Reception and Performance of Classical Drama in Early Modern England

University of Exeter- 19 and 20 June 2014

This conference aims to bring together scholars from English, History and Classics to discuss the various ways in which classical drama was utilised throughout the early modern period. What was the social and moral value of studying ancient dramas and how were they applicable to the political and economic structures in England between 1450 and 1700? Was England unique in the reception of performance of classical drama? How does the reception of ancient Greek and Roman tragedy and comedy in England differ from the wider European context? Discussions will not be limited to the performance of classical dramas either in the original or in the vernacular – broader questions relating to the influence of humanism and the synthesis between classical and native dramatic traditions are also welcome.

Possible topics for discussion might include:

• Humanism and the value of classical drama as part of the English grammar school curriculum
• Classical drama in the Universities and Inns of Court
• Performance of classical dramas in noble households and at court
• The use of classical models for popular audiences- The synthesis between the classical and the popular traditions
• Classical drama and religion- What was the relationship between religious change and the use of classical paradigms on the English stage?
• The translation and transmission of classical dramas
• The relationship between drama and rhetoric

Keynote Speaker

Dr Sarah Knight - University of Leicester, speaking on the subject of: 'Renaissance Drama and the Ars Historica

Registration is now open

Information For Delegates

Reception and Performance of Classical Drama Timetable

Travel and accommodation 

Whilst the deadline for submitting an abstract has now closed.  If you interested in presenting a paper, please email.