Dr Clemens Vinzenz Ullmann

Administrative Roles

I fulfil the following administrative roles:


Cornwall ECR representative to the the Research and Impact Executive Committee (RIEC)

I am representing Early Career Researchers (ECRs) at RIEC, assisting in making the ECR voice heard at the highest institutional level. As RIEC rep I also attend and sometimes chair ECR liaison fora and interact closely with Early Career Researcher Network leads.


Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Academic lead for ECRs

At departmental level I work closely with Early Career Researcher Network leads to create a positive working atmosphere and increase involvement of ECRs in university business, as well as assisting with their career development, as well as the awareness and implementation of the Researcher Concordat.


Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Academic deputy Academic lab liaison

I am working with academics, students, professional and technical services, to create a vibrant lab community and to maintain and improve processes for quality control and quality assurance for analytical geochemistry.


Camborne School of Mines Academic Conduct Officer

In cases of suspected poor academic practise or academic misconduct of students I am the go-to person at discipline level at Camborne School of Mines.