Submission of coursework and BART

Assessed coursework must NOT be handed in by any other method than that specified above unless alternative arrangements are clearly specified by the member of staff setting the work (e.g. class tests, work exempted from anonymity or electronic submissions).

Coursework contributing to assessment is to be handed in with the Assignment Cover Sheet downloaded from BART. The form contains an individual barcode for each student, therefore it is essential that each student accesses their own records in BART for this purpose.

Work submitted without the cover sheet, or using an incorrect cover sheet may be treated as a late submission or a non-submission.

Students are expected to download relevant assignment cover sheets in good time to meet the submission deadline for any assignment. Students should note that the individual assignment cover sheets available to them via BART depend on the module registration record for a student, and as such the Natural Sciences records need to be accurate concerning module enrolment. It is the responsibility of a student to ensure that the records are correct in this respect, and that the Student Office is promptly informed of any change to module registration via the programme/module change form.

The assignment cover sheet includes a statement indicating that in submitting the work the student is declaring that the work is their own. Students are reminded of the serious view that is taken of instances of plagiarism, cheating or obtaining unfair advantage in coursework contributing to the assessment of a module, and that such cases will be dealt with firmly as set out in the relevant University procedures.

Some modules will also require submission of written work via Turnitin, en electronic system which detects plagiarism. Turnitin is accessible via ELE and where you are required to submit work in this way guidance will be given. Turnitin submissions will not replace submission via BART but will be in addition to BART submission.

You should submit to Turnitin first in order to obtain your Turnitin reference number, which you will need to enter on BART. Please note however that if you submit late to BART, even if you submitted on time to Turnitin, this will be counted as late. Please remember therefore to leave plenty of time to submit.

Repeated non-submission or late submission of coursework will be noted and personal tutors and programme coordinators will be informed. They will take appropriate action which may result in a formal Natural Sciences or College warning.

Important Notes:

  • You may submit work earlier than the deadline
  • The final deadline for all work is before 12:00 mid-day on the given date. Any work scanned in after the deadline will be automatically marked late
  • It will not be possible to submit work without a BART cover sheet
  • There WILL be queues at 12:00. Please hand in well before the deadline. Any work scanned after 12:00 will be marked LATE by the computer. Please do not wait until the last minute to hand in.

Late submission & mitigation