Photo of Prof Vadim N Biktashev

Prof Vadim N Biktashev



Location: Harrison 243

Telephone: 01392 726636

Extension: (Streatham) 6636

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Office: 243, Harrison building, North Park Road, Exeter EX4 4QF. 

With Exeter since August 2012. Before that: Lecturer through to Professor at Liverpool (1999-2012), postdoc at Leeds (1992-1999), PhD student through to Head of Laboratory of Applied Mathematics at Research Computing Centre/Institute of Mathematical Problems in Biology, Pushchino, USSR/Russia (1984-2003). BSc/MSc in physics (biophysics) at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (1984), Candidate of Physics and Mathematics (=Ph.D., biophysics) at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (1989).

Research interests: Mathematical biology, specifically modelling of excitation propagation in heart, and spatially extended population dynamics. Applied mathematics, specifically singular perturbations and numerical simulations.