Research Training

It is important that you undertake appropriate research training to help you complete your thesis successfully and in good time. The College is fully committed to research training that is relevant, useful and which contributes to positive outcomes for its students, not least in enhancing your post-thesis employability. 

As a Humanities research student at Exeter, you have access to a range of training and development opportunities to help you get the best out of your research and develop professionally. Training and professional development should be tailored to the individual student and be appropriate for the path of the individual research project. We don’t consider the development of skills to be a separate process from your research practice – it should support and enhance it. 

Each new student should discuss and agree their training needs at their first supervisory team meeting by completing the online Training Needs Analysis form. It is important to identify with your supervisor any specific research training modules which you should follow, and whether any language training is necessary for your research at an early stage. If there are any training needs that cannot be met through the Researcher Development provision or within your discipline, you must notify the Humanities PGR Support team as soon as possible. 

Training for PGR students is provided both within the College of Humanities and through the University’s Researcher Development Programme. The Researcher Development team have listed recommended training for each year of study; this is only indicative and should be used as a guide for discussion. 

All students are required to complete the Training Needs Analysis Form following discussion with your supervisory team and upload it to MyPGR within the first 6 weeks of study and then annually thereafter. On completion of the online form your responses will be emailed to you and you should then upload the document to MyPGR. 

During the academic year, the College will organise training events and seminars that complement your research and future career planning.  Further details will be circulated via email and posted on the PGR SharePoint

A range of training in research methods is also available through the auditing of masters level modules offered within the College.  These are likely to be especially useful as a source of discipline-related training. Elements from these should be selected as appropriate to complement and complete the student’s training.   Following consultation with their supervisors, students should contact module tutors to arrange attendance.   Attendance on modules is at the discretion of the module tutor concerned. 

Attendance and participation at departmental research seminars is another important element of training for all PhD students. Please see the College’s Events webpage for further details.   

The College also strongly encourages you to attend relevant sessions that are run as part of the University-wide Researcher Development Programme.