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Prof Peter Stott
Prof Peter Stott
Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.
| 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1993 | 1987 |
- Betts R, Belcher S, Hermanson L, Klein Tank A, Lowe J, Jones C, Morice C, Rayner N, Scaife A, Stott P. (2024) Approaching 1.5°C: What is the Current Global Warming Level?, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-4732.
- Cotterill DF, Mitchell D, Stott PA, Bates P. (2024) Using UNSEEN approach to attribute regional UK winter rainfall extremes, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, DOI:10.1002/joc.8460. [PDF]
- Christidis N, Mitchell D, Stott PA. (2023) Rapidly increasing likelihood of exceeding 50 °C in parts of the Mediterranean and the Middle East due to human influence, npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, volume 6, no. 1, DOI:10.1038/s41612-023-00377-4.
- Stott PA, Christidis N. (2023) Operational attribution of weather and climate extremes: what next?, Environmental Research Climate, volume 2, no. 1, DOI:10.1088/2752-5295/acb078.
- Cotterill DF, Pope JO, Stott PA. (2023) Future extension of the UK summer and its impact on autumn precipitation, CLIMATE DYNAMICS, volume 60, no. 5-6, pages 1801-1814, DOI:10.1007/s00382-022-06403-0. [PDF]
- Lott F, Ciavarella A, Kennedy J, King A, Stott P, Tett S, Wang D. (2022) Quantifying the contribution of an individual to making extreme weather events more likely, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-705.
- Christidis N, Stott PA. (2022) The Extremely Wet May of 2021 in the United Kingdom, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 103, no. 12, pages e2912-e2916, DOI:10.1175/bams-d-22-0108.1.
- Kim Y-H, Min S-K, Cha D-H, Byun Y-H, Lott FC, Stott PA. (2022) Attribution of the Unprecedented 2021 October Heatwave in South Korea, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 103, no. 12, pages e2923-e2929, DOI:10.1175/bams-d-22-0124.1.
- Woodley E, Barr S, Stott P, Thomet P, Flint S, Lovell F, O'Malley E, Plews D, Rapley C, Robbins C. (2022) Climate Stories: enabling and sustaining arts interventions in climate science communication, Geoscience Communication, volume 5, no. 4, pages 339-354, DOI:10.5194/gc-5-339-2022. [PDF]
- Van Oldenborgh GJ, Wehner MF, Vautard R, Otto FEL, Seneviratne SI, Stott PA, Hegerl GC, Philip SY, Kew SF. (2022) Attributing and Projecting Heatwaves Is Hard: We Can Do Better, Earth's Future, volume 10, no. 6, DOI:10.1029/2021ef002271.
- Christidis N, Aono Y, Stott PA. (2022) Human influence increases the likelihood of extremely early cherry tree flowering in Kyoto, ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, volume 17, no. 5, article no. ARTN 054051, DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/ac6bb4. [PDF]
- Christidis N, Stott PA. (2022) Human Influence on Seasonal Precipitation in Europe, Journal of Climate, volume 35, no. 15, pages 5215-5231, DOI:10.1175/jcli-d-21-0637.1.
- Christidis N, Stott PA. (2022) Anthropogenic Climate Change and the Record-High Temperature of May 2020 in Western Europe, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 103, no. 3, pages s33-s37, DOI:10.1175/bams-d-21-0128.1.
- Min S-K, Jo S-Y, Seong M-G, Kim Y-H, Son S-W, Byun Y-H, Lott FC, Stott PA. (2022) Human Contribution to the 2020 Summer Successive Hot-Wet Extremes in South Korea, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 103, no. 3, pages s90-s97, DOI:10.1175/bams-d-21-0144.1.
- Otto FEL, Kew S, Philip S, Stott P, Oldenborgh GJV. (2022) How to Provide Useful Attribution Statements: Lessons Learned from Operationalizing Event Attribution in Europe, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 103, no. 3, pages s21-s25, DOI:10.1175/bams-d-21-0267.1.
- Herring SC, Christidis N, Hoell A, Stott PA. (2022) Explaining Extreme Events of 2020 from a Climate Perspective, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 103, no. 3, pages s1-s129, DOI:10.1175/bams-explainingextremeevents2020.1.
- Cotterill DF, Pope JO, Stott PA. (2022) Future Extension Of The UK Summer And Its Impact On Autumn Precipitation, DOI:10.21203/rs.3.rs-1427756/v1.
- Woodley E, Barr S, Stott P, Thomet P, Flint S, Lovell F, O'Malley E, Plews D, Rapley C, Robbins C. (2022) Climate Stories: Enabling and sustaining arts interventions in climate science communication, volume 2022, pages 1-47, DOI:10.5194/gc-2022-7.
- Cummins DP, Stephenson DB, Stott PA. (2022) Could detection and attribution of climate change trends be spurious regression?, Clim Dyn, volume 59, no. 9-10, pages 2785-2799, DOI:10.1007/s00382-022-06242-z. [PDF]
- Herring SC, Christidis N, Hoell A, Hoerling MP, Stott PA. (2021) Explaining Extreme Events of 2019 from a Climate Perspective, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 102, no. 1, pages s1-s116, DOI:10.1175/bams-explainingextremeevents2019.1.
- Duan J, Chen L, Li L, Wu P, Christidis N, Ma Z, Lott FC, Ciavarella A, Stott PA. (2021) Anthropogenic Influences on the Extreme Cold Surge of Early Spring 2019 over the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 102, no. 1, pages S111-S116, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0215.1.
- Lott FC, Ciavarella A, Kennedy JJ, King AD, Stott PA, Tett SFB, Wang D. (2021) Quantifying the contribution of an individual to making extreme weather events more likely, ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, volume 16, no. 10, article no. ARTN 104040, DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/abe9e9. [PDF]
- Scaife AA, Good E, Sun Y, Yan Z, Dunstone N, Ren HL, Li C, Lu R, Wu P, Ke Z. (2021) The U.K.-China climate science to service partnership, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 102, no. 8, pages E1563-E1568, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0055.1.
- Cotterill D, Stott P, Christidis N, Kendon E. (2021) Increase in the frequency of extreme daily precipitation in the United Kingdom in autumn, Weather and Climate Extremes, volume 33, DOI:10.1016/j.wace.2021.100340.
- Stott PA, Mitchell JFB. (2021) Detection and attribution of climate change, WEATHER, volume 76, no. 10, pages 324-324, DOI:10.1002/wea.4027. [PDF]
- Christidis N, McCarthy M, Stott PA. (2021) Recent decreases in domestic energy consumption in the United Kingdom attributed to human influence on the climate, ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE LETTERS, volume 22, no. 11, article no. ARTN e1062, DOI:10.1002/asl.1062. [PDF]
- Ciavarella A, Cotterill D, Stott P, Kew S, Philip S, van Oldenborgh GJ, Skålevåg A, Lorenz P, Robin Y, Otto F. (2021) Prolonged Siberian heat of 2020 almost impossible without human influence, Climatic Change, volume 166, no. 1-2, DOI:10.1007/s10584-021-03052-w.
- Christidis N, McCarthy M, Cotterill D, Stott PA. (2021) Record-breaking daily rainfall in the United Kingdom and the role of anthropogenic forcings, Atmospheric Science Letters, volume 22, no. 7, DOI:10.1002/asl.1033.
- Christidis N, Stott PA. (2021) The influence of anthropogenic climate change on wet and dry summers in Europe, Science Bulletin, volume 66, no. 8, pages 813-823, DOI:10.1016/j.scib.2021.01.020.
- Christidis N, Stott PA. (2021) Extremely warm days in the United Kingdom in winter 2018/19, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 102, no. 1, pages S39-S44, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0123.1.
- Min SK, Seong MG, Cha DH, Lee M, Lott FC, Ciavarella A, Stott PA, Kim MK, Boo KO, Byun YH. (2021) Has global warming contributed to the largest number of typhoons affecting South Korea in September 2019?, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 102, no. 1, pages S51-S57, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0156.1.
- Fowler HJ, Ali H, Allan RP, Ban N, Barbero R, Berg P, Blenkinsop S, Cabi NS, Chan S, Dale M. (2021) Towards advancing scientific knowledge of climate change impacts on short-duration rainfall extremes, Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci, volume 379, no. 2195, DOI:10.1098/rsta.2019.0542. [PDF]
- Kuttippurath J, Murasingh S, Stott PA, Sarojini BB, Jha MK, Kumar P, Nair PJ, Varikoden H, Raj S, Francis PA. (2021) Observed rainfall changes in the past century (1901-2019) over the wettest place on Earth, ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, volume 16, no. 2, article no. ARTN 024018, DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/abcf78. [PDF]
- Cotterill D, Stott P, Kendon E. (2020) Increase in the frequency of heavy rainfall events over the UK in the light of climate change, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-11025.
- Herring SC, Christidis N, Hoell A, Hoerling MP, Stott PA. (2020) Explaining Extreme Events of 2018 from a Climate Perspective Explaining Extreme Events of 2018 from a Climate Perspective, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 101, no. 1, pages s1-s134, DOI:10.1175/bams-explainingextremeevents2018.1.
- Sun Y, Dong S, Hu T, Zhang X, Stott P. (2020) Attribution of the warmest spring of 2018 in northeastern Asia using simulations of a coupled and an atmospheric model, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 101, no. 1, pages S129-S134, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0264.1.
- Vautard R, Van Aalst M, Boucher O, Drouin A, Haustein K, Kreienkamp F, Van Oldenborgh GJ, Otto FEL, Ribes A, Robin Y. (2020) Human contribution to the record-breaking June and July 2019 heatwaves in Western Europe, Environmental Research Letters, volume 15, no. 9, DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/aba3d4.
- Eunice Lo YT, Mitchell DM, Bohnenstengel SI, Collins M, Hawkins E, Hegerl GC, Joshi M, Stott PA. (2020) U.K. climate projections: Summer daytime and nighttime urban heat island changes in England's major cities, Journal of Climate, volume 33, no. 20, pages 9015-9030, DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0961.1.
- Lu C, Sun Y, Christidis N, Stott PA. (2020) Contribution of Global Warming and Atmospheric Circulation to the Hottest Spring in Eastern China in 2018, ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, volume 37, no. 11, pages 1285-1294, DOI:10.1007/s00376-020-0088-5. [PDF]
- Cummins D, Stephenson DB, Stott PA. (2020) A new energy-balance approach to linear filtering for estimating effective radiative forcing from temperature time series, Advances in Statistical Climatology, Meteorology and Oceanography (ASCMO), volume 6, pages 91-102, DOI:10.5194/ascmo-6-91-2020. [PDF]
- Cummins DP, Stephenson DB, Stott PA. (2020) Optimal Estimation of Stochastic Energy Balance Model Parameters, Journal of Climate, volume 33, no. 18, pages 7909-7926, DOI:10.1175/jcli-d-19-0589.1. [PDF]
- Christidis N, McCarthy M, Stott PA. (2020) The increasing likelihood of temperatures above 30 to 40 °C in the United Kingdom, Nat Commun, volume 11, no. 1, DOI:10.1038/s41467-020-16834-0. [PDF]
- Lu C, Lott FC, Sun Y, Stott PA, Christidis N. (2020) Detectable anthropogenic influence on changes in summer precipitation in China, Journal of Climate, volume 33, no. 13, pages 5357-5369, DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0285.1.
- Lott FC, Christidis N, Ciavarella A, Stott PA. (2020) The effect of human land use change in the Hadley Centre attribution system, Atmospheric Science Letters, volume 21, no. 6, DOI:10.1002/asl.972.
- Christidis N, Stott PA. (2020) The extremely cold start of the spring of 2018 in the United Kingdom, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 101, no. 1, pages S23-S28, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0084.1.
- Min SK, Kim YH, Lee SM, Sparrow S, Li S, Lott FC, Stott PA. (2020) Quantifying human impact on the 2018 summer longest heat wave in South Korea, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 101, no. 1, pages S103-S108, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0151.1.
- Herring SC, Hoerling MP, Kossin JP, Peterson TC, Stott PA. (2019) Introduction to explaining extreme events of 2014 from a climate perspective, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 100, no. 1, pages SII-S4, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-EXPLAININGEXTREMEEVENTS2017.1.
- McCarthy M, Christidis N, Dunstone N, Fereday D, Kay G, Klein-Tank A, Lowe J, Petch J, Scaife A, Stott P. (2019) Drivers of the UK summer heatwave of 2018, Weather, volume 74, no. 11, pages 390-396, DOI:10.1002/wea.3628.
- Bilbao RAF, Gregory JM, Bouttes N, Palmer MD, Stott P. (2019) Attribution of ocean temperature change to anthropogenic and natural forcings using the temporal, vertical and geographical structure, Climate Dynamics, volume 53, no. 9-10, pages 5389-5413, DOI:10.1007/s00382-019-04910-1.
- Christidis N, Mitchell D, Stott PA. (2019) Anthropogenic climate change and heat effects on health, International Journal of Climatology, volume 39, no. 12, pages 4751-4768, DOI:10.1002/joc.6104.
- Sun Y, Dong S, Zhang X, Stott P, Hu T. (2019) Anthropogenic influence on the heaviest June precipitation in southeastern China since 1961, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 100, no. 1, pages S79-S83, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0114.1.
- Christidis N, Betts RA, Stott PA. (2019) THE EXTREMELY WET MARCH OF 2017 IN PERU, BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, volume 100, no. 1, pages S31-S35, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0110.1. [PDF]
- Herring SC, Christidis N, Hoell A, Hoerling M, Stott PA. (2019) INTRODUCTION TO EXPLAINING EXTREME EVENTS OF 2017 FROM A CLIMATE PERSPECTIVE, BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, volume 100, no. 1, pages S1-S4, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0307.1. [PDF]
- Vautard R, Christidis N, Ciavarella A, Alvarez-Castro C, Bellprat O, Christiansen B, Colfescu I, Cowan T, Doblas-Reyes F, Eden J. (2019) Evaluation of the HadGEM3-A simulations in view of detection and attribution of human influence on extreme events in Europe, Climate Dynamics, volume 52, no. 1-2, pages 1187-1210, DOI:10.1007/s00382-018-4183-6.
- Herring SC, Christidis N, Hoell A, Kossin JP, Schreck CJ, Stott PA. (2018) Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 99, no. 1, pages s1-s157, DOI:10.1175/bams-explainingextremeevents2016.1.
- Sun Y, Hu T, Zhang X, Wan H, Stott P, Lu C. (2018) 24. Anthropogenic influence on the eastern China 2016 super cold surge, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 99, no. 1, pages S123-S127, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0092.1.
- King AD, Donat MG, Lewis SC, Henley BJ, Mitchell DM, Stott PA, Fischer EM, Karoly DJ. (2018) Reduced heat exposure by limiting global warming to 1.5 °c, Nature Climate Change, volume 8, no. 7, pages 549-551, DOI:10.1038/s41558-018-0191-0.
- Belcher S, Stott P, Song L, Chao Q, Lu R, Zhou T. (2018) Preface to Special Issue on Climate Science for Service Partnership China, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, volume 35, no. 8, pages 897-898, DOI:10.1007/s00376-018-8002-0.
- Christidis N, Ciavarella A, Stott PA. (2018) Different ways of framing event attribution questions: The example of warm and wet winters in the United Kingdom similar to 2015/16, Journal of Climate, volume 31, no. 12, pages 4827-4845, DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0464.1.
- Christiansen B, Alvarez-Castro C, Christidis N, Ciavarella A, Colfescu I, Cowan T, Eden J, Hauser M, Hempelmann N, Klehmet K. (2018) Was the cold European winter of 2009/10 modified by anthropogenic climate change? An attribution study, Journal of Climate, volume 31, no. 9, pages 3387-3410, DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0589.1.
- Ciavarella A, Christidis N, Andrews M, Groenendijk M, Rostron J, Elkington M, Burke C, Lott FC, Stott PA. (2018) Upgrade of the HadGEM3-A based attribution system to high resolution and a new validation framework for probabilistic event attribution, Weather and Climate Extremes, volume 20, pages 9-32, DOI:10.1016/j.wace.2018.03.003.
- Herring SC, Christidis N, Hoell A, Kossssin JP, Schreck CJIII, Stott PA. (2018) INTRODUCTION TO EXPLAINING EXTREME EVENTS OF 2016 FROM A CLIMATE PERSPECTIVE, BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, volume 99, no. 1, pages S1-S6, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0284.1. [PDF]
- Stott PA, Christidis N, Herring SC, Hoell A, Kossssin JP, Schreck CJIII. (2018) FUTURE CHALLENGES IN EVENT ATTRIBUTION METHODOLOGIES, BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, volume 99, no. 1, pages S155-S157, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0285.1. [PDF]
- Christidis N, Manomaiphiboon K, Ciavarella A, Stott PA. (2018) THE HOT AND DRY APRIL OF 2016 IN THAILAND, BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, volume 99, no. 1, pages S128-S132, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0071.1. [PDF]
- Burke C, Stott P, Sun Y, Ciavarella A. (2017) Attribution of extreme rainfall in Southeast China during May 2015, DOI:10.48550/arxiv.1703.10012.
- Burke C, Stott P. (2017) Impact of anthropogenic climate change on the East Asian summer monsoon, DOI:10.48550/arxiv.1704.00563.
- Dunn RJH, Willett KM, Ciavarella A, Stott PA. (2017) Comparison of land–surface humidity between observations and CMIP5 models, pages 1-36, DOI:10.5194/esd-2017-9.
- Herring SC, Hoell A, Hoerling MP, Kossin JP, Schreck CJ, Stott PA. (2017) Explaining Extreme Events of 2015 from a Climate Perspective, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 97, no. 12, pages s1-s145, DOI:10.1175/bams-explainingextremeevents2015.1.
- Ciavarella A, Stott P, Lowe J. (2017) Early benefits of mitigation in risk of regional climate extremes, Nature Climate Change, volume 7, no. 5, pages 326-330, DOI:10.1038/nclimate3259.
- Burke C, Stott P. (2017) Impact of anthropogenic climate change on the East Asian summer monsoon, Journal of Climate, volume 30, no. 14, pages 5205-5220, DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0892.1.
- Shuckburgh E, Mitchell D, Stott P. (2017) Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria: how natural were these ‘natural disasters’?, Weather, volume 72, no. 11, pages 353-354, DOI:10.1002/wea.3190.
- Stott PA, Karoly DJ, Zwiers FW. (2017) Is the choice of statistical paradigm critical in extreme event attribution studies?, Climatic Change, pages 1-8, DOI:10.1007/s10584-017-2049-2.
- Dunn RJH, Willett KM, Ciavarella A, Stott PA. (2017) Comparison of land surface humidity between observations and CMIP5 models, EARTH SYSTEM DYNAMICS, volume 8, no. 3, pages 719-747, DOI:10.5194/esd-8-719-2017. [PDF]
- Ma S, Zhou T, Stone DA, Polson D, Dai A, Stott PA, von Storch H, Qian Y, Burke C, Wu P. (2017) Detectable Anthropogenic Shift toward Heavy Precipitation over Eastern China, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, volume 30, no. 4, pages 1381-1396, DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0311.1. [PDF]
- Jones GS, Stott PA, Mitchell JFB. (2016) Uncertainties in the attribution of greenhouse gas warming and implications for climate prediction, DOI:10.48550/arxiv.1606.05108.
- Herring SC, Hoerling MP, Kossin JP, Peterson TC, Stott PA. (2016) Explaining Extreme Events of 2014 from a Climate Perspective, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 96, no. 12, pages s1-s172, DOI:10.1175/bams-explainingextremeevents2014.1.
- Stott P. (2016) How climate change affects extreme weather events: Research can increasingly determine the contribution of climate change to extreme events such as droughts, Science, volume 352, no. 6293, pages 1517-1518, DOI:10.1126/science.aaf7271.
- Vautard R, Yiou P, Otto F, Stott P, Christidis N, Van Oldenborgh GJ, Schaller N. (2016) Attribution of human-induced dynamical and thermodynamical contributions in extreme weather events, Environmental Research Letters, volume 11, no. 11, DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/11/11/114009.
- Burke C, Stott P, Sun Y, Ciavarella A. (2016) Attribution of extreme rainfall in Southeast China during May 2015, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 97, no. 12, pages S92-S96, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0144.1.
- Christidis N, McCarthy M, Ciavarella A, Stott PA. (2016) 10. Human contribution to the record sunshine of winter 2014/15 in the United Kingdom, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 97, no. 12, pages S47-S50, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0143.1.
- Sun Y, Song L, Yin H, Zhang X, Stott P, Zhou B, Hu T. (2016) 20. Human influence on the 2015 extreme high temperature events in Western China, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 97, no. 12, pages S102-S106, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0158.1.
- Herring SC, Hoell A, Hoerling MP, Kossin JP, Schreck CJ, Stott PA. (2016) Introduction to explaining extreme events of 2015 from a climate perspective, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 97, no. 12, pages S1-S3, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0313.1.
- Herring SC, Hoell A, Hoerling MP, Kossin JP, Schreck CJ, Stott PA. (2016) 28. Summary and broader context, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 97, no. 12, pages S141-S145, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0314.1.
- Christidis N, Stott PA. (2016) Attribution analyses of temperature extremes using a set of 16 indices, Weather and Climate Extremes, volume 14, pages 24-35, DOI:10.1016/j.wace.2016.10.003.
- Otto FEL, van Oldenborgh GJ, Eden J, Stott PA, Karoly DJ, Allen MR. (2016) The attribution question, NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE, volume 6, no. 9, pages 813-+, DOI:10.1038/nclimate3089. [PDF]
- Jones GS, Stott PA, Mitchell JFB. (2016) Uncertainties in the attribution of greenhouse gas warming and implications for climate prediction, Journal of Geophysical Research, volume 121, no. 12, pages 6969-6992, DOI:10.1002/2015JD024337.
- Lott FC, Stott PA. (2016) Evaluating Simulated Fraction of Attributable Risk Using Climate Observations, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, volume 29, no. 12, pages 4565-4575, DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0566.1. [PDF]
- Sarojini BB, Stott PA, Black E. (2016) Detection and attribution of human influence on regional precipitation, Nature Climate Change, volume 6, no. 7, pages 669-675, DOI:10.1038/nclimate2976.
- Schaller N, Kay AL, Lamb R, Massey NR, van Oldenborgh GJ, Otto FEL, Sparrow SN, Vautard R, Yiou P, Ashpole I. (2016) Human influence on climate in the 2014 southern England winter floods and their impacts, NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE, volume 6, no. 6, pages 627-+, DOI:10.1038/NCLIMATE2927. [PDF]
- Stott PA, Christidis N, Otto FEL, Sun Y, Vanderlinden J-P, van Oldenborgh GJ, Vautard R, von Storch H, Walton P, Yiou P. (2016) Attribution of extreme weather and climate-related events, Wiley Interdiscip Rev Clim Change, volume 7, no. 1, pages 23-41, DOI:10.1002/wcc.380. [PDF]
- Stott P. (2015) ATTRIBUTION Weather risks in a warming world, NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE, volume 5, no. 6, pages 516-517, DOI:10.1038/nclimate2640. [PDF]
- Bellprat O, Lott FC, Gulizia C, Parker HR, Pampuch LA, Pinto I, Ciavarella A, Stott PA. (2015) Unusual past dry and wet rainy seasons over Southern Africa and South America from a climate perspective, Weather and Climate Extremes, volume 9, pages 36-46, DOI:10.1016/j.wace.2015.07.001.
- Peterson TC, Hoerling MP, Stott PA, Herring SC, Barriopedro D, Black MT, Carey-Smith T, Castillo R, Cattiaux J, Chen X. (2015) Explaining extreme events of 2012 from a climate perspective, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 94, no. 9, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-13-00085.1.
- Stott P. (2015) Attribution: Weather risks in a warming world, Nature Climate Change, volume 5, no. 6, pages 516-517, DOI:10.1038/nclimate2640.
- Christidis N, Jones GS, Stott PA. (2015) Dramatically increasing chance of extremely hot summers since the 2003 European heatwave, NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE, volume 5, no. 1, pages 46-50, DOI:10.1038/NCLIMATE2468. [PDF]
- Christidis N, Stott PA, Zwiers FW. (2015) Fast-track attribution assessments based on pre-computed estimates of changes in the odds of warm extremes, CLIMATE DYNAMICS, volume 45, no. 5-6, pages 1547-1564, DOI:10.1007/s00382-014-2408-x. [PDF]
- Mitchell DM, Gray LJ, Fujiwara M, Hibino T, Anstey JA, Ebisuzaki W, Harada Y, Long C, Misios S, Stott PA. (2015) Signatures of naturally induced variability in the atmosphere using multiple reanalysis datasets, QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, volume 141, no. 691, pages 2011-2031, DOI:10.1002/qj.2492. [PDF]
- Song L, Sun Y, Dong S, Zhou B, Stott PA, Ren G. (2015) ROLE OF ANTHROPOGENIC FORCING IN 2014 HOT SPRING IN NORTHERN CHINA, BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, volume 96, no. 12, pages S111-S114, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00111.1. [PDF]
- Herring SC, Hoerling MP, Kossin JP, Peterson TC, Stott PA. (2015) SUMMARY AND BROADER CONTEXT, BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, volume 96, no. 12, pages S168-S172, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00210.1. [PDF]
- Christidis N, Stott PA. (2015) Changes in the geopotential height at 500hPa under the influence of external climatic forcings, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, volume 42, no. 24, pages 10798-10806, DOI:10.1002/2015GL066669. [PDF]
- Herring SC, Hoerling MP, Kossin JP, Peterson TC, Stott PA. (2015) EXPLAINING EXTREME EVENTS OF 2014 FROM A CLIMATE PERSPECTIVE, BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, volume 96, no. 12, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-EEE_2014_ch1.1. [PDF]
- Hegerl GC, Black E, Allan RP, Ingram WJ, Polson D, Trenberth KE, Chadwick RS, Arkin PA, Sarojini BB, Becker A. (2015) CHALLENGES IN QUANTIFYING CHANGES IN THE GLOBAL WATER CYCLE, BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, volume 96, no. 7, pages 1097-1115, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-13-00212.1. [PDF]
- Huntingford C, Marsh T, Scaife AA, Kendon EJ, Hannaford J, Kay AL, Lockwood M, Prudhomme C, Reynard NS, Parry S. (2015) Reply to 'Drivers of the 2013/14 winter floods in the UK', Nature Climate Change, volume 5, no. 6, pages 491-492, DOI:10.1038/nclimate2613.
- Hegerl G, Stott P. (2014) From past to future warming, Science, volume 343, no. 6173, pages 844-845, DOI:10.1126/science.1249368.
- Herring SC, Hoerling MP, Peterson TC, Stott PA. (2014) Explaining extreme events of 2013 from a climate perspective, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 95, no. 9, pages S1-S96, DOI:10.1175/1520-0477-95.9.s1.1.
- Herring SC, Hoerling MP, Peterson TC, Stott PA. (2014) SUMMARY AND BROADER CONTEXT, BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, volume 95, no. 9, pages S82-S84. [PDF]
- Christidis N, Stott PA. (2014) Change in the Odds of Warm Years and Seasons Due to Anthropogenic Influence on the Climate, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, volume 27, no. 7, pages 2607-2621, DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00563.1. [PDF]
- Huntingford C, Marsh T, Scaife AA, Kendon EJ, Hannaford J, Kay AL, Lockwood M, Prudhomme C, Reynard NS, Parry S. (2014) Potential influences on the United Kingdom's floods of winter 2013/14, Nature Climate Change, volume 4, no. 9, pages 769-777, DOI:10.1038/nclimate2314.
- Stott PA, Allen M, Christidis N, Dole RM, Hoerling M, Huntingford C, Pall P, Perlwitz J, Stone D. (2013) Attribution of Weather and Climate-Related Events, Climate Science for Serving Society, Springer Nature, 307-337, DOI:10.1007/978-94-007-6692-1_12.
- Stott P, Good P, Jones G, Gillett N, Hawkins E. (2013) The upper end of climate model temperature projections is inconsistent with past warming, Environmental Research Letters, volume 8, no. 1, DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/8/1/014024.
- Thorne PW, Lawrimore JH, Willett KM, Allan R, Chandler RE, Mhanda A, De Podesta M, Possolo A, Revadekar J, Rusticucci M. (2013) The international surface temperature initiative, AIP Conference Proceedings, volume 1552 8, pages 1020-1029, DOI:10.1063/1.4821418.
- Dean SM, Rosier S, Carey-Smith T, Stott PA. (2013) The role of climate change in the two-day extreme rainfall in Golden Bay, New Zealand, December 2011, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 94, no. 9, pages S61-S63.
- Christidis N, Stott PA, Karoly DJ, Ciavarella A. (2013) An attribution study of the heavy rainfall over Eastern Australia in March 2012, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 94, no. 9, pages S58-S61.
- Wu P, Christidis N, Stott P. (2013) Anthropogenic impact on Earth's hydrological cycle, Nature Climate Change, volume 3, no. 9, pages 807-810, DOI:10.1038/nclimate1932.
- Peterson TC, Stott PA, Herring SC, Hoerling MP. (2013) Conclusions and epilogue, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 94, no. 9, pages S64-S74.
- Peterson TC, Stott PA, Herring SC, Hoerling MP. (2013) Introduction, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 94, no. 9, pages S1-S2.
- Allen MR, Mitchell JFB, Stott PA. (2013) Test of a decadal climate forecast, NATURE GEOSCIENCE, volume 6, no. 4, pages 243-244, DOI:10.1038/ngeo1788. [PDF]
- Rupp DE, Mote PW, Bindoff NL, Stott PA, Robinson DA. (2013) Detection and Attribution of Observed Changes in Northern Hemisphere Spring Snow Cover, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, volume 26, no. 18, pages 6904-6914, DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00563.1. [PDF]
- Lott FC, Stott PA, Mitchell DM, Christidis N, Gillett NP, Haimberger L, Perlwitz J, Thorne PW. (2013) Models versus radiosondes in the free atmosphere: A new detection and attribution analysis of temperature, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, volume 118, no. 6, pages 2609-2619, DOI:10.1002/jgrd.50255. [PDF]
- Christidis N, Stott PA, Scaife AA, Arribas A, Jones GS, Copsey D, Knight JR, Tennant WJ. (2013) A New HadGEM3-A-Based System for Attribution of Weather- and Climate-Related Extreme Events, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, volume 26, no. 9, pages 2756-2783, DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00169.1. [PDF]
- Mitchell DM, Stott PA, Gray LJ, Allen MR, Lott FC, Butchart N, Hardiman SC, Osprey SM. (2013) The impact of stratospheric resolution on the detectability of climate change signals in the free atmosphere, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, volume 40, no. 5, pages 937-942, DOI:10.1002/grl.50177. [PDF]
- Stott PA, Walton P. (2013) Attribution of climate-related events: understanding stakeholder needs, WEATHER, volume 68, no. 10, pages 274-279, DOI:10.1002/wea.2141. [PDF]
- Santer BD, Painter JF, Mears CA, Doutriaux C, Caldwell P, Arblaster JM, Cameron-Smith PJ, Gillett NP, Gleckler PJ, Lanzante J. (2013) Identifying human influences on atmospheric temperature, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, volume 110, no. 1, pages 26-33, DOI:10.1073/pnas.1210514109. [PDF]
- Mitchell DM, Thorne PW, Stott PA, Gray LJ. (2013) Revisiting the controversial issue of tropical tropospheric temperature trends, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, volume 40, no. 11, pages 2801-2806, DOI:10.1002/grl.50465. [PDF]
- Lott FC, Christidis N, Stott PA. (2013) Can the 2011 East African drought be attributed to human-induced climate change?, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, volume 40, no. 6, pages 1177-1181, DOI:10.1002/grl.50235. [PDF]
- Jones GS, Stott PA, Christidis N. (2013) Attribution of observed historical near-surface temperature variations to anthropogenic and natural causes using CMIP5 simulations, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, volume 118, no. 10, pages 4001-4024, DOI:10.1002/jgrd.50239. [PDF]
- Christidis N, Stott PA, Hegerl GC, Betts RA. (2013) The role of land use change in the recent warming of daily extreme temperatures, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, volume 40, no. 3, pages 589-594, DOI:10.1002/grl.50159. [PDF]
- Frame DJ, Stone DA, Stott PA, Allen MR. (2012) Erratum: Alternatives to stabilization scenarios (Geophysical Research Letters (2012) 39 (L20717) DOI: 10.1029/2012GL053647), Geophysical Research Letters, volume 39, no. 20, DOI:10.1029/2012GL053647.
- Christidis N, Stott PA, Jones GS, Shiogama H, Nozawa T, Luterbacher J. (2012) Human activity and anomalously warm seasons in Europe, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, volume 32, no. 2, pages 225-239, DOI:10.1002/joc.2262. [PDF]
- Sarojini BB, Stott PA, Black E, Polson D. (2012) Fingerprints of changes in annual and seasonal precipitation from CMIP5 models over land and ocean, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, volume 39, article no. ARTN L21706, DOI:10.1029/2012GL053373. [PDF]
- Christidis N, Stott PA, Zwiers FW, Shiogama H, Nozawa T. (2012) The contribution of anthropogenic forcings to regional changes in temperature during the last decade, CLIMATE DYNAMICS, volume 39, no. 6, pages 1259-1274, DOI:10.1007/s00382-011-1184-0. [PDF]
- Stott PA, Jones GS. (2012) Observed 21st century temperatures further constrain likely rates of future warming, ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE LETTERS, volume 13, no. 3, pages 151-156, DOI:10.1002/asl.383. [PDF]
- Peterson TC, Stott PA, Herring S, Zwiers FW, Hegerl GC, Min S-K, Zhang X, van Oldenborgh GJ, van Urk A, Allen M. (2012) EXPLAINING EXTREME EVENTS OF 2011 FROM A CLIMATE PERSPECTIVE, BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, volume 93, no. 7, pages 1041-1067, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-12-00021.1. [PDF]
- Jones GS, Lockwood M, Stott PA. (2012) What influence will future solar activity changes over the 21st century have on projected global near-surface temperature changes?, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, volume 117, article no. ARTN D05103, DOI:10.1029/2011JD017013. [PDF]
- Stott P, Trenberth K. (2011) Linking Extreme Weather to Climate Variability and Change: International Group on Attribution of Climate‐Related Events (ACE); Boulder, Colorado, 26 January 2009, Eos, volume 90, no. 21, pages 184-184, DOI:10.1029/2009eo210004.
- Thorne PW, Vose RS. (2011) Comments on "Reanalyses Suitable for Characterizing Long-Term Trends" Reply, BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, volume 92, no. 1, pages 70-72, DOI:10.1175/2010BAMS3145.1. [PDF]
- Hegerl G, Stott P, Solomon S, Zwiers F. (2011) Comment on "climate science and the uncertainty monster" by J. A. Curry and P. J. Webster, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 92, no. 12, pages 1683-1685, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-11-00191.1.
- Hoegh-Guldberg O, Hegerl G, Root T, Zwiers F, Stott P, Pierce D, Allen M. (2011) CORRESPONDENCE: Difficult but not impossible, NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE, volume 1, no. 2, pages 72-72, DOI:10.1038/nclimate1107. [PDF]
- Stott PA. (2011) The climate forecast, NEW SCIENTIST, volume 212, no. 2838, pages 30-31, DOI:10.1016/S0262-4079(11)62778-4. [PDF]
- Pall P, Aina T, Stone DA, Stott PA, Nozawa T, Hilberts AGJ, Lohmann D, Allen MR. (2011) Anthropogenic greenhouse gas contribution to flood risk in England and Wales in autumn 2000, NATURE, volume 470, no. 7334, pages 382-385, DOI:10.1038/nature09762. [PDF]
- Christidis N, Stott PA, Brown SJ. (2011) The Role of Human Activity in the Recent Warming of Extremely Warm Daytime Temperatures, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, volume 24, no. 7, pages 1922-1930, DOI:10.1175/2011JCLI4150.1. [PDF]
- Jones GS, Stott PA. (2011) Sensitivity of the attribution of near surface temperature warming to the choice of observational dataset, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, volume 38, article no. ARTN L21702, DOI:10.1029/2011GL049324. [PDF]
- Stott PA, Jones GS, Christidis N, Zwiers FW, Hegerl G, Shiogama H. (2011) Single-step attribution of increasing frequencies of very warm regional temperatures to human influence, ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE LETTERS, volume 12, no. 2, pages 220-227, DOI:10.1002/asl.315. [PDF]
- Santer BD, Mears C, Doutriaux C, Caldwell P, Gleckler PJ, Wigley TML, Solomon S, Gillett NP, Ivanova D, Karl TR. (2011) Separating signal and noise in atmospheric temperature changes: The importance of timescale, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, volume 116, article no. ARTN D22105, DOI:10.1029/2011JD016263. [PDF]
- Jones GS, Christidis N, Stott PA. (2011) Detecting the influence of fossil fuel and bio-fuel black carbon aerosols on near surface temperature changes, ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, volume 11, no. 2, pages 799-816, DOI:10.5194/acp-11-799-2011. [PDF]
- Thorne PW, Willett KM, Allan RJ, Bojinskski S, Christy JR, Fox N, Gilbert S, Jolliffe I, Kennedy JJ, Kent E. (2011) Guiding the creation of a comprehensive surface temperature resource for twenty-first-century climate science, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, volume 92, no. 11, DOI:10.1175/2011BAMS3124.1.
- Stott PA, Christidis N, Betts RA. (2011) Changing return periods of weather-related impacts: the attribution challenge, CLIMATIC CHANGE, volume 109, no. 3-4, pages 263-268, DOI:10.1007/s10584-011-0265-8. [PDF]
- Jones GS, Christidis N, Stott PA. (2010) Detecting the influence of fossil fuel and bio-fuel black carbon aerosols on near surface temperature changes, volume 10, no. 9, pages 20921-20974, DOI:10.5194/acpd-10-20921-2010.
- Trenberth KE, Balmaseda M, Bindoff NL, Church J, Freeland HJ, Lagerloef G, Nerem RS, Palmer M, Rintoul S, Roemmich D. (2010) Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) and Attribution and Prediction of Climate: Progress since the Fourth Assessment, Proceedings of OceanObs'09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society, DOI:10.5270/oceanobs09.pp.39.
- Stott P, Thorne P. (2010) Proposals for surface-temperature databank now open for scrutiny, Nature, volume 466, no. 7310, DOI:10.1038/4661040d.
- Christidis N, Stott PA, Zwiers FW, Shiogama H, Nozawa T. (2010) Probabilistic estimates of recent changes in temperature: a multi-scale attribution analysis, CLIMATE DYNAMICS, volume 34, no. 7-8, pages 1139-1156, DOI:10.1007/s00382-009-0615-7. [PDF]
- Christidis N, Donaldson GC, Stott PA. (2010) Causes for the recent changes in cold- and heat-related mortality in England and Wales, CLIMATIC CHANGE, volume 102, no. 3-4, pages 539-553, DOI:10.1007/s10584-009-9774-0. [PDF]
- Stott PA, Gillett NP, Hegerl GC, Karoly DJ, Stone DA, Zhang X, Zwiers F. (2010) Detection and attribution of climate change: a regional perspective, WILEY INTERDISCIPLINARY REVIEWS-CLIMATE CHANGE, volume 1, no. 2, pages 192-211, DOI:10.1002/wcc.34. [PDF]
- Dall'Amico M, Gray LJ, Rosenlof KH, Scaife AA, Shine KP, Stott PA. (2010) Stratospheric temperature trends: impact of ozone variability and the QBO, CLIMATE DYNAMICS, volume 34, no. 2-3, pages 381-398, DOI:10.1007/s00382-009-0604-x. [PDF]
- Dall'Amico M, Stott PA, Scaife AA, Gray LJ, Rosenlof KH, Karpechko AY. (2010) Impact of stratospheric variability on tropospheric climate change, CLIMATE DYNAMICS, volume 34, no. 2-3, pages 399-417, DOI:10.1007/s00382-009-0580-1. [PDF]
- Stott PA, Thorne PW. (2010) How best to log local temperatures?, Nature, volume 465, no. 7295, pages 158-159, DOI:10.1038/465158a. [PDF]
- Christidis N, Donaldson GC, Stott PA. (2009) Causes for the recent changes in cold and heat related mortality in UK and Wales, IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science, volume 6, no. 9, DOI:10.1088/1755-1307/6/9/092014.
- Stott P. (2009) Recent progress on detection and attribution of the water cycle, IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science, volume 6, no. 9, DOI:10.1088/1755-1307/6/9/092002.
- Palmer MD, Good SA, Haines K, Rayner NA, Stott PA. (2009) A new perspective on warming of the global oceans, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, volume 36, article no. ARTN L20709, DOI:10.1029/2009GL039491. [PDF]
- Matthews HD, Gillett NP, Stott PA, Zickfeld K. (2009) The proportionality of global warming to cumulative carbon emissions, NATURE, volume 459, no. 7248, pages 829-8U3, DOI:10.1038/nature08047. [PDF]
- Gillett NP, Stott PA. (2009) Attribution of anthropogenic influence on seasonal sea level pressure, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, volume 36, article no. ARTN L23709, DOI:10.1029/2009GL041269. [PDF]
- Stone DA, Allen MR, Stott PA, Pall P, Min S-K, Nozawa T, Yukimoto S. (2009) The Detection and Attribution of Human Influence on Climate, ANNUAL REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCES, volume 34, pages 1-16, DOI:10.1146/annurev.environ.040308.101032. [PDF]
- Stott PA, Jones GS. (2009) Variability of high latitude amplification of anthropogenic warming, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, volume 36, article no. ARTN L10701, DOI:10.1029/2009GL037698. [PDF]
- Santer BD, Taylor KE, Gleckler PJ, Bonfils C, Barnett TP, Pierce DW, Wigley TML, Mears C, Wentz FJ, Brueggemann W. (2009) Incorporating model quality information in climate change detection and attribution studies, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, volume 106, no. 35, pages 14778-14783, DOI:10.1073/pnas.0901736106. [PDF]
- Peterson TC, Baringer MO, Thorne PW, Menne MJ, Kennedy JJ, Christy J, Seidel D, Mears C, Haimberger L, Wang J. (2009) State of the Climate in 2008, BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, volume 90, no. 8, pages S13-+, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-90-8-StateoftheClimate. [PDF]
- Dean SM, Stott PA. (2009) The Effect of Local Circulation Variability on the Detection and Attribution of New Zealand Temperature Trends, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, volume 22, no. 23, pages 6217-6229, DOI:10.1175/2009JCLI2715.1. [PDF]
- Prather MJ, Penner JE, Fuglestvedt JS, Kurosawa A, Lowe JA, Hoehne N, Jain AK, Andronova N, Pinguelli L, de Campos CP. (2009) Tracking uncertainties in the causal chain from human activities to climate, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, volume 36, article no. ARTN L05707, DOI:10.1029/2008GL036474. [PDF]
- Stott PA, Huntingford C, Jones CD, Kettleborough JA. (2008) Observed climate change constrains the likelihood of extreme future global warming, Tellus B, volume 60, no. 1, DOI:10.3402/tellusb.v60i1.16898.
- Gillett NP, Stott PA, Santer BD. (2008) Attribution of cyclogenesis region sea surface temperature change to anthropogenic influence, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, volume 35, no. 9, article no. ARTN L09707, DOI:10.1029/2008GL033670. [PDF]
- Jones GS, Stott PA, Christidis N. (2008) Human contribution to rapidly increasing frequency of very warm Northern Hemisphere summers, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, volume 113, no. D2, article no. ARTN D02109, DOI:10.1029/2007JD008914. [PDF]
- Stott PA, Sutton RT, Smith DM. (2008) Detection and attribution of Atlantic salinity changes, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, volume 35, no. 21, article no. ARTN L21702, DOI:10.1029/2008GL035874. [PDF]
- Stott PA, Huntingford C, Jones CD, Kettleborough JA. (2008) Observed climate change constrains the likelihood of extreme future global warming, TELLUS SERIES B-CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL METEOROLOGY, volume 60, no. 1, pages 76-81, DOI:10.1111/j.1600-0889.2007.00329.x. [PDF]
- Gillett NP, Stone DA, Stott PA, Nozawa T, Karpechko AY, Hegerl GC, Wehner MF, Jones PD. (2008) Attribution of polar warming to human influence, NATURE GEOSCIENCE, volume 1, no. 11, pages 750-754, DOI:10.1038/ngeo338. [PDF]
- Knutti R, Allen MR, Friedlingstein P, Gregory JM, Hegerl GC, Meehl GA, Meinshausen M, Murphy JM, Plattner G-K, Raper SCB. (2008) A review of uncertainties in global temperature projections over the twenty-first century, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, volume 21, no. 11, pages 2651-2663, DOI:10.1175/2007JCLI2119.1. [PDF]
- Forster P, Hegerl G, Knutti R, Ramaswamy V, Solomon S, Stocker TF, Stott P, Zwiers F. (2007) Assessing uncertainty in climate simulations, Nature Climate Change, volume 1, no. 709, pages 63-63, DOI:10.1038/climate.2007.46a.
- Stone DA, Allen MR, Selten F, Kliphuis M, Stott PA. (2007) The detection and attribution of climate change using an ensemble of opportunity, Journal of Climate, volume 20, no. 3, pages 504-516, DOI:10.1175/JCLI3966.1.
- Stott PA, Forest CE. (2007) Ensemble climate predictions using climate models and observational constraints, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, volume 365, no. 1857, pages 2029-2052, DOI:10.1098/rsta.2007.2075.
- Wu P, Wood R, Stott P, Jones GS. (2007) Deep North Atlantic freshening simulated in a coupled climate model, Progress in Oceanography, volume 73, no. 3-4, pages 370-383, DOI:10.1016/j.pocean.2006.07.009.
- Allen M, Pall P, Stone D, Stott P, Frame D, Min SK, Nozawa T, Yukimoto S. (2007) Scientific challenges in the attribution of harm to human influence on climate, University of Pennsylvania Law Review, volume 155, no. 6, pages 1353-1400.
- Stone DA, Allen MR, Stott PA. (2007) A multimodel update on the detection and attribution of global surface warming, Journal of Climate, volume 20, no. 3, pages 517-530, DOI:10.1175/JCLI3964.1.
- Santer BD, Mears C, Wentz FJ, Taylor KE, Gleckler PJ, Wigley TML, Barnett TP, Boyle JS, Brueggemann W, Gillett NP. (2007) Identification of human-induced changes in atmospheric moisture content, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, volume 104, no. 39, pages 15248-15253, DOI:10.1073/pnas.0702872104. [PDF]
- Kettleborough JA, Booth BBB, Stott PA, Allen MR. (2007) Estimates of uncertainty in predictions of global mean surface temperature, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, volume 20, no. 5, pages 843-855, DOI:10.1175/JCLI4012.1. [PDF]
- Christidis N, Stott PA, Brown S, Karoly DJ, Caesar J. (2007) Human contribution to the lengthening of the growing season during 1950-99, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, volume 20, no. 21, pages 5441-5454, DOI:10.1175/2007JCLI1568.1. [PDF]
- Zhang X, Zwiers FW, Hegerl GC, Lambert FH, Gillett NP, Solomon S, Stott PA, Nozawa T. (2007) Detection of human influence on twentieth-century precipitation trends, Nature, volume 448, no. 7152, pages 461-465, DOI:10.1038/nature06025. [PDF]
- Zhang X, Zwiers FW, Stott PA. (2006) Multimodel multisignal climate change detection at regional scale, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, volume 19, no. 17, pages 4294-4307, DOI:10.1175/JCLI3851.1. [PDF]
- Stott PA, Kettleborough JA, Allen MR. (2006) Uncertainty in continental-scale temperature predictions, Geophysical Research Letters, volume 33, no. 2, DOI:10.1029/2005GL024423.
- Karoly DJ, Stott PA. (2006) Anthropogenic warming of central England temperature, Atmospheric Science Letters, volume 7, no. 4, pages 81-85, DOI:10.1002/asl.136.
- Mokhov II, Karpenko AA, Stott PA. (2006) Highest rates of regional climate warming over the last decades and assessment of the role of natural and anthropogenic factors, Doklady Earth Sciences, volume 406, no. 1, pages 158-162, DOI:10.1134/S1028334X06010375.
- Frame DJ, Stone DA, Stott PA, Allen MR. (2006) Alternatives to stabilization scenarios, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, volume 33, no. 14, article no. ARTN L14707, DOI:10.1029/2006GL025801. [PDF]
- Allen MR, Gillett NP, Kettleborough JA, Hegerl G, Schnur R, Stott PA, Boer G, Covey C, Delworth TL, Jones GS. (2006) Quantifying anthropogenic influence on recent near-surface temperature change, SURVEYS IN GEOPHYSICS, volume 27, no. 5, pages 491-544, DOI:10.1007/s10712-006-9011-6. [PDF]
- Stott PA, Mitchell JFB, Allen MR, Delworth TL, Gregory JM, Meehl GA, Santer BD. (2006) Observational constraints on past attributable warming and predictions of future global warming, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, volume 19, no. 13, pages 3055-3069, DOI:10.1175/JCLI3802.1. [PDF]
- Huntingford C, Stott PA, Allen MR, Lambert FH. (2006) Incorporating model uncertainty into attribution of observed temperature change, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, volume 33, no. 5, article no. ARTN L05710, DOI:10.1029/2005GL024831. [PDF]
- Stott PA, Jones GS, Lowe JA, Thorne P, Durman C, Johns TC, Thelen J-C. (2006) Transient climate simulations with the HadGEM1 climate model: Causes of past warming and future climate change, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, volume 19, no. 12, pages 2763-2782, DOI:10.1175/JCLI3731.1. [PDF]
- Gedney N, Cox PM, Betts RA, Boucher O, Huntingford C, Stott PA. (2006) Continental runoff - A quality-controlled global runoff data set - Reply, NATURE, volume 444, no. 7120, pages E14-E15, DOI:10.1038/nature05481. [PDF]
- Gedney N, Cox PM, Betts RA, Boucher O, Huntingford C, Stott PA. (2006) Detection of a direct carbon dioxide effect in continental river runoff records, Nature, volume 439, no. 7078, pages 835-838, DOI:10.1038/nature04504.
- Barnett T, Zwiers F, Hegerl G, Allen M, Crowley T, Gillett N, Hasselmann K, Jones P, Santer B, Schnur R. (2005) Detecting and attributing external influences on the climate system: A review of recent advances, Journal of Climate, volume 18, no. 9, pages 1291-1314, DOI:10.1175/JCLI3329.1.
- Wu P, Wood R, Stott P. (2005) Human influence on increasing Arctic river discharges, Geophysical Research Letters, volume 32, no. 2, pages 1-4, DOI:10.1029/2004GL021570.
- Stott PA, Stone DA, Allen MR. (2005) Erratum: Human contribution to the European heatwave of 2003 (Nature (2004) 432 (610-614)), Nature, volume 436, no. 7054, DOI:10.1038/nature04099.
- Jones GS, Gregory JM, Stott PA, Tett SFB, Thorpe RB. (2005) An AOGCM simulation of the climate response to a volcanic super-eruption, CLIMATE DYNAMICS, volume 25, no. 7-8, pages 725-738, DOI:10.1007/s00382-005-0066-8. [PDF]
- Christidis N, Stott PA, Brown S, Hegerl GC, Caesar J. (2005) Detection of changes in temperature extremes during the second half of the 20th century, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, volume 32, no. 20, article no. ARTN L20716, DOI:10.1029/2005GL023885. [PDF]
- Jones GS, Jones A, Roberts DL, Stott PA, Williams KD. (2005) Sensitivity of global-scale climate change attribution results to inclusion of fossil fuel black carbon aerosol, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, volume 32, no. 14, article no. ARTN L14701, DOI:10.1029/2005GL023370. [PDF]
- Stott PA, Stone DA, Allen MR. (2004) Human contribution to the European heatwave of 2003, Nature, volume 432, no. 7017, pages 610-614, DOI:10.1038/nature03089.
- Marshall GJ, Stott PA, Turner J, Connolley WM, King JC, Lachlan-Cope TA. (2004) Causes of exceptional atmospheric circulation changes in the Southern Hemisphere, Geophysical Research Letters, volume 31, no. 14, DOI:10.1029/2004GL019952.
- Hegerl GC, Zwiers FW, Stott PA, Kharin VV. (2004) Detectability of anthropogenic changes in annual temperature and precipitation extremes, Journal of Climate, volume 17, no. 19, pages 3683-3700, DOI:10.1175/1520-0442(2004)017<3683:DOACIA>2.0.CO;2.
- Braganza K, Karoly DJ, Hirst AC, Stott P, Stouffer RJ, Tett SFB. (2004) Simple indices of global climate variability and change part II: Attribution of climate change during the twentieth century, Climate Dynamics, volume 22, no. 8, pages 823-838, DOI:10.1007/s00382-004-0413-1.
- Wu P, Wood R, Stott P. (2004) Does the recent freshening trend in the North Atlantic indicate a weakening thermohaline circulation?, Geophysical Research Letters, volume 31, no. 2, DOI:10.1029/2003GL018584.
- Hegerl GC, Zwiers FW, Stott PA, Kharin VV. (2004) Detectability of anthropogenic changes in annual temperature and precipitation extremes, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, volume 17, no. 19, pages 3683-3700, DOI:10.1175/1520-0442(2004)017<3683:DOACIA>2.0.CO;2. [PDF]
- Lambert FH, Stott PA, Allen MR, Palmer MA. (2004) Detection and attribution of changes in 20th century land precipitation, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, volume 31, no. 10, article no. ARTN L10203, DOI:10.1029/2004GL019545. [PDF]
- Gregory JM, Ingram WJ, Palmer MA, Jones GS, Stott PA, Thorpe RB, Lowe JA, Johns TC, Williams KD. (2004) A new method for diagnosing radiative forcing and climate sensitivity, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, volume 31, no. 3, article no. ARTN L03205, DOI:10.1029/2003GL018747. [PDF]
- Gregory JM, Banks HT, Stott PA, Lowe JA, Palmer MD. (2004) Simulated and observed decadal variability in ocean heat content, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, volume 31, no. 15, article no. ARTN L15312, DOI:10.1029/2004GL020258. [PDF]
- Stott PA. (2003) Attribution of regional-scale temperature changes to anthropogenic and natural causes, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, volume 30, no. 14, article no. ARTN 1728, DOI:10.1029/2003GL017324. [PDF]
- Stott PA, Jones GS, Mitchell JFB. (2003) Do models underestimate the solar contribution to recent climate change?, Journal of Climate, volume 16, no. 24, pages 4079-4093, DOI:10.1175/1520-0442(2003)016<4079:DMUTSC>2.0.CO;2.
- Braganza K, Karoly DJ, Hirst AC, Mann ME, Stott P, Stouffer RJ, Tett SFB. (2003) Simple indices of global climate variability and change: Part I - Variability and correlation structure, Climate Dynamics, volume 20, no. 5, pages 491-502, DOI:10.1007/s00382-002-0286-0.
- Gillett NP, Zwiers FW, Weaver AJ, Stott PA. (2003) Detection of human influence on sea-level pressure, Nature, volume 422, no. 6929, pages 292-294, DOI:10.1038/nature01487.
- Stott PA, Allen MR, Jones GS. (2003) Estimating signal amplitudes in optimal fingerprinting. Part II: Application to general circulation models, Climate Dynamics, volume 21, no. 5-6, pages 493-500, DOI:10.1007/s00382-003-0314-8.
- Allen MR, Stott PA. (2003) Estimating signal amplitudes in optimal fingerprinting, part I: Theory, Climate Dynamics, volume 21, no. 5-6, pages 477-491, DOI:10.1007/s00382-003-0313-9.
- Karoly DJ, Braganza K, Stott PA, Arblaster JM, Meehl GA, Broccoli AJ, Dixon KW. (2003) Detection of a Human Influence on North American Climate, Science, volume 302, no. 5648, pages 1200-1203, DOI:10.1126/science.1089159.
- Stott PA. (2003) Attibution of regional-scale temperature changes to anthropogenic and natural causes, Geophysical Research Letters, volume 30, no. 14.
- Jones GS, Tett SFB, Stott PA. (2003) Causes of atmospheric temperature change 1960-2000: A combined attribution analysis, Geophysical Research Letters, volume 30, no. 5, DOI:10.1029/2002gl016377.
- Thorne PW, Jones PD, Tett SFB, Allen MR, Parker DE, Stott PA, Jones GS, Osborn TJ, Davies TD. (2003) Probable causes of late twentieth century tropospheric temperature trends, CLIMATE DYNAMICS, volume 21, no. 7-8, pages 573-591, DOI:10.1007/s00382-003-0353-1. [PDF]
- Gregory JM, Stott PA, Cresswell DJ, Rayner NA, Gordon C, Sexton DMH. (2002) Recent and future changes in Arctic sea ice simulated by the HadCM3 AOGCM, Geophysical Research Letters, volume 29, no. 24.
- Thorne PW, Jones PD, Osborn TJ, Davies TD, Tett SFB, Parker DE, Stott PA, Jones GS, Allen MR. (2002) Assessing the robustness of zonal mean climate change detection, Geophysical Research Letters, volume 29, no. 19.
- Gillett NP, Zwiers FW, Weaver AJ, Hegerl GC, Allen MR, Stott PA. (2002) Detecting anthropogenic influence with a multi-model ensemble, Geophysical Research Letters, volume 29, no. 20.
- Stott PA, Kettleborough JA. (2002) Origins and estimates of uncertainty in predictions of twenty-first century temperature rise (vol 416, pg 723, 2002), NATURE, volume 417, no. 6885, pages 205-205, DOI:10.1038/417205b. [PDF]
- Gregory JM, Stott PA, Cresswell DJ, Rayner NA, Gordon C, Sexton DMH. (2002) Recent and future changes in Arctic sea ice simulated by the HadCM3 AOGCM, Geophysical Research Letters, volume 29, no. 24, DOI:10.1029/2001GL014575.
- Stott PA, Kettleborough JA. (2002) Origins and estimates of uncertainty in predictions of twenty-first century temperature rise, Nature, volume 416, no. 6882, pages 723-726, DOI:10.1038/416723a.
- Tett SFB, Jones GS, Stott PA, Hill DC, Mitchell JFB, Allen MR, Ingram WJ, Johns TC, Johnson CE, Jones A. (2002) Estimation of natural and anthropogenic contributions to twentieth century temperature change, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, volume 107, no. 16.
- Gillett NP, Hegerl GC, Allen MR, Stott PA, Schnur R. (2002) Reconciling two approaches to the detection of anthropogenic influence on climate, Journal of Climate, volume 15, no. 1, pages 326-329, DOI:10.1175/1520-0442(2002)015<0326:rtattd>2.0.co;2.
- Tett SFB, Jones GS, Stott PA, Hill DC, Mitchell JFB, Allen MR, Ingram WJ, Johns TC, Johnson CE, Jones A. (2002) Estimation of natural and anthropogenic contributions to twentieth century temperature change, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, volume 107, no. 16, DOI:10.1029/2000JD000028.
- Gillett NP, Zwiers FW, Weaver AJ, Hegerl GC, Allen MR, Stott PA. (2002) Detecting anthropogenic influence with a multi-model ensemble, Geophysical Research Letters, volume 29, no. 20, DOI:10.1029/2002GL015836.
- Gregory JM, Stouffer RJ, Raper SCB, Stott PA, Rayner NA. (2002) An observationally based estimate of the climate sensitivity, Journal of Climate, volume 15, no. 22, pages 3117-3121, DOI:10.1175/1520-0442(2002)015<3117:AOBEOT>2.0.CO;2.
- Stott PA, Kettleborough JA. (2002) Erratum: Origins and estimates of uncertainty in predictions of twenty-first century temperature rise (Nature (2002) 416 (723-726)), Nature, volume 417, no. 6885, DOI:10.1038/417205b.
- Thorne PW, Jones PD, Osborn TJ, Davies TD, Tett SFB, Parker DE, Stott PA, Jones GS, Allen MR. (2002) Assessing the robustness of zonal mean climate change detection, Geophysical Research Letters, volume 29, no. 19, DOI:10.1029/2002GL015717.
- Hill DC, Allen MR, Gillett NP, Tett SFB, Stott PA, Jones GS, Ingram W, Mitchell JFB. (2001) Natural and anthropogenic causes of recent climate change, DETECTING AND MODELLING REGIONAL CLIMATE CHANGE, pages 275-290. [PDF]
- Stott PA, Tett SFB, Jones GS, Allen MR, Ingram WJ, Mitchell JFB. (2001) Attribution of twentieth century temperature change to natural and anthropogenic causes, Climate Dynamics, volume 17, no. 1, pages 1-21, DOI:10.1007/PL00007924.
- Johns TC, Gregory JM, Stott PA, Mitchell JFB. (2001) Correlations between pattern of 19th and 20th century surface temperature change and HadCM2 climate model ensembles, Geophysical Research Letters, volume 28, no. 6, pages 1007-1010, DOI:10.1029/2000GL011861.
- Hill DC, Allen MR, Stott PA. (2001) Allowing for solar forcing in the detection of human influence on tropospheric temperatures, Geophysical Research Letters, volume 28, no. 8, pages 1555-1558, DOI:10.1029/2000GL012209.
- Stott PA, Tett SFB, Jones GS, Allen MR, Ingram WJ, Mitchell JFB. (2000) Anthropogenic and Natural Causes of Twentieth Century Temperature Change, Solar Variability and Climate, Springer Nature, 337-344, DOI:10.1007/978-94-010-0888-4_29.
- Stott PA, Shine KP. (2000) Observations of Climate Variability, Solar Variability and Climate, Springer Nature, 345-348, DOI:10.1007/978-94-010-0888-4_30.
- Carver GD, Stott PA. (2000) IMPACT: an implicit time integration scheme for chemical species and families, ANNALES GEOPHYSICAE-ATMOSPHERES HYDROSPHERES AND SPACE SCIENCES, volume 18, no. 3, pages 337-346, DOI:10.1007/s005850050893. [PDF]
- Gillett NP, Hegerl GC, Allen MR, Stott PA. (2000) Implications of changes in the Northern Hemisphere circulation for the detection of anthropogenic climate change, Geophysical Research Letters, volume 27, no. 7, pages 993-996, DOI:10.1029/1999GL010981.
- Carver GD, Stott PA. (2000) IMPACT: An implicit time integration scheme for chemical species and families, Annales Geophysicae, volume 18, no. 3, pages 337-346, DOI:10.1007/s00585-000-0337-y.
- Hegerl GC, Stott PA, Allen MR, Mitchell JFB, Tett SFB, Cubasch U. (2000) Optimal detection and attribution of climate change: Sensitivity of results to climate model differences, Climate Dynamics, volume 16, no. 10-11, pages 737-754, DOI:10.1007/s003820000071.
- Allen MR, Stott PA, Mitchell JFB, Schnur R, Delworth TL. (2000) Quantifying the uncertainty in forecasts of anthropogenic climate change, Nature, volume 407, no. 6804, pages 617-620, DOI:10.1038/35036559.
- Stott PA, Shine KP. (2000) Observations of climate variability (discussion session 3a), Space Science Reviews, volume 94, no. 1-2, pages 345-348, DOI:10.1023/A:1026796012509.
- Stott PA, Tett SFB, Jones GS, Allen MR, Ingram WJ, Mitchell JFB. (2000) Anthropogenic and natural causes of twentieth century temperature change, Space Science Reviews, volume 94, no. 1-2, pages 337-344, DOI:10.1023/A:1026743928439.
- Stott PA, Tett SFB, Jones GS, Allen MR, Mitchell JFB, Jenkins GJ. (2000) External control of 20th century temperature by natural and anthropogenic forcings, Science, volume 290, no. 5499, pages 2133-2137, DOI:10.1126/science.290.5499.2133.
- Mackenzie IA, Harwood RS, Stott PA, Watson GC. (1999) Radiative-dynamic effects of the Antarctic ozone hole and chemical feedback, QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, volume 125, no. 558, pages 2171-2203, DOI:10.1002/qj.49712555812. [PDF]
- Mackenzie IA, Harwood RS, Stott PA, Watson GC. (1999) Radiative-dynamic effects of the Antartic ozone hole and chemical feedback, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, volume 125, no. 558, pages 2171-2203, DOI:10.1002/qj.49712555812.
- Tett SFB, Stott PA, Allen MR, Ingram WJ, Mitchell JFB. (1999) Causes of twentieth-century temperature change near the Earth's surface, Nature, volume 399, no. 6736, pages 569-572, DOI:10.1038/21164.
- Stott PA, Tett SFB. (1998) Scale-dependent detection of climate change, Journal of Climate, volume 11, no. 12, pages 3282-3294, DOI:10.1175/1520-0442(1998)011<3282:SDDOCC>2.0.CO;2.
- Mote PW, Stott PA, Harwood RS. (1998) Stratospheric flow during two recent winters simulated by a mechanistic model, Monthly Weather Review, volume 126, no. 6, pages 1655-1680, DOI:10.1175/1520-0493(1998)126<1655:SFDTRW>2.0.CO;2.
Showing 259 publications from Symplectic.