Cassia Johnson

Personal Homepage


I’m a geologist who is retraining as a social scientist, studying the intersections of mining and society. I am based out of British Columbia, Canada, and Cornwall, England. I am curious about the role mineral resources play in human development, the nuance of the mining industry, humanity in the many types of mining industries, the connection between geology and society, and social and environmental sustainability.  My specialties are within sustainable development, artisanal and small-scale mining, small-scale mining, Quaternary geology, and exploration geology. My experience ranges from mineral exploration to community social relations, to specialized Quaternary Geology for mining and geohazards. When I’m not practicing geology or doing social science research, you will find me on my yoga mat, running on a trail, exploring mountains, trying my best at chess, lost in my journals and books, or exploring our beautiful planet.


2020-Present: PhD Candidate Mining and Minerals Engineering and Social Sciences, University of Exeter, UK

2013-2020: Professional Geoscientist, Canada

2010-2013: M.Sc. Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Waterloo, Canada

2005-2010: B.Sc. (High Honours) Geological Sciences, University of Saskatchewan, Canada

Credentials and Licences

Professional Geoscientist

Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia

Credential ID: 48392