Photo of Dr Carly Daniels

Dr Carly Daniels


Research Interests

My research projects to date have focussed on: Crustacean biology, culture and nutrition, Sustainable aquaculture techniques and technologies, Novel mari-culture, Marine conservation, Marine survey techniques, Sustainable fisheries management and Interdisciplinary collaboration. My current research focus is on the development of novel aquaculture species with a focus of Seaweed species: including the techniques, technologies, environmental impacts and associated regulatory concidrations.

Research Projects

(2020) RE Strategic Priorities Fund: Evidence based Policy Making: Incorporating law and policy research into an emerging novel aquaculture species. (Co-I)

(2020) RE Link Fund: Developing a seaweed network (PI)

(2019) EMFF: Lead Post Doctoal Research Fellow on Establishing environmentally and commercially sustainable techniques for farming seaweed.

(2018) Agri-Tech Cornwall: ERDF: Collaborator on Developing new genomic services to support global restoration aquaculture market growth and species conservation.

(2018) ARCH UK - BBSRC/NERC: Collaborator on UK Aquaculture Initiative ‘Innovations in genetics and breeding to enhance UK aquaculture production’.

(2017) BBSRC: UK Aquaculture Initiative - Collaborator on ShellEye-DEMO Satellite monitoring for shellfish aquaculture.

(2016) Innovate UK/BBSRC: Agri-Tech catalyst, Industrial stage award - Lobster Grower 2: Assessing the technical, economic and environmental potential for a novel candiadate aquaculture species (Lead PI).

(2015) Cornwall Council: Councillor Community Grant Scheme - Developing Culture Techniques: A Dietary Focus (Lead PI).

(2014) TSB and BBSRC: Lead PI on Agri-Tech catalyst, Early stage awards - Lobster Grower: Developing techniques to fast track lobster aquaculture. (Lead PI).

(2013) TSB: Innovation Voucher: Developing lobster aquaculture technologies (Lead PI).

(2013) ECEHH: In Residence Scheme follow on fund – Developing Biological assays to assess water quality for lobster culture (Co-I).

(2012) ECEHH: In Residence Scheme – Water Quality influences on Lobster Culture (Co-I).

(2007) Great Western Research Fund: Three year PhD studentship - ‘Optimisation of rearing diets for early life stages of the European Lobster' (Lead PI).