Dr Kathryn Moore

Collaboration and communication

Of Earth - For Earth: The meaning of a mine

An art exhibition ‘Of Earth – For Earth’ at an international conference on sustainable mining was used as a forum to increase awareness of the importance of raw materials for society, the challenges related to their supply and proposed solutions for improved acceptance and trust. Both the conference and the exhibition were funded by the EU Horizon 2020 IMP@CT project (Grant no 730411), which aims to change the relationship between mining and society by creating new technological approaches to mining of European ore deposits. The objective of the exhibition was to create dialogues around how our modern behaviours demand that the extractive industries provide resources without damaging the planet, or our ability to inhabit it. The project invited artists to respond to the concepts of: mining for raw materials; telluric voids, the meaning of a mine; narratives of extraction; and the conversation between self, material consumption and Earth. The chosen works were exhibited at Heartlands, a former mine and current World Heritage Site, in Cornwall UK (9-12 March 2020) and/or taken forwards for inclusion in a publication to demonstrate the myriad responses of individuals to the issues surrounding extractivism.

Now 'Of Earth, For Earth: The meaning of a Mine' (Moore, Finch and Storrie, eds, 2020) is a 116-page full-colour, hardcover book, consisting of dialogue between artists, community representatives, industrialists and educators. It contains images from the exhibition, and many other artists have contributed to it with images and texts. It aims to inspire debate about human interactions with the Earth, while our consumption of resources grows ever larger and the environments on which we depend face an uncertain future. This book speaks to our sense of belonging to place, time, natural and cultural heritage. It describes the geologically grounded and contested places in which mining inspires our relationship with Earth and interrogates our commitment to change. Through dialogue and debate, perhaps we may unearth mechanisms to carve out a more sustainable relationship with the Earth while maintaining access to the resources that will support the global population.

Contributing writers and artists: Dan Pyne, Carlos Petter, Alan Smith, Louise K. Wilson, Dylan McFarlane, Adele Rouleau, Josie Purcell, Jack Hirons, Dominic Roberts, Olga Sidorenko, Penda Diallo, Frances Wall, Henrietta Simson, Dominika Glogowski, James Hankey, Kieran Ryan, Alison Cooke, Karin Easton, Chris Easton, Nic Barcza, Nic Clift, Djibo Seydou, Naomi Binta Stansly, Richard Martin, Oliver Raymond-Barker, Caitlin DeSilvey, Gill Juleff, Heidi Flaxman, Anshul Paneri, Cassia Johnson, Heather Wilson, Allie Mitchell, Joel Gill, Nic Bilham, Father Nicholas Barla, Julian Allwood, Art & Energy, Kathryn Sturman, Lucy Crane, Gareth Thomas, Vitor Correia, Luis Lopes, Stephen Henley.

Publisher: EU IMP@CT: 730411 
ISBN: 9781527276628



Time and Tide

Time and Tide is a working group comprised of academics (Gill Juleff, Archaeology - Streatham Campus; Nicola Whyte, History - Penryn Campus; Kate Moore, CSM - Penryn Campus), Perranzabuloe Museum Committee and members of the Perranzabuloe Parish Council. The aims of the working group are to raise awareness of local heritage and its value to modern society, and act to protect heritage for the benefit of the community. The parish lies at the edge of the mining World Heritage Site. It is the location of both the (potentially) oldest mine site in Cornwall and some of the most vulnerable mining heritage in Cornwall, which is at increasing risk of marine erosion through storm incidence, both of which are largely unrecognised. Gill Juleff has driven public communication events (2017-2019) under the banner 'Heritage on the Beach'. The group is actively collaborating to secure funding for projects after the end of the pandemic.
