Dr Mi Tian

PhD and Fellowship

The Hydrogen Storage Team is currently seeking highly motivated PhD candidates and early career researchers to join our team. We are offering PhD student positions and supporting fellowship applications for early career researchers. If you are passionate about hydrogen storage research and want to be part of a dynamic team working on cutting-edge technology, we encourage you to apply. Don't miss this opportunity to advance your career and make a real impact in the hydrogen energy field.


EPSRC Doctoral Training Partnership



China Scholarship Council and University of Exeter PhD Scholarships



EPSRC Industrial Doctorate Centre in Offshore Renewable Energy (IDCORE)




List of Key Fellowship Schemes



Approx Deadline

BBSRC Discovery Fellowships

Supports researchers in gaining leadership skills by undertaking independent research in any area of science within the council’s remit. The Discovery Fellowships will support the transition of early stage researchers to fully independent research leaders.


ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowships 

This is a postdoctoral fellowship to develop: publications, networks, research skills and professional skills. Proposals are welcome from both single disciplines and combinations of disciplines, but the fellowship activities must be based at least 50% within the social sciences. 


EPSRC Postdoctoral Fellowships

Internal process is included generally.

No fixed deadlines; advised submission dates depending on discipline.

EPSRC Open Fellowships

 Internal process

 No fixed deadlines; advised submission dates depending on discipline.

Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships 

For Early Career Researchers who have not yet held a full-time permanent academic position who would like to undertake a significant piece of research.

An internal screen via Engineering Department


Leverhulme Research Fellowship

Open to experienced researchers, particularly those who have been prevented, due to duties, from completing a programme of original research.

UoE currently does not support this scheme.


NERC Independent Research Fellowships


To enable outstanding early career research scientists to develop into international science leaders in the areas of Environmental Sciences.


Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowships

Support for outstanding early career science or engineering researchers to carry out unclassified research on specific, pre-determined topics in intelligence, security and defence communities.

Internal process: Host organisations are usually capped in the number of applications they can submit to the Royal Academy of Engineering. 


Royal Academy of Engineering UK Intelligence Community Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

Support for outstanding early career science or engineering researchers to carry out unclassified research on specific, pre-determined topics in intelligence, security and defence communities.


Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 Research Fellowships

1851 Research Fellowships are intended to give early career scientists or engineers of exceptional promise the opportunity to conduct a research project of their own instigation; an ultimate objective is to contribute to the knowledge base required for a healthy and innovative national culture. Around eight awards are made each year.



Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowships

Offers a recognised first step into an independent research career for outstanding scientists and engineers at an early stage of their research career. The applicant must have a need for a flexible working pattern due to personal circumstances, such as parenting or caring responsibilities or health issues.


Royal Society Research Professorship



Royal Society University Research Fellowships

To provide outstanding scientists, who have the potential to become leaders in their chosen field, with the opportunity to build an independent research career, in the areas of natural sciences and engineering.


STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellowships

To enable early career researchers with clear leadership potential to establish a strong, independent research programme in the remit of STFC (astronomy, solar and planetary science, particle physics, particle astrophysics, cosmology, nuclear physics, accelerator science)


UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships

The previous rounds (2018-2022) aimed to support excellent and high potential future research and innovation leaders transition to/establish independence.

Further rounds of this scheme are anticipated in 2023.


UKRI Stephen Hawking Fellowships

To support and develop the next generation of visionary scientists in theoretical physics and/or fundamental mathematical and computer sciences that underpin them.

There have not been any calls since 2020. 


Wellcome Early Careers Awards

This scheme provides funding for early-career researchers from any discipline who are ready to develop their research identity. Through innovative projects, they will deliver shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. By the end of the award, they will be ready to lead their own independent research programme.

The proposed research can be in any discipline - as long as it has the potential to improve human life, health and wellbeing, and aligns with the funder’s funding remit.


EU and International opportunities

ERC starting grant/consolidator grant
