Programme costs

Please note: This information is relevant for students entering from 2012/13 onwards only.

This page aims to outline the additional costs, over and above the tuition fee, that undergraduate students will experience whilst studying for a Physics programme.

This information is based on advice from students studying in 2011/12 and has been reviewed by student representatives for the course on an annual basis. This page is intended to be a useful resource to prospective and new students, therefore please do feed through any further suggestions through your departmental SSLC.


You will need lab notebooks tokeep a record of your practical work. Notebooks cost between £2 and £3 and it is estimated that you will need two notebooks per year.


It is unlikely to cost you more than £200 a year for new copies of all the core textbooks.  Many students utilise second hand books (from previous students, bookshops or online) as these are often much cheaper and just as good.  The library has many core and supplementary text books to borrow.

Other expenses 

There may be some additional printing costs relating to project work, such as the printing of a poster for your final project, which are estimated to cost about £15 per year.

Study Abroad 

The exact costs of studying abroad for a semester or a year are dependent on which country you chose and the type of experience you wish to have whilst there.  Additional costs might include:

  • Return travel fare
  • Living costs such as internet connection fees, phone calls/mobile contracts or laptop fees
  • Purchase of essential equipment that you are unable to take with you
  • Extra activities you wish to undertake such as sightseeing or cultural trips
  • Health or insurance cover: personal liability insurance is often compulsory
  • Visa fees for non EU countries: there is often a processing fee and you will need to evidence sufficient funds in your bank account to cover your living costs whilst in the country to satisfy immigration officials.
  • Additional course fees such as language courses and student cards

It should be noted that students who study abroad on the Erasmus scheme will not pay any tuition fees, whilst those who chose to study outside of Europe will only pay half the annual tuition fee.

Further information regarding study abroad can be found here:

Professional experience 

You may incur some relocation costs, depending on the location of your placement, although your employer may assist you with this. It will be necessary to sit examinations or make presentations at the University during this time which might require additional travel or accommodation expenses. Half of the annual tuition fee is chargeable for any student who undertakes a year-long placement.

“I believe I have probably spent less money this year than I did in previous years”

2011/12 third year industrial placement student