Photo of Prof Philipp Thies

Prof Philipp Thies


Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.

| 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 |




  • Smith R. (2022) A Comparison Between CFD-Based Aerodynamic Models and BEM Theory-Based Models Applied in Coupled Simulations of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines.
  • Walker SRJ, Thies PR, Johanning L. (2022) Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of tidal stream turbine blades, International Marine Energy Journal, volume 5, no. 3, pages 249-256, DOI:10.36688/imej.5.249-256. [PDF]
  • Russell AJ, Collu M, McDonald A, Thies PR, Mortimer A, Quayle AR. (2022) Review of LIDAR-assisted Control for Offshore Wind Turbine Applications, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, volume 2362, no. 1, DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/2362/1/012035. [PDF]
  • Crowle A, Thies PR. (2022) Floating offshore wind turbine – Heavy construction requirements, 5th International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, RENEW 2022, Lisbon, 8th - 10th Nov 2022.
  • Crowle A, Thies PR. (2022) Naval Architecture Methods For Floating Wind Turbine Installation, International Conference on Postgraduate Research in Maritime Technology 2022, Μember of The Confederation of European Maritime Technology Societies (CEMT), Athens, 8th - 8th Nov 2022.
  • Crowle A, Thies PR. (2022) Naval Architecture Methods For Floating Wind Turbine Installation, P.R. THIES, Athens, 8th - 8th Nov 2022.
  • Crowle A, Thies PR. (2022) Port and Installation Constraints of TLP FLOATING Wind Turbines, Floating Wind 2022 Conference, RenewableUK and Scottish Renewables, Aberdeen, 12th - 13th Oct 2022.
  • Pillai AC, Gordelier TJ, Thies PR, Cuthill D, Johanning L. (2022) Anchor loads for shallow water mooring of a 15 MW floating wind turbine—Part II: Synthetic and novel mooring systems, Ocean Engineering, volume 266, DOI:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.112619.
  • Nicholls-Lee R, Thies PR, Dulieu-Barton JM, Ólafsson G, Hughes R, Arroyo AH, Xu G, Cartlidge N. (2022) Non-destructive examination (NDE) methods for dynamic subsea cables for offshore renewable energy, Progress in Energy, volume 4, no. 4, DOI:10.1088/2516-1083/ac8ccb.
  • Moverley Smith B, Clayton R, van der Weijde AH, Thies P. (2022) Evaluating technical and financial factors for commercialising floating offshore wind: A stakeholder analysis, Wind Energy, volume 25, Issue11 November 2022, pages 1959-1972, DOI:10.1002/we.2777.
  • Zhao C, Thies P, Johanning L. (2022) Offshore inspection mission modelling for an ASV/ROV system, Ocean Engineering, DOI:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.111899.
  • Crowle A, Thies PR. (2022) Inshore Construction Requirements For Floating Wind Turbines, IMarEST Annual Conference 2022, London, 4th - 8th Jul 2022.
  • Moverley Smith B, Middleditc B, Thies P. (2022) A comparison of approaches for modelling walk-to-work gangway access, 41st Int. Conf. on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE 2022, Hamburg, Germany, 5th - 10th Jun 2022.
  • Walker S, Thies P, Johanning L. (2022) The relationship between reliability and environmental impact in tidal stream turbine developments, 41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2022, Hamburg, Germany, 5th - 10th Jun 2022.
  • Khalid F, Thies PR, Halswell P, Johanning L, Newsam D. (2022) Double braid mooring damper for floating offshore wind application, 41st Int. Conf. on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE 2022, Hamburg, Germany, 5th - 10th Jun 2022.
  • Pillai AC, Gordelier TJ, Thies PR, Dormenval C, Wray B, Parkinson R, Johanning L. (2022) Anchor Loads for Shallow Water Mooring of a 15MW Floating Wind Turbine - Part I: Chain Catenary Moorings for Single and Shared Anchor Scenarios, Ocean Engineering.
  • Crowle A, Thies PR. (2022) Tow Out Calculations For Floating Wind Turbines, OMAE 2022 - Proceedings of the ASME 2022, International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic, Hamburg, Germany, 5th - 10th Jun 2022.
  • De La Fuente Pinto R, Thies P, Abusara M. (2022) Feedforward effect on the transient response during low voltage ride through, The 11th International Conference on Power Electronics , Machines and Drives, Newcastle, 21st - 23rd Jun 2022.
  • Crowle A, Thies PR. (2022) Floating wind weight estimating for installation, 81st Society of Allied Weight Engineers (SAWE) International Conference on Mass Properties Engineering,, Savannah, Georgia, Usa, 21st - 25th May 2022.
  • Crowle A, Thies PR. (2022) Floating Offshore Wind Turbines Installation Methods, Marine Construction Engineering Deepwater Development (MCEDD 2022), Novotel West, Hammersmith, London, 12th - 14th Apr 2022.
  • Crowle AP, Thies P. (2022) Construction and installation engineering for floating wind turbines, MATEC Web of Conferences, volume 355, DOI:10.1051/matecconf/202235503068.
  • Crowle AP, Thies PR. (2022) Floating offshore wind turbines port requirements for construction, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, volume 236, no. 4, pages 1047-1056, DOI:10.1177/14750902221078425. [PDF]
  • Crowle A, Thies PR. (2022) Installation Aspects of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines, Offshore Engineering Society (Institution of Civil Engineers), London, 2nd - 2nd Feb 2022, Video, pages 1-108.
  • Feichtner A. (2022) CFD modelling of ocean wave interaction with thin perforated structures represented by their macro-scale effects.
  • Walker SRJ, Thies PR. (2022) A life cycle assessment comparison of materials for a tidal stream turbine blade, Applied Energy, volume 309, DOI:10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.118353.



  • Amheka A, Tanesab JA, Thies PR, Aviso K. (2020) Evaluation of Indonesia's National Energy Policy: A Regional Dilemma in Indonesia through Simulation Approach, DOI:10.2139/ssrn.3512695.
  • Hardwick J, Ashton IGC, Mackay E, Smith HCM, Thies PR. (2020) Coupled flow-wave modelling for regional tidal site characterisation in the English Channel, Developments in Renewable Energies Offshore, Taylor & Francis, 601-606, DOI:10.1201/9781003134572-68.
  • Hardwick J, Ashton I, Mackay E, Smith H, Thies P. (2020) Coupled flow-wave modelling for regional tidal site characterisation in the English Channel, 4th International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, RENEW 2020, Lisbon, 12th - 15th Oct 2020, Developments in Renewable Energies Offshore, DOI:10.1201/9781003134572.
  • Petrovska E, Le Dreff JB, Oterkus S, Thies P, McCarthy E. (2020) Application of structural monitoring data for fatigue life predictions of monopile-supported offshore wind turbines, Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE, volume 9.
  • Feichtner A, Mackay E, Tabor G, Thies PR, Johanning L, Ning D. (2020) Using a porous-media approach for CFD modelling of wave interaction with thin perforated structures, Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy, volume 7, no. 1, pages 1-23, DOI:10.1007/s40722-020-00183-7. [PDF]
  • Khalid F, Thies PR, Johanning L, Newsam D. (2020) Assessment of potential sites for a non-linear mooring system in floating offshore wind applications, 4th International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, 12th - 15th Oct 2020.
  • Khalid F, Halswell P, Thies PR, Lacotte N, Johanning L. (2020) Round robin testing of synthetic fibre ropes for application in marine renewable energy, 4th International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, 12th - 15th Oct 2020.
  • Zhao C, Thies PR, Johanning L, Cowles J. (2020) Modelling and assessment of ROV capacity within an autonomous offshore intervention system, 4th International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, Lisbon, 12th - 15th Oct 2020.
  • Grivas K, Moraiti A, Georgallis G, Rinaldi G, Thies PR, Johanning L. (2020) Dynamic HV cables with AL conductors for floating offshore wind turbines: a cost and behavior comparative study, 4th International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, Lisbon, 12th - 15th Oct 2020.
  • Rinaldi G, Morton J, Thies PR, Johanning L, Sansom M. (2020) Experiment aided development of a hybrid mooring concept for marine energy applications, 4th International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, Lisbon, 12th - 15th Oct 2020.
  • Rinaldi G, Thies PR, Johanning L. (2020) Improvements in the O&M modelling of floating offshore wind farms, 4th International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, Lisbon, 12th - 15th Oct 2020.
  • Rinaldi G, Thies PR, Johanning L, McEvoy P, Georgallis G, Moraiti A, Vidmar M, Cortes Lahuerta C. (2020) Informing Components Development Innovations for Floating Offshore Wind Through Applied FMEA Framework, ASME 2020 International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2020), 3rd - 7th Aug 2020. [PDF]
  • Koltsidopoulos Papatzimos A. (2020) Data-driven Operations & Maintenance for Offshore Wind Farms: Tools and Methodologies.
  • Ewing FJ, Thies PR, Shek J, Ferreira CB. (2020) Probabilistic failure rate model of a tidal turbine pitch system, Renewable Energy, volume 160, pages 987-997, DOI:10.1016/j.renene.2020.06.142. [PDF]
  • Amheka A, Tanesab JA, Thies PR, Aviso K. (2020) Evaluation of Indonesia's National Energy Policy: A Regional Dilemma in Indonesia through Simulation Approach.
  • Paterson J, Thies PR, Sueur R, Lonchampt J, D’Amico F. (2020) Assessing marine operations with a Markov-switching autoregressive metocean model, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, volume 234, no. 4, pages 785-802, DOI:10.1177/1475090220916084. [PDF]
  • Khalid F, Davies P, Halswell P, Lacotte N, Thies PR, Johanning L. (2020) Evaluating Mooring Line Test Procedures through the Application of a Round Robin Test Approach, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, volume 8, no. 6, pages 436-436, DOI:10.3390/jmse8060436. [PDF]
  • Harrold M, Thies P, Newsam D, Bittencourt Ferreira C, Johanning L. (2020) Large-scale testing of a hydraulic non-linear mooring system for floating offshore wind turbines, Ocean Engineering, volume 206, pages n/a-n/a, article no. 107386, DOI:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2020.107386. [PDF]
  • Gordelier T, Thies P, Rinaldi G, Johanning L. (2020) Investigating Polymer Fibre Optics for Condition Monitoring of Synthetic Mooring Lines, Journal of Marine Sciences and Engineering, volume J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2020, 8, 103, pages 1-19, DOI:10.3390/jmse8020103.


  • Thies P, Grivas K, Georgallis G, Harrold M, Johanning L. (2019) Load and fatigue evaluation for 66kV floating offshore wind submarine dynamic power cable, Int Conference on insulated cables - Jicable'19, Paris, 23rd - 27th Jun 2019, Proc JI' Cable, volume 10, pages 1-6.
  • Serret J, Stratford T, Thies PR, Venugopal V, Tezdogan T. (2019) Hydrodynamic response of the deep turbine installation-floating concept, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Power Division (Publication) POWER, volume 2019-July, DOI:10.1115/POWER2019-1849.
  • Hussain EK, Thies PR. (2019) Assessing Energy Transition Scenarios for Islands through Network Reliability and Power Flow Analysis, Proceedings of 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT-Europe 2019, DOI:10.1109/ISGTEurope.2019.8905544.
  • Marcollo H, Crossley G, Thies P, Gumley J, Johanning L. (2019) Preparing for AMOG’s WEC prototype testing at Falmouth Bay Test site - Advancing Technology Readiness Level, European Wave & Tidal Energy Conference, Naples, 1st - 6th Sep 2019.
  • Ewing F, Thies PR, Shek JK, Bittencourt C. (2019) A Physics-based prognostics approach for Tidal Turbines, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management, ICPHM 2019, DOI:10.1109/ICPHM.2019.8819376.
  • Richards B, Dimakopoulos A, Kees C, Thies P, Oterkus S, Bruce T. (2019) 2D Coupled CFD model of and Oscillating Water Column using PROTEUS, 4th International Conference on Offshore Renewable Energy, Glasgow, Uk, 29th Aug - 30th Sep 2019.
  • Gordelier TJ, Thies P, Turner L, Johanning L. (2019) Optimising the FDM additive manufacturing process to achieve maximum tensile strength: a state-of-the-art review, Rapid Prototyping Journal, pages 1-39, DOI:10.1108/RPJ-07-2018-0183. [PDF]
  • Harrold MJ, Thies PR, Halswell P, Johanning L, Newsam D, Bittencourt Ferreira C. (2019) Demonstration of the intelligent mooring system for floating offshore wind, Proceedings of the ASME 2019 2nd International Offshore Wind Technical Conference IOWTC, St. Julian’s, Malta, 3rd - 6th Nov 2019,, no. IOWTC2019-7544, DOI:10.1115/IOWTC2019-7544.
  • Thies PR, Harrold MJ, Johanning L, Grivas K, Georgallis G. (2019) Performance evaluation of dynamic HV cables with Al conductors for floating offshore wind turbines, Proceedings of the ASME 2019 2nd International Offshore Wind Technical Conference (IOWTC), St Julian's, Malta, 3rd - 6th Nov 2019,, no. IOWTC2019-7536, DOI:10.1115/IOWTC2019-7536.
  • Thies PR, Halswell P, Lehmann M, Johanning L. (2019) Integrity and Reliability Testing of a HDPE Taut Mooring System Belt, 13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), Napoli, Italy, 1st - 6th Sep 2019.
  • Serret J, Tezdogan T, Stratford T, Thies PR, Venugopal V. (2019) Baseline Design of the Deep Turbine Installation-Floating, a New Floating Wind Concept, Proceedings of the ASME 2019 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2019, Glasgow, Uk, 9th - 14th Jun 2019.
  • Koltsidopoulos Papatzimos A, Thies PR, Dawood T. (2019) Offshore Wind Turbine Fault Alarm Prediction, Wind Energy, pages 1-11, DOI:10.1002/we.2402. [PDF]
  • Feichtner A, Mackay EBL, Tabor G, Thies P, Johanning L. (2019) Modelling Wave Interaction with Thin Porous Structures using OpenFOAM, 13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Napoli, Italy, 1st - 6th Sep 2019.
  • Arini RN, Thies PR, Johanning L, Ransley E, Brown S, Xie N, Greaves D. (2019) Feasibility Study of Mooring Lines Design for a Floating Tidal Turbine Platform Using Double Hull Structure, International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Glasgow, Uk, 9th - 14th Jun 2019, 38th OMAE2019.
  • Abaei MM, Arini NR, Thies PR, Johanning L. (2019) Failure Estimation of Offshore Renewable Energy Devices Based on Hierarchical Bayesian Approach, International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering Conference, Glasgow, Uk, 9th - 14th Jun 2019, 37th OMAE2019.
  • Khalid F. (2019) Reliability assessment approach through geospatial mapping for offshore wind energy.
  • Harrold M, Thies PR, Newsam D, Bittencourt Ferreira C, Johanning L. (2019) Modeling a non-linear mooring system for floating offshore wind using a hydraulic cylinder analogy, Proceedings of the ASME 2019 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE 2019, Glasgow, Uk, 9th - 14th Jun 2019.
  • Dorward M, Sellar B, Old C, Thies PR. (2019) Currents, Waves and Turbulence Measurement: A view from multiple Industrial-Academic Projects in Tidal Stream Energy, 2019 IEEE/OES Twelfth Current, Waves and Turbulence Measurement (CWTM), San Diego, Usa, 10th - 13th Mar 2019,
  • Smith RE, Pillai AC, Tabor G, Thies PR, Johanning L. (2019) Impact of Rotor Misalignment Due to Platform Motions on Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Blade Loads, Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE2019, Glasgow, Uk, 9th - 14th Jun 2019.
  • Pillai AC, Thies PR, Johanning L. (2019) Impact of Simulation Duration Analysis for Offshore Floating Wind Turbines Using a Coupled FAST-OrcaFlex Model, Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE2019, Glasgow, Uk, 9th - 14th Jun 2019.
  • Rinaldi G, Pillai AC, Thies PR, Johanning L. (2019) Multi-objective optimization of the operation and maintenance assets of an offshore wind farm using genetic algorithms, Wind Engineering, DOI:10.1177/0309524X19849826. [PDF]


  • Walsh J. (2018) Acoustic Emission Technology for Engineering Health Monitoring of a Wave Energy Converter.
  • Koltsidopoulos Papatzimos A, Dawood T, Thies PR. (2018) Data Insights from an Offshore Wind Turbine Gearbox Replacement, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, volume 1104, no. 1, DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/1104/1/012003.
  • Papatzimos AK, Dawood T, Thies PR. (2018) Operational Data to Maintenance Optimization: Closing the Loop in Offshore Wind O&M, ASME, 1st International Offshore Wind Technical Conference IOWTC2018, San Francisco, Ca, Usa, 4th - 7th Nov 2018.
  • Harrold M, Thies PR, Newsham D, Bittencourt Ferreira C, Johanning L. (2018) Dynamic Load Reduction and Station Keeping Mooring System for Floating Offshore Wind, ASME, 1st International Offshore Wind Technical Conference IOWTC2018, San Francisco, Ca , Usa, 4th - 7th Nov 2018.
  • Fahrni L, Thies PR, Johanning L, Cowles J. (2018) Scope and feasibility of autonomous robotic subsea intervention systems for offshore inspection, maintenance and repair, RENEW 2018, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, 8th - 10th Oct 2018,, volume 3, no. 1, pages 771-778, DOI:10.1201/9780429505324.
  • Pillai AC, Thies PR, Johanning L. (2018) Mooring System Design Optimization Using a Surrogate Assisted Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm, Engineering Optimization, DOI:10.1080/0305215X.2018.1519559.
  • Matthew GS, Fitch-Roy OWF, Connor PM, Woodman B, Thies P, Hussain E, Mahmood H, Abusara M, Yan X, Hardwick J. (2018) ICE report T2.1.2 - ICE general methodology, INTERREG, University of Exeter, 52 pages.
  • Serret J, Rodriguez C, Tezdogan T, Stratford T, Thies PR. (2018) Code comparison of a NREL-FAST model of the Levenmouth wind turbine with the GH bladed commissioning results, OMAE 2018, Madrid, Spain, 17th - 22nd Jun 2018, 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering. [PDF]
  • Thies PR, Worden Hodge C, Bateman W, Yuan Z, Bruce T. (2018) Coupled Modelling of a non-linear Wave Energy Converter and Hydraulic PTO, Proc. 28th Int Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Sapporo, Japan, 10th - 15th Jun 2018. [PDF]
  • Rinaldi G, Portillo JCC, Khalid F, Henriques JCC, Thies PR, Gato LMC, Johanning L. (2018) Multivariate analysis of the reliability, availability, and maintainability characterizations of a Spar–Buoy wave energy converter farm, Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy, pages 1-17, DOI:10.1007/s40722-018-0116-z.
  • Pillai AC, Thies PR, Johanning L. (2018) Comparing Frequency and Time-Domain Simulations for Geometry Optimization of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Mooring System, ASME 2018 International Offshore Wind Technical Conference, San Francisco, Usa, 4th - 7th Nov 2018.
  • Giovanni R, Pillai AC, Thies P, Johanning L. (2018) Verification and Benchmarking Methodology for O&M Planning and Optimization Tools in the Offshore Renewable Energy Sector, 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Madrid, 17th - 22nd Jun 2018, OMAE 2018, no. OMAE2018-77176.
  • Johanning L, Weller S, Thies P, Holmes B, Griffiths J. (2018) Device Design, Wave and Tidal Energy, John Wiley & Sons, 151-190.
  • Koltsidopoulos Papatzimos A, Dawood T, Thies PR. (2018) Cost-effective risk-based inspection planning for offshore wind farms, Insight: Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring, volume 60, no. 6, pages 299-305, DOI:10.1784/insi.2018.60.6.299.
  • Mackay EBL, Feichtner A, Smith R, Thies P, Johanning L. (2018) Verification of a Boundary Element Model for Wave Forces on Structures with Porous Elements, RENEW 2018, 3rd International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, Lisbon, Portugal, 8th - 10th Oct 2018.
  • Johanning L, Weller SD, Thies PR, Holmes B, Griffiths J. (2018) Device Design, Wave and Tidal Energy, Wiley-Blackwell, 151-190, DOI:10.1002/9781119014492.ch5. [PDF]
  • Pillai AC, Thies PR, Johanning L. (2018) Optimization of Mooring Line Axial Stiffness Characteristics for Offshore Renewable Energy Applications, The Twenty-eighth (2018) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Sapporo, Japan, 10th - 15th Jun 2018.
  • Luxmoore JF, Thies PR, Grey S, Newsam D, Johanning L. (2018) Performance and reliability testing of an active mooring system for peak load reduction, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, volume 232, no. 1, pages 130-140, DOI:10.1177/1475090217716859.
  • Gordelier T, Parish D, Thies PR, Weller S, Davies P, Gac PYL, Johanning L. (2018) Assessing the performance durability of elastomeric moorings: Assembly investigations enhanced by sub-component tests, Ocean Engineering, volume 155, pages 411-424, DOI:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2018.02.014. [PDF]



  • Walsh J, Bashir I, Thies PR, Johanning L, Blondel P. (2016) Modelling the propagation of underwater acoustic emissions for condition monitoring of marine renewable energy, PROGRESS IN RENEWABLE ENERGIES OFFSHORE, pages 821-826. [PDF]
  • Kenny CJ, Findlay D, Lazakis I, Shek J, Thies PR. (2016) Control and instrumentation topologies for an integrated wave energy array, PROGRESS IN RENEWABLE ENERGIES OFFSHORE, pages 405-412. [PDF]
  • Sepulveda M, Davies P, Spring M, Shek J, Thies PR, Oterkus E. (2016) Risk assessment of an offshore wind turbine and remaining useful life estimation of the power converter. Improving availability by prioritising failures with higher risk to operation, International Conference on Offshore Renewable Energy - CORE 2016, Glasgow, Uk, 12th - 14th Sep 2016.
  • Ewart LB, Barltrop N, Findlay D, Thies PR, Stratford T. (2016) Steel-concrete connections for floating wave energy converters, International Conference on Offshore Renewable Energy - CORE 2016, Glasgow, Uk, 12th - 14th Sep 2016.
  • Rinaldi G, Johanning L, Thies PR, Walker RT. (2016) A novel reliability-based simulation tool for offshore renewable technologies, Progress in Renewable Energies Offshore - Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, RENEW 2016, pages 775-784, DOI:10.1201/9781315229256-91.
  • Walsh J, Bashir I, Garrett JK, Thies PR, Blondel P, Johanning L. (2016) Monitoring the condition of Marine Renewable Energy Devices through underwater Acoustic Emissions: Case study of a Wave Energy Converter in Falmouth Bay, UK, Renewable Energy, volume 102, Part A, pages 205-213, DOI:10.1016/j.renene.2016.10.049. [PDF]
  • Khalid F, Thies PR, Johanning L. (2016) Reliability assessment of tidal stream energy: significance for large-scale deployment in the UK, Renew 2016 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, Lisbon, Portugal, 24th - 26th Oct 2016.
  • Allsop S, Peyrard C, Thies PR, Boulougouris E, Harrison GP. (2016) A validated BEM model to analyse hydrodynamic loading on tidal stream turbines blades, Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (AWTEC), Singapore, 25th - 28th Oct 2016.
  • Shah S, Buckland H, Thies PR, Bruce T. (2016) Combining Tidal Energy Yield Uncertainties, Asian Wave and Tidal Conference (AWTEC) 2016, Singapore, 24th - 28th Oct 2016.
  • Rinaldi G, Thies P, Johanning L, Walker R. (2016) A Computational Tool for the Pro-Active Management of Offshore Farms, CORE 2016, Glasgow, 12th - 14th Sep 2016.
  • Rinaldi G, Thies PR, Walker R, Johanning L. (2016) On the Analysis of a Wave Energy Farm with Focus on Maintenance Operations, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, volume 4, pages 51-51, article no. 3, DOI:10.3390/jmse4030051. [PDF]
  • Walsh J, Bashir I, Thies PR, Johanning L, Blondel P. (2016) Modelling the propagation of underwater acoustic emissions for condition monitoring of marine renewable energy, Renew 2016 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, Lisbon, Portugal, 24th - 26th Oct 2016.
  • Kenny CJ, Findlay D, Lazakis I, Shek J, Thies PR. (2016) Control and Instrumentation Topologies for an Integrated Wave Energy Array, Renew 2016 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, Lisbon, Portugal, 24th - 26th Oct 2016.
  • Rinaldi G, Johanning L, Thies P, Walker R. (2016) On the optimization of the operation and maintenance procedures for marine renewables, 3rd PRIMaRE conference, University Of Bath, Bath, Uk, 5th - 6th Jul 2016, Proceeding of the 3rd PRIMaRE conference, pages 35-35.
  • Khalid F, Thies P, Johanning L. (2016) Influence of metocean parameters on subassembly reliability levels, 3rd PRIMaRE conference, University Of Bath, Bath, Uk, 5th - 6th Jul 2016.
  • Kenny CJ, Findlay D, Lazakis I, Shek J, Thies PR. (2016) Development of a Condition Monitoring System for an Articulated Wave Energy Converter, European Safety and Reliability Conference, Glasgow, 25th - 29th Sep 2016.
  • Harnois V, Thies PR, Johanning L. (2016) On Peak Mooring Loads and the Influence of Environmental Conditions for Marine Energy Converters, Journal of Marine Sciences and Engineering, volume Vol. 4, no. Issue 2, article no. 29, DOI:10.3390/jmse4020029.
  • Allsop S, Peyrard C, Thies PR. (2016) A BEMT model for a high solidity, hubless and ducted tidal stream turbine, 5th Oxford Tidal Energy Workshop, Oxford, Uk, 21st - 22nd Mar 2016.
  • Luxmoore J, Grey S, Newsam D, Thies PR, Johanning L. (2016) Performance Assessment of a Novel Active Mooring System for Load Reduction in Marine Energy Converters, International Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE), Edinburgh, Uk, 23rd - 25th Feb 2016.
  • Rinaldi G, Johanning L, Thies PR, Walker RT. (2016) Comparison of offshore renewable technologies using a reliability-based simulation tool, 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energies, Lisbon, Portugal, 24th - 28th Oct 2016.
  • Thies PR, Johanning L, Bashir I, Tuk T, Tuk M, Marta M, Mueller-Schuetze S. (2016) Accelerated reliability testing of articulated cable bend restrictor for offshore wind applications, International Journal of Marine Energy, volume 16, pages 65-82, DOI:10.1016/j.ijome.2016.05.006.
  • Marsh G, Wignall C, Thies PR, Barltrop N, Incecik A, Venugopal V, Johanning L. (2016) Review and application of Rainflow residue processing techniques for accurate fatigue damage estimation, International Journal of Fatigue, volume 82, pages 757-765, DOI:10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2015.10.007.


  • Dorenbusch J, Canedo J, Leao A, Rodríguez Arias R, Glez. De Lena V, Johanning L, Thies PR, Parish D, Weller S. (2015) Fibre Ropes for Taut Mooring Lines for Marine Energy Converters (Fibre Taut 2), MARINET. [PDF]
  • Thies PR, Tuk T, Tuk M, Marta M, Müller-Schütze S. (2015) Accelerated reliability testing of articulated cable bend restrictor for offshore wind applications, MARINET. [PDF]
  • Weller SD, Thies PR, Gordelier T, Johanning L. (2015) Reducing Reliability Uncertainties for Marine Renewable Energy, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, volume 3, no. 4, pages 1349-1361, DOI:10.3390/jmse3041349. [PDF]
  • Herduin M, Banfield S, Weller S, Thies PR, Johanning L. (2015) Abrasion process between a fibre mooring line and a corroded steel element during the transit and commissioning of a Marine Renewable Energy device, Engineering Failure Analysis, DOI:10.1016/j.engfailanal.2015.11.037.
  • Gordelier T, Parish D, Thies PR, Johanning L. (2015) A novel mooring tether for highly dynamic offshore applications; mitigating peak and fatigue loads via selectable axial stiffness, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, volume Spec. Iss. Selected Papers from the ASRANet International Conference on Offshore Renewable Energy, no. 4, pages 1287-1310, DOI:10.3390/jmse3041287. [PDF]
  • Thies PR, Johanning L, Karikari-Boateng KA, Ng C, McKeever P. (2015) Component reliability test approaches for marine renewable energy, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, volume 229, no. 5, pages 403-416, DOI:10.1177/1748006x15580837. [PDF]
  • Walsh J, Bashir I, Thies PR, Johanning L, Blondel P. (2015) Acoustic emission health monitoring of marine renewables: Illustration with a wave energy converter in Falmouth Bay (UK), OCEANS’15 MTS/IEEE, Genova, Italy, 19th May - 21st Apr 2015, MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2015 - Genova: Discovering Sustainable Ocean Energy for a New World, DOI:10.1109/OCEANS-Genova.2015.7271455. [PDF]
  • Weller SD, Thies PR, Gordelier T, Davies P, Johanning L. (2015) The Role of Accelerated Testing in Reliability Prediction, 11th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference EWTEC2015, Nantes, France, 6th - 11th Sep 2015.
  • Rodríguez A, Weller SD, Canedo J, Rodríguez R, González de Lena V, Thies PR, Parish D, Johanning L, Leão A. (2015) Performance Comparison of Marine Renewable Energy Converter Mooring Lines Subjected to Real Sea and Accelerated Loads, 11th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference EWTEC2015, Nantes, Paris, 6th - 11th Sep 2015.
  • Marta M, Mueller-Schuetze S, Ottersberg H, Isus D, Johanning L, Thies PR. (2015) Development of dynamic submarine MV power cable design solutions for floating offshore renewable energy applications, Jicable'15 - 9th International Conference on Insulated Power Cables, Paris, France, 21st - 25th Jun 2015.
  • Thies PR, Crowley S, Johanning L, Micklethwaite W, Ye H, Tang D, Cui L, Li X. (2015) Novel Mooring Design Options for high-intensity typhoon conditions - An investigation for wave energy in China, Structural Load & Fatigue on Floating Structures, London, 25th - 26th Feb 2015.
  • Harnois V, Weller S, Johanning L, Thies PR, Le Boulluec M, Le Roux D, Soulé V, Ohana J. (2015) Numerical model validation for mooring systems: Method and application for wave energy converters, Renewable Energy, volume 75, March 2015, Pages –, pages 869-887, DOI:10.1016/j.renene.2014.10.063.



  • Gordelier T, Johanning L, Thies PR. (2013) Reliability verification of mooring components for floating marine energy converters, Ocean Renewable Energy - Energies Marines Renouvelables - EMR-2013.
  • Thies PR, Johanning L, Gordelier T, Vickers A, Weller S. (2013) Physical component testing to simulate dynamic marine load conditions, Nantes, France, 9th - 14th Jun 2013, Proc. of 32nd ASME Int. Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE), volume Vol. 2B: Structures, Safety and Reliability, DOI:10.1115/OMAE2013-10820. [PDF]
  • Thies PR, Johanning L, Gordelier T. (2013) Component reliability testing for wave energy converters: Rationale and implementation, Aalborg, Denmark, 2nd - 5th Sep 2013, Proc. of 10th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference EWTEC.
  • Harnois V, Johanning L, Thies PR. (2013) Wave Conditions Inducing Extreme Mooring Loads on a Dynamically Responding Moored Structure, Aalborg, Denmark, 2nd - 5th Sep 2013, Proc. of 10th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference EWTEC. [PDF]



  • Thies PR, Johanning L, Smith GH. (2011) Towards component reliability testing for marine energy converters, Ocean Engineering, volume 38, no. 2–3, pages 360-370, DOI:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2010.11.011. [PDF]
  • Thies PR, Johanning L, Smith GH. (2011) Assessing loading regimes and failure modes of marine power cables in marine energy applications, 19th AR2TS – Advances in Risk and Reliability Technology Symposium, Stratford-upon-avon, 12th - 14th Apr 2011, Proc. of 19th Advances in Risk and Reliability Technology Symposium [AR2TS], pages 237-251.
  • Johanning L, Thies PR, Parish D, Smith GH. (2011) Offshore Reliability approach for floating renewable energy devices, OMAE, Rotterdam, 19th - 24th Jun 2011, Proc. of 30th Int. Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE), no. OMAE2011-49844.
  • Johanning L, Thies PR, Parish D, Smith GH. (2011) Offshore reliability approach for floating renewable energy devices, Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE, volume 2, pages 579-588.
  • Thies PR, Johanning L, Smith GH. (2011) Towards component reliability testing for marine energy converters, Ocean Engineering, volume 38, pages 360 - 370-360 - 370, article no. 2–3, DOI:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2010.11.011. [PDF]


  • Thies PR, Johanning L. (2010) Development of a marine component testing facility for marine energy converters, 3rd Int. conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE 2010), Bilbao, 6th - 8th Oct 2010, Proc. of 3rd Int. Conference on Ocean Energy [ICOE].
  • Johanning L, Thies PR, Smith GH. (2010) Component test facilities for marine renewable energy converters, Marine Renewable and Offshore Wind Energy Conference, London, Uk, 21st - 23rd Apr 2010, Proc. of Int. Conf. Marine renewable and offshore wind energy, The Royal institution of Naval Architects (RINA). [PDF]


  • Thies PR, Flinn J, Smith GH. (2009) Is it a showstopper? Reliability assessment and criticality analysis for Wave Energy Converters, 8th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), Uppsala, Sweden, 7th - 10th Sep 2009.

Showing 222 publications from Symplectic.