Personal Development Planning

We are committed to supporting your personal, academic and career development during your time at Exeter. Personal Development Planning (PDP) is well established in both CLES and CEMPS, and we encourage all our students to engage in this valuable process.

PDP is defined as:  'a structured and supported process undertaken by an individual to reflect on their own learning, performance and / or achievement and to plan for their own personal, educational and career development' (Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, 2000).

Access to your transcript (a record of your confirmed marks), a 'structured and supported' process of PDP and an opportunity to create records to support your personal development together make up what is known as a 'Progress File' - a set of entitlements that all universities have to provide to their students.

Why is it important?

If you enage seriously in PDP, you should be better equipped:

  • To become a more effective, independent and confident learner
  • To understand how you are learning and to 'transfer' your learnings to new situations
  • To manage your general skills for study and for career management
  • To express your personal goals, and to work towards them, and
  • To demonstrate a proactive approach to learning in a range of different contexts.

Learning to identify and evidence skills you're learning, and setting action plans to build on these through PDP can help prepare you for job interviews and other professional situations, such as Professional Development Reviews.

PDP opportunities

PDP resources