CSM Student and staff handbook


7 Student Voice

7.1 Accelerate

Accelerate is a tool for communication and gathering feedback from students. The system has been designed to cover two separate forms of feedback: in-module and end-of-module. In-module feedback is provided through the 'Comments' section; this allows for ongoing interaction between staff and students outside of the lecture theatre. End-of-module feedback allows students to provide anonymous feedback through 'Surveys' on modules. We want to encourage students to engage actively with giving feedback during a module and to give lecturers the opportunity to act on any issues or ideas raised (see Section 7.2, below). To learn more also click here. Accelerate can be accessed directly here or via any CSM module ELE page.


7.2 Module review process

Accelerate feedback is used by module leaders to review and improve the content and delivery of all CSM modules via a standard form. Once a module has finished, each module leader will analyse the module's Accelerate data and freeform student feedback comments. Using these data, the module leader is required to reflect upon those aspects of the module that have worked well, and those that have not worked so well, and to devise a plan that will enhance the quality of the module's delivery in the future. In doing so, the module leader will also evaluate the success of any actions identified in the previous year's corrective action plan.


7.3 The Student-Staff Liaison Committee

The Student-Staff Liaison Committee, or SSLC, is a student-run forum that meets three times a year. We seek to provide you with an internationally excellent education that will make you stand out from the crowd and be among the best in the world. Your education at CSM is fuelled by the partnership with have with you in developing your own learning. The SSLC lies at the heart of this partnership. The objectives of the SSLC are as follows:

  • To enable students and staff to jointly participate in the composition, management and review of CSM and College provision with a view to improving the quality of assurance in teaching and learning.
  • To facilitate greater communication between students, CSM staff and the College.
  • To identify and address areas of concern to students and staff.
  • To assist a student contribution at all levels of decision-making concerning unreserved business within CSM, the College and University.
  • To disseminate examples of good practice.
  • To provide documentary evidence of the participation of students in the quality assurance and development of the programmes delivered by CSM.

The SSLC has student Programme Representatives (or Reps) from each year for all CSM undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. The committee is student orientated because the Programme Reps outnumber staff membership (which is limited to six). This set up provides an un-intimidating atmosphere in which students can make comments and raise issues. First year ‘Programme Reps’ will be elected during the first few weeks of term. See the SSLC notice board for more information.


7.4 Town Halls

Another opportunity for all CSM students to provide direct feedback about any aspect of their course/university experience is available through CSM Town Hall meetings. Separate Town Hall meetings are held for each year for both Mining Engineering and Geology degrees. Look out for an email from Professor Pat Foster on when your Town Hall Meeting will be held this academic year.

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