Safety in the laboratory

  1. Follow all guidelines given by staff.
  2. If you have an accident, report it immediately to the member of staff in charge;
  3. Make sure you know the location of fire extinguishers and emergency fire exits, and that you know the fire drill (see fire regulations). There will be a fire practice during the first few weeks of the first term.
  4. Always wear a clean laboratory coat; put it on as soon as you enter the lab. You may be asked to leave a practical if you do not have a lab coat. A lab coat will be provided for you at the start of your studies.
  5. Do not eat, drink or chew gum in the laboratories, and do not pipette anything by mouth.
  6. Wear safety glasses - essential when handling acids, alkalis, corrosive solutions and microbiological suspensions.
  7. Do not wear sandals or shoes with an open-toe in the laboratory.
  8. Check that all apparatus is turned off before leaving the lab.
  9. You are strongly advised to have yourself immunised against tetanus in case of accidents in the laboratory and in the field.