Oral presentation marking criteria


 1  90-100 An outstanding presentation:  Main points of scientific content identified and very clearly presented. Appropriate level of detail and pace of delivery enhances audience experience. Visual aids very helpful. Articulate delivery with satisfactory timekeeping. Evidence of flair and originality in mode of presentation. Difficult to imagine how the presentation could be improved.
 1  80-89 An excellent presentation:  Main points of scientific content identified and very clearly presented. Appropriate level of detail and pace of delivery enhances audience experience. Visual aids very helpful. Articulate delivery with satisfactory timekeeping. Evidence of fair or originality in mode of presentation.
 1  70-79 A very good presentation:  Main points of scientific content identified and very clearly presented. Appropriate level of detail and pace of delivery enhances audience experience. Visual aids helpful. Very articulate delivery with satisfactory timekeeping.
 2.1  65-69 A good presentation:  Main points of scientific content identified and clearly presented. Appropriate level of detail and pace of delivery does not impede assimilation by audience. Visual aids helpful. Articulate delivery with satisfactory timekeeping.
 2.1  60-64 A fairly good presentation:  Main points of scientific content identified and clearly presented. Chosen level of detail and / or pace of delivery may slightly impede assimilation by audience. Visual aids helpful, perhaps with minor flaws. Fairly articulate delivery with satisfactory timekeeping.
 2.2  55-59 A pedestrian presentation:  Distinction between major and minor points of scientific content not completely clear. Flaws in one or perhaps two of the following attributes that detract from assimilation by audience:  level of detail; pace of delivery; visual aids; articulacy; timekeeping.
 2.2  50-54 A weak presentation:   Requires significant work by the listener to abstract main scientific content. Flaws in several of the following attributes that detract from assimilation by audience:  level of detail; pace of delivery; visual aids; articulacy; timekeeping.
 3  45-49 A poor answer:  Poor choice of content, delivery, or visual aids; alternatively, some aspect of the presentation that significantly hinders the listener in appreciating scientific content.
 3 40-44 A very poor presentation:  Presenter failed to articulate important aspects of scientific content. Clear inadequacy in one or perhaps two of the following attributes that detract from assimilation by audience:  level of detail; pace of delivery; visual aids; articulacy; timekeeping.
 Pass 35-39

Extremely poor:  Presenter failed generally to articulate scientific content. but some successful communication evident. Clear inadequacy in several of the following attributes that detract from assimilation by audience:  level of detail; pace of delivery; visual aids; articulacy; timekeeping.

Fail 25-34

Clear Fail:  Presenter failed generally to articulate scientific content. Evidence that an attempt has been made to plan and prepare a presentation.

Fail 15-24

Poor Fail:  Presenter failed generally to articulate scientific content. Evidence that some attempt has been made to plan and prepare certain aspects of the presentation.

Fail 0-14 Very Poor Fail:  Presenter failed generally to articulate scientific content. Little or no evidence of any attempt to prepare a presentation.

 Oral presentation:  feedback sheet (link)