Level 1 Essay marking criteria

Criterion1       1       1       2.1     2.2     3        

Marg fail

Clear fail 

Poor fail    Very poor fail
Appreciation of associated implications







Relevant outside reading







Logical organisation











Relevant examples


























ILOs adequately met















Comprehension of question requirements





















 1  90-100 Outstanding:  Demonstrates a thorough comprehension of the question's requirements and provides evidence of insight into associated implications. Integrates a strong selection of relevant examples. Content is accurate, and shows extensive evidence of relevant reading  *. Logically organised and articulate. Difficult to recommend improvements given the time available.
   80-89 Excellent:  Demonstrates a thorough comprehension of the question's requirements and associated implications. Integrates a strong selection of relevant examples. Content is accurate, and shows some evidence of relevant outside reading  *. Logically organised and articulate. Some areas for improvement noticeable.
   70-79 Very good:  Demonstrates comprehension of the question's requirements and provides evidence of some insight into associated implications. Integrates a strong selection of relevant examples. Content is accurate, and may show evidence of relevant outside reading  *. Logically organised and articulate.
 2.1  65-69 Good:  Demonstrates broad comprehension of the question's requirements. Presents a good selection of relevant examples. Content is accurate. Organisation is fairly good.
   60-64 Fairly good:  Demonstrates comprehension of most of the question's important requirements. Presents an adequate selection of relevant examples. Content is largely accurate. Organisation accurate.
 2.2  55-59 Pedestrian:  Demonstrates comprehension of some of the question's important requirements. Presents some relevant examples. Some factual inaccuracies. Organisation mostly adequate, with some flaws. Descriptive in approach.
   50-54 Weak:  Demonstrates comprehension of some of the question's requirements, and presents some relevant examples. Factually inaccurate. Poorly organised or illogical.
 3  45-49 Poor:  Demonstrates some comprehension of the question's requirements. Evidence of some sound knowledge derived from the module that is relevant to the question, but presentation of examples is poor, being incomplete or irrelevant in part. Flawed with respect to accuracy and / or organisation.
  40-44 Very poor:  Demonstrates some comprehension of the question's requirements, but with serious omissions. Evidence of some knowledge derived from the module that is relevant to the question, but the examples presented are inadequate. Serious lapses in accuracy and / or organisation.

Marginal Fail:  Demonstrates some comprehension of the question's requirements, but with serious omissions and factual errors. Evidence of some relevant knowledge, but lacks evidence to show that an adequate range of the intended learning outcomes of the module that are relevant to the question have been met.


Demonstrates evidence of fairly detailed, module-derived knowledge, but the essay is based on a relatively minor, identifiable misinterpretation of the question's requirements.


Clear Fail:  Demonstrates some comprehension of the question's requirements, but evidence only for a minimal knowledge of the subject. Little evidence to indicate that any of the intended learning outcomes of the module that are relevant to the question have been met.


Demonstrates evidence of fairly detailed, module-derived knowledge, but the essay is based on an identifiable misinterpretation of the question's requirements.


Poor Fail:  Little evidence that the question's requirements have been understood and / or relevant content virtually absent. Virtually no evidence to indicate that any of the intended learning outcomes of that module have been met.


Demonstrates evidence of fairly detailed, module-derived knowledge, but the essay is based on a major, identifiable misinterpretation of the question's requirements.

  1-15 Very Poor Fail:  Virtually no evidence that the question's requirements have been understood and / or relevant content virtually absent.
  0 Complete Fail:  No evidence that the question's requirements have been understood and no relevant content.

Outside reading represents any material used in an essay answer that could not have been derived solely from attendance at lectures / practicals / tutorials. This is mostly likely to come from recommended (or other) textbooks at Level 1.