Student services feedback

We would like to hear your feedback, so please let us know how you found your experience of the Student Services team, and if there are any suggestions on how you think we can improve.

  1. Which Student Services office did you contact?

  2. Are you:

  3. How have you accessed our services? (more than one response can be selected)

     Visit in person
     Email enquiry
     Telephone enquiry
     Student Information Desk (SID)
     Referred by others

  4. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements by selecting your response from the drop down lists:
    • Staff were friendly and helpful
    • Staff were able to answer my query in a reasonable timeframe
    • Staff were able to refer me to the appropriate department(s)/people when required
    • My enquiry was dealt with promptly
    • The information, advice or guidance I was given has been useful
    • Overall, I was satisfied with the service received
  5. Please use this space to add any further comments about the service you have received, or how you think we could improve our service.

  6. Enter your email address if you would like a reply to your feedback:

  7. Enter your name if you do not wish to remain anonymous:

Please click the "Send" button to submit your form. Clicking "Clear" will reset the form.