD.Vlaykov@...
Dr Miaomin Wang Postdoctoral Research FellowM.Wang9@...
Dr Hongsheng Wang Postdoctoral Research FellowH.Wang5@...
Ned Westwood Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Social Data ScienceN.Westwood@...
Hang Xu H.Xu3@...
Dr Nejat Zeydalinejad Postdoctoral Research FellowN.Zeydalinejad@...
Sihui Zhong S.Zhong3@...
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Dr Oliver Allanson Honorary Senior Lecturer (University of Exeter) & Assistant Professor (University of Birmingham)O.Allanson@...
Rami Alshembari Postdoctoral Research FellowR.Alshembari@...
Dr Sam Broom-Fendley Proleptic LecturerS.L.Broom-Fendley@...
Richard Chalkley Graduate Research AssistantR.Chalkley2@...
Elin Jennings Graduate Research AssistantE.Jennings2@...
Dr Parul Johar Postdoctoral Research AssociateP.Johar@...
Dr Matt Jones Research FellowM.L.Jones@...
Tom Lintern Industrial Impact FellowT.O.Lintern@...
Dr Nivea Magalhaes Research FellowN.Magalhaes@...
Dr Lorenzo Mantiloni Postdoctoral Research FellowL.Mantiloni@...
Dr Eva Marquis Research FellowE.Marquis@...
William Parker Graduate Research AssistantW.Parker@...
Dr Violeta Ramos Research FellowV.I.Monteiro-Ramos@...
Dr Mohammed Ismail Rehmanji Research FellowM.Rehmanji@...
Gilles Seropian Postdoctoral Research FellowG.Seropian@...
Dr Kate Taylor Smith Research FellowK.Smith@...
Dr Richard Woods Postdoctoral Research FellowR.D.Woods@...
Dr Yujie Yan Research FellowY.Yan@...
Physics and Astronomy
Dr Yat-Yin Au Research FellowY.Au@...
Dr Michelle Bailey Postdoctoral Research FellowM.Bailey2@...
Dr James Bell Visiting ScientistJ.S.Bell@...
Dr Thomas Bending Postdoctoral Research FellowT.J.R.Bending@...
Marco Berritta Postdoctoral Research Fellow M.Berritta@...
Dr Pascaline Bouzy Research FellowP.Bouzy@...
Dr Alex Breen Postdoctoral Research AssociateA.B.Breen@...
Dr Une Butaite Postdoctoral Research FellowU.Butaite@...
Doriana Calabrese dc547@...
Dr James Capers Postdoctoral Research FellowJ.Capers@...
Federico Cerisola F.Cerisola@...
Dr Sorabh Chhabra Postdoctoral FellowS.Chhabra@...
Dr Jenna Corcoran Research FellowJ.F.Corcoran@...
James Cresser DrJ.D.Cresser@...
Dr Maciej Dabrowski Senior LecturerM.K.Dabrowski@...
Dr Shweta Dalal Postdoctoral Research FellowS.Dalal@...
Francis Davies F.H.Davies2@...
Luca Dellantonio DrL.Dellantonio@...
Dr Thomas Derrien Post-doctoral Research FellowT.L.F.Derrien@...
Dr Charles Andrew Downing Royal Society University Research Fellow & Proleptic LecturerC.A.Downing@...
Dr Alex Dudgeon Research Fellowa.dudgeon@...
Dibyendu Dutta D.Dutta@...
Dr Ankur Dwivedi Postdoctoral Research AssociateA.Dwivedi@...
Dr Paul Ebersbach P.Ebersbach@...
Dr Cameron Patrick Gallagher Postdoctoral Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer Fellow of The Centre for Metamaterial Research and Innovation(CMRI)C.Gallagher2@...
Dr Tyler Gardner Postdoctoral Research FellowT.B.Gardner@...
Diksha Garg D.Garg@...
Dr Thomas Guillet Senior Research Fellow T.A.Guillet@...
Dr Joshua Hamilton Postdoctoral Research FellowJ.Hamilton2@...
Mark Heath Experimental OfficerM.Heath@...
Dr Ian Hooper Senior Research FellowI.R.Hooper@...
Samir Vartabi Kashanian s.vartabi@...
Dr Boryana Mladenova Kattnig Postdoctoral Research FellowB.Y.Mladenova-Kattnig2@...
Dr Paul Keatley Senior Experimental Officer - EXTREMAGP.S.Keatley@...
Aiman Khan A.Khan3@...
Dr Daniel Lash Senior Research FellowD.Lash@...
Dr Cecilia Lazzoni Postdoctoral Research FellowC.Lazzoni@...
Jim Lees J.D.Lees@...
Dr Neil Lewis Postdoctoral Research FellowN.T.Lewis@...
Dr Jessica Mansfield Senior Experimental OfficerJ.C.Mansfield@...
Dr Sebastian Marino Senior Research FellowS.Marino-Estay@...
Rosanna Mastria R.Mastria@...
Dr Megha Mehta M.Mehta@...
Dr Kishan Menghrajani Postdoctoral Research FellowK.S.Menghrajani@...
Dr Chai Mididoddi Postdoctoral Research FellowC.Mididoddi@...
(Thomas) Andrew Mitchell Research FellowT.A.Mitchell@...
Dr Adrien Morison Research FellowA.Morison@...
Dr Sam Morrell Postdoctoral Research FellowS.A.F.Morrell2@...
Michal Mrnka Postdoctoral Research Fellow M.Mrnka@...
Dr Jayakrupakar Nallala Research FellowJ.Nallala@...
Dr Arwen Nicholson Research FellowA.E.Nicholson@...
Dr Nela Nikolic Postdoctoral ResearcherN.Nikolic@...
Anthony Norton Director, Centre for Energy and the EnvironmentA.D.S.Norton@...
Dr Jolly Xavier Palackappillil J.Xavier@...
Dr Jyotirmay Paul Postdoctoral Research FellowJ.Paul@...
Dr Srikanth Pedireddy Postdoctoral Research Fellow S.Pedireddy@...
Dr Alexis Perry Associate Research FellowA.Perry@...
Dr Monika Pietrzyk Postdoctoral Research FellowM.Pietrzyk@...
Dr Alexander Powell RAEng Research FellowA.Powell2@...
Dr David Richards Senior LecturerDavid.Richards@...
Dr Marie Rider Postdoctoral Research FellowM.S.Rider@...
Andrew Rowson Research FellowA.T.Rowson@...
Dr Sonal Saxena Postdoctoral Research FellowS.Saxena@...
Dr Stefano Scali Postdoctoral Research FellowS.Scali@...
Dr Denis Sergeev Postdoctoral Research FellowD.Sergeev@...
Peyman Shadmani Postdoctoral Research Fellowps504@...
Joe Shields Postgraduate Researcher (Metamaterials CDT 2018)js1116@...
Dr Saumya Singh S.Singh5@...
Dr William Hamish Skinner Experimental OfficerW.Skinner@...
Dr Luke D. Smith Postdoctoral research associateL.D.Smith@...
Dr Owain Snaith Postdoctoral Research FellowO.N.Snaith@...
Kok Wee Song K.Song2@...
Dr Junchao Song Postdoctoral Research FellowJ.Song2@...
Dr Tim Starkey Senior Research FellowT.A.Starkey@...
Dr Ned Thaddeus Taylor Postdoctoral Research FellowN.T.Taylor@...
Dr Iorwerth Thomas Postdoctoral Research FellowI.O.Thomas2@...
Dr Philip Thomas Postdoctoral Research FellowP.Thomas2@...
Thomas Tunstall tt386@...
Dr Muhammad Shoufie Ukhtary M.Ukhtary@...
Dr Michael Camden Ward Postdoctoral Research AssociateM.C.C.Ward@...
Dr William Peter Wardley Postdoctoral Research FellowW.Wardley@...
Dr Tom J. Wilson Postdoctoral Research FellowT.J.Wilson@...
Dr Hsin-Yu Wu Research FellowH.Wu@...
Dr Maria Zamyatina Postdoctoral Research FellowM.Zamyatina@...