Dr Rudy Arthur

Personal Homepage


I am a researcher, teacher and data scientist who works in computational social science and environmental data science with a special interest in areas where the social and environmental overlap. My background is in Theoretical Physics, I completed a BA in Computational Physics in Trinity College Dublin (2008) and a PhD in Particle Physics at the University of Edinburgh (2012). Since then I've worked in academia and industry in areas as diverse as: speculative theories of fundamental physics; genetics; algorithm design; software engineering; social media analysis; applied and theoretical ecology. I started work at the University of Exeter in 2017 as a researcher and became a lecturer in 2019. My current research focuses mainly on environmental challenges - specifically on computational methods to understand and harness “big data” from social media, satellites and other sources to help with the ongoing climate emergency. Long term, my goal is to realise the promise of big data for addressing environmental issues while mitigating the problems of bias, privacy, access, rigour and effective research translation.


I teach Introduction to Data Science and Data Analysis 1&2


Publications: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=yHf0w3gAAAAJ&hl=en

Github: https://github.com/rudyarthur

Blog (defunct): http://usediscretion.blogspot.com/

SEDA lab: https://sites.exeter.ac.uk/seda-lab/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgpvzMJe9d6_JtpiHeYhjZg