Please check the FAQs below for common queries: 

Where can I find out the latest information and guidance about Covid-19?

You can find lots of infomation on the University's Covid-19 site for students. These pages are being updated all the time so please check back regularly.

How do I contact my personal tutor?

You can email your tutor for an appointment or drop-in during their regular office hours, which may be online or on campus. Some tutors will also offer an online booking process. If you are not sure who your personal tutor is, please check your student record via MyExeter.

What happens if I don't attend my classes or engage with my studies? 

Experience (and our students!) tell us that it's really important that you attend all of your classes and engage fully with your learning. Your modules have been carefully designed so that each week's learning complements others later in the course. Moreover, we all learn from engagement with others - from listening, asking questions, responding, and developing our ideas in class. If you find that you can't attend, please let your tutor know and do everything you can to catch up prior to the next class. See also section 2.3 of this Handbook. 

How do I access Wellbeing support?

The College has friendly and helpful Welfare Advisors who offer drop-in sessions and bookable appointments. Likewise the University’s Wellbeing Services offer various kinds of support. See: Wellbeing.

How do I request an extension or for mitigating circumstances to be taken into account?

If you feel that illness or other adverse personal circumstances may affect your ability to undertake an assessment you may be able to apply for an extension or a deferral through the University's Mitigation Process. See also Section 7.9 of this Handbook. 

How soon will my mark and feedback be returned to me?

Marked work is usually returned to students within three weeks of submission (some modules and forms of assessment may differ – please check with your module convenor). This gives us time to read and assess the work carefully; to moderate (i.e. check) our marking with peers in order to ensure accuracy and consistency, and to prepare and submit your written feedback. For more on Assessment and Feedback see section 7 of this Handbook.

What are the assessment criteria for my module?

The assessment criteria for each module are shown on the module template available via the ELE site for the module or on the Undergraduate or Postgraduate Taught module pages.

Can I request a re-mark?

There is no automatic right to a remark and students cannot appeal against academic judgment, correctly exercised (see section 7.24 on grounds for appeal). Assessed work is carefully marked in accordance with the assessment criteria for the module; marking is then moderated (i.e. reviewed and checked) internally. All marks are provisional until finally reviewed by External Examiners at the end of each academic year. These processes are in line with those at other Universities in the UK and are regarded as fair and robust. For more on Assessment and Feedback, see section 7 of this Handbook.

How is my degree result calculated?

The detailed information on how UG and PGT degrees are calculated is available here. In the case of most three-year UG degrees (a) the first year is regarded as an important foundation year which it is necessary to pass, but marks do not carry over to the overall degree result, (b) the final year carries twice as much weight as the second year. However, some programme may have different provisions so please check the link above for the essential detail and / or check with your Personal Tutor or Director of Education. 

How do I reference my work?

Please check with your department or programme director or in your Subject Handbook for guidance on which referencing system is preferred within your discipline (e.g. MLA, Harvard, Chicago etc). The University library provides detailed guidance on each of these recognised systems.

How do I contact my representative on the Student Staff Liaison Committee?

Each SSLC has an ELE page providing the names and contact details of student reps, meeting notes and information about current campaigns.

What do I do if I want to comment on the design or delivery of my modules or programme?

We are always interested to hear from students about their experiences on our courses. We take students’ feedback into account when revising our modules and other aspects of our provision. Your tutor will usually ask for informal mid-module feedback and will also ask you to complete an end-of-module survey of some kind. In addition, students are surveyed at the end of each year of study (including, at the end of their degree, in the NSS).

How do I appeal or complain about aspects of my course?

We ask students in the first instance to raise any concerns with their tutor, their SSLC or the Director of Education for their programme. If this isn’t appropriate or if it doesn’t resolve matters, you can find information here about the student appeals and complaints process. See also Section 7 of this Handbook. 

How can the Students’ Guild / Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union help?

Your Students’ Guild / Students’ Union is there to represent and support you. They oversee the SSLCs, provide support to student societies, run an advice unit and work in other ways to enhance the student experience. Further information about key officers and support services can be found on the links above.

I’m an international student, who can I ask for advice and guidance?

You are welcome to approach your personal tutor for advice.  If English is not your first language, you might also find the in-sessional provision from INTO helpful. The Students’ Guild / Union supports numerous international student societies and the University also offers numerous sources of support for international students


Who do I ask for careers advice?

Your personal tutor will be happy to discuss your future plans with you. You can also look out for information about Humanities-specific opportunities (talks, internships, workshops etc) which will be notified by email. Please also visit / register with the Career Zone in order to access a wide range of opportunities including Internships

Can I study or work abroad / undertake employment experience as part of my degree?

1.      If you did not apply to the University for a four-year work/study abroad programme, you can still – in most cases – request a transfer onto the 4-year version of your degree which offers a year of work experience in the UK or abroad, or a year of study abroad. Please speak to your Hub or your personal tutor about processes, deadlines, and requirements (e.g. you will usually need to gain at least a 2.1 in your first year of study to be eligible).

2.      If you are interested in shorter periods of work experience, you might be interested in one of our dedicated Modules such as Humanities in the Workplace and / or other employment-specific modules offered within your subject. Please discuss with your personal tutor.

Can I study a foreign language?

In many cases, students can take a module language (up to 30-credits) a year as part of their degree (see section 6 of this handbook). In addition, students can take languages as an evening course via the Foreign Language Centre (Exeter and Penryn).