Prof Peter Connor


Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.

| 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2000 |








  • Hardwick JP, Zheng S, Smith H, Fitch-Roy O, Williams J, Connor P, Sundaram S, Iglesias G. (2018) ICE report T1.4 - A Community Specific Assessment of Local Energy, INTERREG, University of Exeter.
  • Matthew GS, Fitch-Roy OWF, Connor PM, Woodman B, Thies P, Hussain E, Mahmood H, Abusara M, Yan X, Hardwick J. (2018) ICE report T2.1.2 - ICE general methodology, INTERREG, University of Exeter, 52 pages.
  • Matthew GJ, Fitch-Roy O, Connor P, Woodman B. (2018) ICE Report T2.1.1 - Smart peripheral territories transitions: Literature review and current status, EU INTERREG, University of Exeter, 36 pages.
  • Matthew GJ, Fitch-Roy O, Connor P, Woodman B. (2018) ICE Report T2.1.1 - Smart peripheral territories transitions: Literature review and current status.
  • Bray R, Woodman B, Connor P. (2018) Policy and regulatory barriers to local energy markets in Great Britain.
  • Connor PM, Axon CJ, Xenias D, Balta-Ozkan N. (2018) Sources of risk and uncertainty in UK smart grid deployment: An expert stakeholder analysis, Energy, volume 161, pages 1-9, DOI:10.1016/ [PDF]
  • Hardwick J, Smith H, Fitch-Roy O, Connor PM, Sundaram S. (2018) ICE report T1.1.1: An overview of renewable energy supply potential, INTERREG, University of Exeter.
  • Faerber LA, Balta-Ozkan N, Connor PM. (2018) Innovative network pricing to support the transition to a smart grid in a low-carbon economy, Energy Policy, volume 116, pages 210-219, DOI:10.1016/j.enpol.2018.02.010.
  • Fitch-Roy O, Connor PM. (2018) An overview of renewable energy policy and regulatory considerations in Ouessant and the UEA campus, INTERREG, University of Exeter.


  • Connor PM, Smith H. (2017) Geography of marine renewable energy technologies, Handbook on the Geographies of Energy, Elgar, 177-192.
  • Davies LL, Crossley P, Connor PM, Park S, Shaw-Hughes S. (2017) Climate Regulation of the Electricity Industry: A Comparative View from Australia, Great Britain, South Korea, and the United States, South Carolina Journal of International Law and Business, volume 13, pages 109-193.



  • Connor PM, Baker P, Xenias D, Balta-Ozkan N, Axon C. (2014) Policy and Regulation for Smart Grids in the United Kingdom, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, volume 40, pages 269-286, DOI:10.1016/j.rser.2014.07.065.
  • Xenias D, Axon C, Balta-Ozkan N, Cipcigan LM, Connor PM, Davidson R, Spence A, Taylor G, Whitmarsh L. (2014) Scenarios for the development of smart grids in the UK : literature review, UK Energy Research Centre.
  • Balta-Ozkan N, Watson T, Connor PM, Axon C. (2014) UK’s transition to a smarter energy system: Contextualising spatial differences and their implications, AAG Conference, Florida, 8th - 12th Apr 2014.
  • Balta-Ozkan N, Watson T, Connor PM, Axon C, Whitmarsh L, Davidson R, Spence A, Baker P, Xenias D, Cipcigan LM. (2014) Scenarios for the Development of Smart Grids in the UK: synthesis report, UK Energy Research Centre.


  • Vantoch-Wood A, Connor PM, Kablan Y. (2013) Comparative Report from the Respondents of Two Regional Studies - Merific. [PDF]
  • Vantoch-Wood A, Connor PM, Kablan Y. (2013) Application of Policy Instruments for Regional Support of Marine Renewable Energy, European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC) 2013, Aalborg, Denmark, 2nd - 5th Sep 2013.
  • Vantoch-Wood A, Connor PM, Kablan Y. (2013) Combined Policy Application Report - Merific, University of Exeter.
  • Vantoch-Wood A, Connor PM. (2013) Using network analysis to understand public policy for wave energy, Energy Policy, volume 62, pages 676-685.
  • Connor P. (2013) Policies to support the growth of renewable energy sources of heat, Energy Policy, volume 59, pages 1-2, DOI:10.1016/j.enpol.2013.05.061.
  • Connor P, Bürger V, Beurskens L, Ericsson K, Egger C. (2013) Devising renewable heat policy: Overview of support options, Energy Policy, volume 59, pages 3-16, DOI:10.1016/j.enpol.2012.09.052.
  • Vantoch-Wood A, Connor PM. (2013) Using network analysis to understand public policy for wave energy, Energy Policy, DOI:10.1016/j.enpol.2013.07.066.


  • Bailey I, De Groot J, Whitehead I, Vantoch-Wood A, Connor PM. (2012) Comparison of National Policy Frameworks for Marine Renewable Energy within the United Kingdom and France.
  • Vantoch-Wood A, De Groot J, Connor PM, Bailey I, Whitehead I. (2012) National Policy Framework for Marine Renewable Energy within the United Kingdom.
  • Connor P, Bürger V, Beurskens L, Ericsson K, Egger C. (2012) Devising renewable heat policy: Overview of support options, Energy Policy, DOI:10.1016/j.enpol.2012.09.052.


  • Kranzl L, Müller A, Hummel M, Bürger V, Beurskens L, Connor PM, Giakoumi A, Minas I, Ericsson K, Steinbach J. (2011) The Role and Impact of Biomass Heating Support Policies, 19th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Berlin, Germany, 6th - 9th Jun 2011, DOI:10.5071/19thEUBCE2011-OD9.2.
  • Richardson T, Xie L, Connor PM. (2011) Assessment of the effectiveness and economic efficiency of selected support options for the United Kingdom. [PDF]
  • Connor PM, Buerger V, Beurskens L, Kroon P. (2011) Policy Recommendations for Renewable Heating and Cooling in the United Kingdom. [PDF]
  • Buerger V, Kranzl L, Connor PM, Ericsson K, Beurskens L, Steinbach J, Ragwitz M. (2011) Policy Development for improving RES-H/C Penetration in European Member States (RES-H Policy). [PDF]
  • Connor PM. (2011) IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. [PDF]


  • Connor PM. (2010) Wave Energy Projects Should Consider the Views of the Surfing Community, Wave and Tidal Power, Greenhaven Press, 65-75.
  • Kranzl L, Muller A, Connor PM. (2010) Modelling the impact for solar thermal support policies, Eurosun 2010, Graz, Austria, 28th Sep - 1st Oct 2010.
  • Xie L, Connor P. (2010) Target setting for RES-H/C in UK. [PDF]
  • Xie L, Connor P. (2010) Description of selected RES-H/C support instrument options including their qualitative assessment for the United Kingdom. [PDF]
  • Bergman N, Connor P, Markusson N, Middlemiss L, Ricci M. (2010) Bottom-up Social Innovation for Addressing Climate Change, Energy transitions in an interdependent world: what and where are the future social science research agendas?, Brighton, Uk, 25th - 26th Feb 2010.


  • Connor PM, Xie L. (2009) Current State of Heating and Cooling Markets in United Kingdom.
  • Connor PM, Bürger V, Beurskens L, Ericsson K, Egger C. (2009) Overview of RES-H/C Support Options, 67 pages.


  • Connor PM. (2008) UK Renewable Heat Policy: Lessons from Renewable Electricity Policy, British Institute of Energy Economics, St John's College, Oxford, 24th - 25th Sep 2008.


  • Connor PM. (2007) Wave Energy - Going Down the Tube?, European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Porto, Portugal, 11th - 13th Sep 2007.


  • Mitchell C, Bauknecht D, Connor PM. (2006) Effectiveness through risk reduction: a comparison of the renewable obligation in England and Wales and the feed-in system in Germany, Energy Policy, volume 34, no. 3, pages 297-305.


  • Connor PM. (2005) The UK Renewables Obligation, Switching to Renewable Energy - A Framework for the 21st Century, Earthscan, 159-186.


  • Mitchell C, Connor PM. (2004) Renewable Energy Policy in the UK 1990-2003, Energy Policy, volume 32, no. 17, pages 1935-1947, DOI:10.1016/j.enpol.2004.03.016.
  • Connor PM. (2004) Renewable Electricity in the United Kingdom: Developing Policy in an Evolving Electricity Market, Renewable Electricity Policies in Europe: Tradable Green Certificates in Competitive Markets, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 243-300.
  • Connor PM, Mitchell C. (2004) A Regulatory Roadmap for the UK: Road Map for Transition of the Regulatory Framework of the UK Electricity Supply System, 40 pages.
  • Connor PM, Mitchell C. (2004) Identification of Barriers to Convergence of Support for Renewable Energy within the European Union, 46 pages.


  • Connor PM. (2003) UK Renewable Energy Policy: A Review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, volume 7, no. 1, pages 65-82.
  • Connor PM. (2003) National Innovation, Industrial Policy and Renewable Energy Technology, 'Government Intervention in Energy Markets', British Institute of Energy Economics, St John's College, Oxford, 25th - 26th Sep 2003.


  • Connor PM. (2002) Strategic Development of Renewable Energy Technology in Europe.
  • Connor PM, Mitchell C. (2002) A Review of Four European Regulatory Systems and their Impact on the Deployment of Distributed Generation.


  • Connor PM. (2000) The Move to Maturity in the Wind Turbine Manufacturing Industry - Is it happening and, if so, what are its implications?, World Renewable Energy Congress, Brighton, England, 1st - 7th Jul 2000.

Showing 69 publications from Symplectic.