Sentence too short

Try combining these sentences to make a single sentence - in some sentences the link word is given to you..

We should all try our best to protect the environment. We can do this by planting trees and using public transport.
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Radio advertisements are broadcast daily or weekly. Radio advertisements reach a wide audience. (and)
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The city council conducted a study of public transportation. The study was lengthy. The study was detailed.
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The negotiators worked to gain approval for the contract. The negotiators worked at a steady pace. However, they worked slowly. (but)
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The two countries reached an agreement on trade policies. They then were able to complete their peace treaty. (after)
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The statistics in the proposal were inaccurate. It was this that made the proposal fail. (because)
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Equipment failures and labor strikes delayed the submarine's completion. Naval engineers continued the project. (although)
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Video game manufacturers plan to impose a rating system to indicate violence. The ratings system will be ineffectual without an accompanying plan for reinforcement. (unless)
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The author wanted people of all income levels to be able to read her book. To achieve this, she stipulated that the book be sold for under five dollars. (so that)
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The male hornbill builds a nest for his mate. He chooses a nest site that will protect her and her chicks from predators. (where)
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The program's format allows individual users to make changes. This can be done each time users encounter problems in implementing the program. (whenever)
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The beginner's manual contains few technical terms. However, the advanced manual contains several. (more ... than)
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Peter Tchaikowsky, a Russian composer, lived from 1840 to 1893. He composed 'Peter and the Wolf'. (who)
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Peter and the Wolf is often performed for audiences of children. The composition uses different instruments to represent different characters. (which)
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The judges scored the performances using a new set of standards. This different method of scoring resulted in unanticipated victories for several new competitors. (which)
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A press conference is an ideal place to find out information. Many journalists meet, discuss, and question current political issues at a press conference. (where)
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