Photo of  Alan Crowle

Alan Crowle


Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.

| 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2016 | 2014 | 2012 | 2011 | 1993 | 1989 | 1988 |


  • Crowle A, Thies PR. (2024) Floating Offshore Wind: A Review of Installation Vessel Requirements, The World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET).
  • Crowle A, Thies PR. (2024) Floating Offshore Turbines - Installation Methods, International Journal of Research - Granthaalayah, pages 1-24, DOI:10.29121/granthaalayah.v12.i2.2024.5459.


  • Crowle AP, Thies PR. (2023) Fabrication, Transport and Installation of Floating Wind Turbines, ASME IOWTC 5th International Offshore Wind Technical Conference, Exeter, 18th - 19th Dec 2023.
  • Crowle A, Thies PR. (2023) Geo-engineering for floating wind turbines, Geotechnics for Sustainable Infrastructure Development - Geotec Hanoi 2023, Hanoi, 14th - 15th Dec 2023.
  • Crowle A, Thies PR. (2023) Construction Ports for Floating Wind Turbines, Offshore Wind Summit, Aberdeen, 3rd - 3rd Oct 2023.
  • Crowle A, Thies PR. (2023) Transport Vessels for Floating Wind,, Singapore, 30th - 30th May 2023.
  • Crowle A, Thies PR. (2023) Floating Wind Offshore Turbines - Installation Engineering, Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Wind Turbine User Group 2023, London, 17th - 18th May 2023.
  • Crowle A, Thies PR. (2023) Floating Offshore Wind Turbines - Installation Methods, Cornish Institute of Engineers, Penryn, 13th - 13th Apr 2023.
  • Crowle A, Thies PR. (2023) Floating wind turbines -transportation and installation engineering.
  • Crowle A, Thies PR. (2023) Floating Wind Offshore Turbines - Recent Installation Developments, Marine Construction Engineering Deepwater Deepwater Development (MCEDD 2023),, London, 28th - 30th Mar 2023.
  • Crowle AP, Thies PR. (2023) Floating offshore wind turbine – Heavy construction requirements, Trends in Renewable Energies Offshore - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, RENEW 2022, pages 639-649, DOI:10.1201/9781003360773-72.


  • Crowle A, Thies PR. (2022) Floating offshore wind turbine – Heavy construction requirements, 5th International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, RENEW 2022, Lisbon, 8th - 10th Nov 2022.
  • Crowle A, Thies PR. (2022) Naval Architecture Methods For Floating Wind Turbine Installation, International Conference on Postgraduate Research in Maritime Technology 2022, Μember of The Confederation of European Maritime Technology Societies (CEMT), Athens, 8th - 8th Nov 2022.
  • Crowle A, Thies PR. (2022) Port and Installation Constraints of TLP FLOATING Wind Turbines, Floating Wind 2022 Conference, RenewableUK and Scottish Renewables, Aberdeen, 12th - 13th Oct 2022.
  • Crowle A, Thies PR. (2022) Inshore Construction Requirements For Floating Wind Turbines, IMarEST Annual Conference 2022, London, 4th - 8th Jul 2022.
  • Crowle A, Thies PR. (2022) Tow Out Calculations For Floating Wind Turbines, OMAE 2022 - Proceedings of the ASME 2022, International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic, Hamburg, Germany, 5th - 10th Jun 2022.
  • Crowle A, Thies PR. (2022) Floating wind weight estimating for installation, 81st Society of Allied Weight Engineers (SAWE) International Conference on Mass Properties Engineering,, Savannah, Georgia, Usa, 21st - 25th May 2022.
  • Crowle A, Thies PR. (2022) Floating Offshore Wind Turbines Installation Methods, Marine Construction Engineering Deepwater Development (MCEDD 2022), Novotel West, Hammersmith, London, 12th - 14th Apr 2022.
  • Crowle AP, Thies P. (2022) Construction and installation engineering for floating wind turbines, MATEC Web of Conferences, volume 355, DOI:10.1051/matecconf/202235503068.
  • Crowle AP, Thies PR. (2022) Floating offshore wind turbines port requirements for construction, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, volume 236, no. 4, pages 1047-1056, DOI:10.1177/14750902221078425. [PDF]
  • Crowle A, Thies PR. (2022) Installation Aspects of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines, Offshore Engineering Society (Institution of Civil Engineers), London, 2nd - 2nd Feb 2022, Video, pages 1-108.


  • Crowle A, Thies PR. (2021) Celtic Sea - Installation of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines, RINA/IMAREST Devon and Cornwall Joint Branch, Plymouth, 16th - 16th Dec 2021.
  • Crowle A, Thies PR. (2021) Construction Port Requirements for Floating Offshore Wind, WASET - International Conference on Coastal, Harbour and Offshore Engineering (ICCHOE 2021), London, 9th - 9th Dec 2021.
  • Crowle A, Thies PR. (2021) Weight control of floating wind installation, Society of Allied Weight Engineers 2021, Savannah, Usa, 1st - 2nd Nov 2021.
  • Crowle A, Thies PR. (2021) Port and shipyard requirements for the installation of floating wind turbines, RINA London Branch, London, 21st - 21st Oct 2021.
  • Crowle A, Thies PR. (2021) CHALLENGES DURING INSTALLATION OF FLOATING WIND TURBINES, 5th International Conference on Offshore Renewable Energy 26-27 August 2021, Online CORE 2021, Online Glasgow, 26th - 27th Aug 2021.
  • Crowle A, Thies P. (2021) Construction and installation engineering for floating wind turbines, 2021 International Conference on Mathematics, Modeling, Simulation, Optimization and Computation (MMSOC2021), Chengdu, China, 29th - 30th Jun 2021.
  • Crowle A, Thies P. (2021) Floating Wind Installation Challenges, IMAREST ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2021, London, 28th Jun - 9th Jul 2021, IMAREST TV, pages 1-43.
  • Crowle A, Thies P. (2021) Installation Innovation for floating offshore wind, Maritime Innovation and Emerging Technologies Conference 2021, Online, 17th - 18th Mar 2021.


  • Crowle AP. (2020) Port design for small LNG carriers, RINA, Royal Institution of Naval Architects - International Conference on LNG/LPG and Alternative Fuel Ships 2020, Papers, pages 27-32.
  • Crowle AP. (2020) Stability considerations for offshore transportation vessels, RINA, Royal Institution of Naval Architects - International Conference on Damaged Ship V, Papers, pages 1-9.


  • Crowle AP. (2016) LNG carriers and port design, RINA, Royal Institution of Naval Architects - Design and Construction of LNG Ships 2016, Papers, pages 75-86.



  • Crowle AP. (2012) Marine design aspects for large modules on heavy transport vessels, RINA, Royal Institution of Naval Architects - International Conference on Marine Heavy Transport and Lift III, pages 105-112.


  • Crowle AP. (2011) Large marine lifts in shallow water, Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE, volume 1, pages 125-133, DOI:10.1115/OMAE2011-49168.


  • Crowle AP. (1993) Heavy lift - from concept to installation.


  • Austin CW, Eriksen K, Crowle AP, Baerheim M. (1989) Veslefrikk jacket installation requires detailed analysis, OFFSHORE, volume 49, no. 8 , Aug. 1989, pages 64-68.
  • Austin CW, Eriksen K, Baerheim M, Crowle AP. (1989) Design and analysis for the lift installation of the Veslefrikk jacket, OTC '89, PROC. 21ST ANNUAL OFFSHORE TECHNOLOGY CONF., HOUSTON, U.S.A., MAY 1-4, 1989, RICHARDSON, U.S.A., OFFSHORE TECHNOLOGY, volume 1 , 1989, pages 357-366.
  • Austin CW, Eriksen K, Baerheim M, Crowle AP. (1989) Design and analysis for the lift installation of the Veslefrikk jacket, Proceedings of the Annual Offshore Technology Conference, volume 1989-May, pages 357-366, DOI:10.4043/5916-ms.


  • Lefranc M, Austin CW, Crowle A, Brown AJ, Baerheim M. (1988) Veslefrikk jacket concept.

Showing 41 publications from Symplectic.