Dr Khurram Bhatti


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| 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2016 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 |







  • Bhatti MK, Oz I, Amin S, Mushtaq M, Farooq U, Popov K, Brorsson M. (2018) Locality-aware task scheduling for homogeneous parallel computing systems, COMPUTING, volume 100, no. 6, pages 557-595, DOI:10.1007/s00607-017-0581-6. [PDF]
  • Farooq U, Mehrez H, Bhatti MK. (2018) Inter-FPGA interconnect topologies exploration for multi-FPGA systems, DESIGN AUTOMATION FOR EMBEDDED SYSTEMS, volume 22, no. 1-2, pages 117-140, DOI:10.1007/s10617-018-9207-2. [PDF]
  • Mushtaq M, Akram A, Bhatti MK, Chaudhry M, Yousaf M, Farooq U, Lapotre V, Gogniat G. (2018) Machine Learning For Security: The Case of Side-Channel Attack Detection at Run-time, 2018 25TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONICS, CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS (ICECS), pages 485-488. [PDF]
  • Mushtaq M, Akram A, Bhatti MK, Bin Rais RN, Lapotre V, Gogniat G. (2018) Run-time Detection of Prime plus Probe Side-Channel Attack on AES Encryption Algorithm, 2018 GLOBAL INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE AND NETWORKING SYMPOSIUM (GIIS). [PDF]
  • Mushtaq M, Akram A, Bhatti MK, Chaudhry M, Lapotre V, Gogniat G. (2018) NIGHTs-WATCH: A Cache-Based Side-Channel Intrusion Detector using Hardware Performance Counters, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 7TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON HARDWARE AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPORT FOR SECURITY AND PRIVACY (HASP '18), DOI:10.1145/3214292.3214293. [PDF]





  • Bhatti MK, Belleudy C, Auguin M. (2010) An inter-task real time DVFS scheme for multiprocessor embedded systems, 2010 Conference on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing (DASIP), 26th - 28th Oct 2010, 2010 Conference on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing (DASIP), DOI:10.1109/dasip.2010.5706257. [PDF]
  • Bhatti MK, Farooq M, Belleudy C, Auguin M, Mbarek O. (2010) Assertive Dynamic Power Management (AsDPM) Strategy for Globally Scheduled RT Multiprocessor Systems, INTEGRATED CIRCUIT AND SYSTEM DESIGN: POWER AND TIMING MODELING, OPTIMIZATION AND SIMULATION, volume 5953, pages 116-126. [PDF]

Showing 27 publications from Symplectic.