Dr Matthew McGuigan


I was contacted for a TV interview and asked to explain how to image the 2015 solar eclipse. I also discussed some astrophotograpy which I had posted online See the interview here: Watch Video

I have also worked with the Exeter Mathematics School providing a hands-on session for Year 9 Maths Student Community programme exploring the relationship between human beings and artificial intelligence.

I am one of 26,000 STEM Ambassadors across the UK. I was a volunteer for the University of Glasgow's astronomy outreach program delivering presentations, talks and planetarium shows to the public in schools, societies and other groups.

I was the social secretary for Space Exe (the University of Exeter's student astronomy society). We arrange stargazing events and outreach events to engage the public with astronomy and physics.

For two years I was on the organising comittee for the first ever Space Exe Conference 2018 and Space Exe Conference 2019 (https://spaceexe.org/) which were a resounding success with speakers from the Met Office, various universities and various observatories.