• Electronic submission
  • BART

Electronic submission

Where electronic submission is required by the member of staff setting the work it will normal be done by one of the two methods listed below:

The Harrison building anonymous electronic submission system

Multiple files must be zipped before submission. It is possible to de-submit a file submitted in error. Whenever you interact with this system to make a submission or de-submission, you will receive an email indicating the temporary acceptance of your request. It will give you instructions to enable you to confirm your request. You will need to follow the link within the message before midnight in order to have the action completed. Your work will be stored to be identified only by your examination candidate number. There is no cover sheet involved. Late work can be submitted electronically up to 14 days after the due date and will be automatically marked as late. The file limit for submission to this site is 20Mb.

Exeter Learning Environment (ELE)

Your module convenor may request for you to submit coursework through ELE, and will inform you of the process to do so.

In other respects the same rules regarding late work, plagiarism and mitigation apply as for work submitted through any other method.